%------------------------------------------------------------------------- % WARPLab Framework % % Copyright 2013, Mango Communications. All rights reserved. % Distributed under the WARP license (http://warpproject.org/license) % % Chris Hunter (chunter [at] mangocomm.com) % Patrick Murphy (murphpo [at] mangocomm.com) % Erik Welsh (welsh [at] mangocomm.com) %------------------------------------------------------------------------- classdef wl_transport_eth_udp_mex < wl_transport & handle_light % Mex physical layer Ethernet UDP Transport for unicast traffic % User code should not use this object directly-- the parent wl_node will % instantiate the appropriate transport object for the hardware in use %******************************** Properties ********************************** properties (SetAccess = public) timeout; % Maximum time spent waiting before retransmission end properties (SetAccess = protected, Hidden = true) sock; % UDP socket status; % Status of UDP socket maxSamples; % Maximum number of samples able to be transmitted (based on maxPayload) maxPayload; % Maximum payload size (e.g. MTU - ETH/IP/UDP headers) end properties (SetAccess = protected) address; % IP address of destination port; % Port of destination end properties (SetAccess = public) hdr; % Transport header object rxBufferSize; % OS's receive buffer size in bytes end properties(Hidden = true, Constant = true) % These constants define specific command IDs used by this object. % Their C counterparts are found in wl_transport.h GRP = 'transport'; CMD_PING = 1; % 0x000001 CMD_PAYLOADSIZETEST = 2; % 0x000002 CMD_NODEGRPID_ADD = 16; % 0x000010 CMD_NODEGRPID_CLEAR = 17; % 0x000011 TRANSPORT_NOT_READY_MAX_RETRY = 50; TRANSPORT_NOT_READY_WAIT_TIME = 0.1; REQUIRED_MEX_VERSION = '1.0.4a'; % Must match version in MEX transport end %********************************* Methods ************************************ methods function obj = wl_transport_eth_udp_mex() obj.hdr = wl_transport_header; obj.hdr.pktType = obj.hdr.PKTTYPE_HTON_MSG; obj.status = 0; obj.timeout = 1; obj.maxPayload = 1000; % Sane default. This gets overwritten by CMD_PAYLOADSIZETEST command. obj.port = 0; obj.address = ''; obj.checkSetup(); end function checkSetup(obj) % Check to make sure wl_mex_udp_transport exists and is is configured % temp = which('wl_mex_udp_transport'); if(isempty(temp)) error('wl_transport_eth_udp_mex:constructor', 'WARPLab Mex UDP transport not found in Matlab''s path'); elseif(strcmp(temp((end-length(mexext)+1):end ), mexext) == 0) error('wl_transport_eth_udp_mex:constructor', 'WARPLab Mex UDP transport found, but it is not a compiled mex file'); end version = wl_mex_udp_transport('version'); version = sscanf(version, '%d.%d.%d%c'); version_req = sscanf(obj.REQUIRED_MEX_VERSION, '%d.%d.%d%c'); % Version must match required version if(~(version(1) == version_req(1) && version(2) == version_req(2) && version(3) == version_req(3) && version(4) >= version_req(4))) version = wl_mex_udp_transport('version'); version_req = obj.REQUIRED_MEX_VERSION; error('wl_transport_eth_udp_mex:constructor', 'MEX transport version mismatch.\nRequires version %s, found version %s', version_req, version); end end function setMaxPayload(obj, value) if (isempty(value)) error('wl_transport_eth_udp_mex:setMaxPayload', 'setMaxPayload requires a non-empty argument.'); else obj.maxPayload = value; % Compute the maximum number of samples in each Ethernet packet % - Start with maxPayload is the max number of bytes per packet (nominally the Ethernet MTU) % - Subtract sizes of the transport header, command header and samples header % - Due to DMA alignment issues in the node, the max samples must be 4 sample aligned. obj.maxSamples = double(bitand(((floor(double(obj.maxPayload)/4) - sizeof(obj.hdr)/4 - sizeof(wl_cmd)/4) - (sizeof(wl_samples)/4)), 4294967292)); % fprintf('Max samples: %d\n', obj.maxSamples); end end function out = getMaxPayload(obj) out = double(obj.maxPayload); end function setAddress(obj, value) if(ischar(value)) obj.address = value; else obj.address = obj.int2IP(value); end end function out = getAddress(obj) out = obj.address; end function setPort(obj, value) obj.port = value; end function out = getPort(obj) out = obj.port; end function open(obj,varargin) % varargin{1}: (optional) IP address % varargin{2}: (optional) port % if(nargin==3) obj.setAddress(varargin{1}); obj.port = varargin{2}; end REQUESTED_BUF_SIZE = 2^22; % Call to 'init_sockets' will internally call setReuseAddress and setBroadcast obj.sock = wl_mex_udp_transport('init_socket'); wl_mex_udp_transport('set_so_timeout', obj.sock, 1); wl_mex_udp_transport('set_send_buf_size', obj.sock, REQUESTED_BUF_SIZE); wl_mex_udp_transport('set_rcvd_buf_size', obj.sock, REQUESTED_BUF_SIZE); x = wl_mex_udp_transport('get_rcvd_buf_size', obj.sock); obj.rxBufferSize = x; if(x < REQUESTED_BUF_SIZE) fprintf('OS reduced recv buffer size to %d\n', x); end obj.status = 1; end function out = procCmd(obj,nodeInd,node,cmdStr,varargin) % wl_node procCmd(obj, nodeInd, node, varargin) % obj: Node object (when called using dot notation) % nodeInd: Index of the current node, when wl_node is iterating over nodes % node: Current node object % cmdStr: Command string of the interface command % varargin: % [1:N} Command arguments % out = []; cmdStr = lower(cmdStr); switch(cmdStr) %--------------------------------------------------------- case 'ping' % Test to make sure node can be accessed via this % transport % % Arguments: none % Returns: true if board responds; raises error otherwise % myCmd = wl_cmd(node.calcCmd(obj.GRP,obj.CMD_PING)); node.sendCmd(myCmd); out = true; % sendCmd will timeout and raise error if board doesn't respond %--------------------------------------------------------- case 'payload_size_test' % Determine objects maxPayload parameter % % Arguments: none % Returns: none % configFile = which('wl_config.ini'); if(isempty(configFile)) error('cannot find wl_config.ini. please run wl_setup.m'); end readKeys = {'network', '', 'max_transport_payload_size', ''}; max_transport_payload_size = inifile(configFile, 'read', readKeys); max_transport_payload_size = str2num(max_transport_payload_size{1}); % Determine the payloads to test payloadTestSizes = []; for i = [1000 1470 5000 8966] if (i < max_transport_payload_size) payloadTestSizes = [payloadTestSizes, i]; end end payloadTestSizes = [payloadTestSizes, max_transport_payload_size]; % WARPLab Header is (see http://warpproject.org/trac/wiki/WARPLab/Reference/Architecture/WireFormat ): % - 2 byte pad % - Transport header % - Command header payloadTestSizes = floor((payloadTestSizes - (sizeof(node.transport.hdr) + sizeof(wl_cmd) + 2)) / 4); for index = 1:length(payloadTestSizes) myCmd = wl_cmd(node.calcCmd(obj.GRP,obj.CMD_PAYLOADSIZETEST)); myCmd.addArgs(1:payloadTestSizes(index)); try resp = node.sendCmd(myCmd); obj.setMaxPayload(resp.getArgs); if(obj.getMaxPayload() < (payloadTestSizes(index) * 4)) break; end catch ME break end end %--------------------------------------------------------- case 'add_node_group_id' % Adds a Node Group ID to the node so that it can % process broadcast commands that are received from % that node group. % % Arguments: (uint32 NODE_GRP_ID) % Returns: none % % NODE_GRP_ID: ID provided by wl_node_grp % myCmd = wl_cmd(node.calcCmd(obj.GRP, obj.CMD_NODEGRPID_ADD)); myCmd.addArgs(varargin{1}); node.sendCmd(myCmd); %--------------------------------------------------------- case 'clear_node_group_id' % Clears a Node Group ID from the node so it can ignore % broadcast commands that are received from that node % group. % % Arguments: (uint32 NODE_GRP_ID) % Returns: none % % NODE_GRP_ID: ID provided by wl_node_grp % myCmd = wl_cmd(node.calcCmd(obj.GRP, obj.CMD_NODEGRPID_CLEAR)); myCmd.addArgs(varargin{1}); node.sendCmd(myCmd); %--------------------------------------------------------- otherwise error('unknown command ''%s''',cmdStr); end if((iscell(out) == 0) && (numel(out) ~= 1)) out = {out}; end end function close(obj) if(~isempty(obj.sock)) try wl_mex_udp_transport('close', obj.sock); catch closeError warning( 'Error closing socket; mex error was %s', closeError.message) end end obj.status=0; end function delete(obj) obj.close(); end function flush(obj) % Currently not implemented end end % methods methods (Hidden = true) function reply = send(obj, send_data, response, varargin) % send_data : Data to be sent