
Version 3 (modified by sgupta, 17 years ago) (diff)


Radio Controller API

The Radio Controller is a driver that enables the use of the Radio Boards. The full driver source code is in the repository at

Global defines

RADIO1_ADDR: Apply function to radio in slot 1.

RADIO2_ADDR: Apply function to radio in slot 2.

RADIO3_ADDR: Apply function to radio in slot 3.

RADIO4_ADDR: Apply function to radio in slot 4.

ICHAN: Apply function to one of the channel A of DAC or ADC.

QCHAN: Apply function to one of the channel B of DAC or ADC.

WARP_SUCCESS: Return value when function applied without errors.

INVALID_GAIN: Return value when given gain values for functions to apply gains are invalid.

INVALID_FREQ: Return value when functions to select center frequency was given an invalid frequency set.

INVALID_MODE: Return value when functions to select a mode were given an invalid mode value.


!WarpRadio_v1_Reset(baseaddress): Resets and initializes the board to its default state.

!WarpRadio_v1_TxEnable(radios): Enable transmit on radios. Triggers Transmit State Machine. Forcibly turns of receive enable.

!WarpRadio_v1_RxEnable(radios): Enable receive on radios. Forcibly turn off transmit enable.

!WarpRadio_v1_TxRxDisable(radios): Put radios into standby state.

!WarpRadio_v1_SetCenterFreq2GHz(freqset,radios): Set center frequency of radios to freqset.

!WarpRadio_v1_DIPSW(radio): Read DIPSW of radio.

!WarpRadio_v1_DACOffsetAdj(chan,value,radios): Set the DC offset of ICHAN or QCHAN to value of the DACs on radios.