to the node % response : Does the transmission require a response from the node % varargin{1}: (optional) % - increment the transport header; defaults to true if not specified % % Initialize variables maxAttempts = 2; % Maximum times the transport will re-try a packet payload = uint32(send_data); % Change data to 32 bit unsigned integers for transmit obj.hdr.msgLength = ((length(payload)) * 4); % Length in bytes (4 bytes / sample) reply = []; % Initialize array for response from the node robust = response; % Process command line arguments increment_hdr = true; if (nargin == 4) increment_hdr = varargin{1}; end % Set the appropriate flags in the header if(robust) obj.hdr.flags = bitset(obj.hdr.flags, 1, 1); else obj.hdr.flags = bitset(obj.hdr.flags, 1, 0); end % Increment the header and serialize all the data into a uint32 array if (increment_hdr) obj.hdr.increment; end % Format the data / address arguments for transmission data = [obj.hdr.serialize, payload]; % Get a unified array with the header and data data8 = [zeros(1,2,'uint8') typecast(swapbytes(uint32(data)), 'uint8')]; % Change to uint8 and pad by 2 bytes so payload is 32 bit aligned w/ Eth header % Send the packet size = wl_mex_udp_transport('send', obj.sock, data8, length(data8), obj.address, obj.port); % Wait to receive reply from the board if(robust == 1) MAX_PKT_LEN = obj.getMaxPayload() + 100; hdr_length = obj.hdr.length; currTx = 1; numWaitRetries = 0; receivedResponse = 0; currTime = tic; while (receivedResponse == 0) try [recv_len, recv_data8] = wl_mex_udp_transport('receive', obj.sock, MAX_PKT_LEN); catch receiveError error('%s.m -- Failed to receive UDP packet.\nMEX transport error message follows:\n %s\n', mfilename, receiveError.message); end % If we have a packet, then process the contents if(recv_len > 0) reply8 = [recv_data8(3:recv_len) zeros(mod(-(recv_len - 2), 4), 1, 'uint8')]; reply = swapbytes(typecast(reply8, 'uint32')); % Check the header to see if this was a valid reply if(obj.hdr.isReply(reply(1:hdr_length))) % Check the header to see if we need to wait for the node to be ready if (obj.hdr.isNodeReady(reply(1:hdr_length))) % Strip off transport header to give response to caller reply = reply((hdr_length + 1):end); if(isempty(reply)) reply = []; end receivedResponse = 1; else % Node is not ready; Wait and try again pause(obj.TRANSPORT_NOT_READY_WAIT_TIME); numWaitRetries = numWaitRetries + 1; % Send packet packet again obj.sock.send(pkt_send); % Check that we have not spent a "long time" waiting for samples to be ready if (numWaitRetries > obj.TRANSPORT_NOT_READY_MAX_RETRY) error('wl_transport_eth_mex:send:isReady', 'Error: Timeout waiting for node to be ready. Please check the node operation.'); end reply = []; end end end % Look for timeout if ((toc(currTime) > obj.timeout) && (receivedResponse == 0)) if(currTx == maxAttempts) error('wl_transport_eth_mex:send:noReply', 'maximum number of retransmissions met without reply from node'); end % Retry the packet size = wl_mex_udp_transport('send', obj.sock, data8, length(data8), obj.address, obj.port); currTx = currTx + 1; currTime = tic; end end end end function resp = receive(obj) % Receive all packets from the Ethernet interface and pass array % of valid responses to the caller. % % NOTE: This function will strip off the transport header from the responses % NOTE: This function is non-blocking and will return an empty response if % there are no packets available. % % Initialize variables MAX_PKT_LEN = obj.getMaxPayload() + 100; hdr_length = obj.hdr.length; done = false; resp = []; while ~done try [recv_len, recv_data8] = wl_mex_udp_transport('receive', obj.sock, MAX_PKT_LEN); catch receiveError error('%s.m -- Failed to receive UDP packet.\nMEX transport error message follows:\n %s\n', mfilename, receiveError.message); end if(recv_len > 0) reply8 = [recv_data8(3:recv_len) zeros(mod(-(recv_len - 2), 4), 1, 'uint8')].'; reply = swapbytes(typecast(reply8, 'uint32')); if(obj.hdr.isReply(reply(1:hdr_length))) % Strip off transport header to give response to caller reply = reply((hdr_length + 1):end); if(isempty(reply)) reply = []; end resp = [resp, reply]; done = true; end else done = true; end end end function dottedIPout = int2IP(obj,intIn) addrChars(4) = mod(intIn, 2^8); addrChars(3) = mod(bitshift(intIn, -8), 2^8); addrChars(2) = mod(bitshift(intIn, -16), 2^8); addrChars(1) = mod(bitshift(intIn, -24), 2^8); dottedIPout = sprintf('%d.%d.%d.%d', addrChars); end function intOut = IP2int(obj,dottedIP) addrChars = sscanf(dottedIP, '%d.%d.%d.%d')'; intOut = 2^0 * addrChars(4) + 2^8 * addrChars(3) + 2^16 * addrChars(2) + 2^24 * addrChars(1); end function reply = print_cmd(obj, type, num_samples, start_sample, buffer_ids, command) fprintf('Command: %s \n', type); fprintf(' # samples = %d start sample = %d \n', num_samples, start_sample); fprintf(' buffer IDs = '); for index = 1:length(buffer_ids) fprintf('%d ', buffer_ids(index)); end fprintf('\n Command (%d bytes): ', length(command) ); for index = 1:length(command) switch(index) case 1 fprintf('\n Padding : '); case 3 fprintf('\n Dest ID : '); case 5 fprintf('\n Src ID : '); case 7 fprintf('\n Rsvd : '); case 8 fprintf('\n Pkt Type : '); case 9 fprintf('\n Length : '); case 11 fprintf('\n Seq Num : '); case 13 fprintf('\n Flags : '); case 15 fprintf('\n Command : '); case 19 fprintf('\n Length : '); case 21 fprintf('\n # Args : '); case 23 fprintf('\n Args : '); otherwise if ( index > 23 ) if ( ( mod( index + 1, 4 ) == 0 ) && not( index == length(command) ) ) fprintf('\n '); end end end fprintf('%2x ', command(index) ); end fprintf('\n\n'); reply = 0; end %----------------------------------------------------------------- % read_buffers % Command to utilize additional functionality in the wl_mex_udp_transport C code in order to % speed up processing of 'readIQ' and 'readRSSI' commands % % Supports the following calling conventions: % - start_sample -> must be a single value % - num_samples -> must be a single value % - buffer_ids -> Can be a vector of single RF interfaces % function reply = read_buffers(obj, func, num_samples, buffer_ids, start_sample, seq_num_tracker, seq_num_match_severity, node_id_str, wl_command, input_type) % func : Function within read_buffers to call % number_samples : Number of samples requested % buffer_ids : Array of Buffer IDs % start_sample : Start sample % seq_num_tracker : Sequence number tracker % seq_num_match_severity : Severity of message when sequence numbers match on reads % node_id_str : String representation of Node ID % wl_command : Ethernet WARPLab command % input_type : Type of sample array: % 0 ==> 'double' % 1 ==> 'single' % 2 ==> 'int16' % 3 ==> 'raw' % Get the lowercase version of the function func = lower(func); % Calculate how many transport packets are required numPktsRequired = ceil(double(num_samples)/double(obj.maxSamples)); % Arguments for the command will be set in the MEX function since it is faster % wl_command.setArgs(buffer_id, start_sample, num_samples, obj.maxSamples * 4, numPktsRequired); % Construct the minimal WARPLab command that will be used used to get the samples % NOTE: Since we did not add the arguments of the command thru setArgs, we need to pad the structure so that % the proper amount of memory is allocated to be available to the MEX payload = uint32( wl_command.serialize() ); % Convert command to uint32 cmd_args_pad = uint32( zeros(1, 5) ); % Padding for command args obj.hdr.flags = bitset(obj.hdr.flags,1,0); % We do not need a response for the sent command obj.hdr.msgLength = ( ( length( payload ) ) + 5) * 4; % Length in bytes data = [obj.hdr.serialize, payload, cmd_args_pad]; data8 = [zeros(1,2,'uint8') typecast(swapbytes(uint32(data)), 'uint8')]; % Pass all of the command arguments down to MEX switch(func) case 'iq' % Calls the MEX read_iq command % % obj.print_cmd('READ_IQ', num_samples, start_sample, buffer_ids, data8); [num_rcvd_samples, cmds_used, rx_samples] = wl_mex_udp_transport('read_iq', obj.sock, data8, length(data8), obj.address, obj.port, num_samples, buffer_ids, start_sample, obj.maxSamples * 4, numPktsRequired, input_type, seq_num_tracker, seq_num_match_severity, node_id_str); % Code to test higher level matlab code without invoking the MEX transport % % rx_samples = zeros( num_samples, 1 ); % cmds_used = 0; case 'rssi' % Calls the MEX read_rssi command % % obj.print_cmd('READ_RSSI', num_samples, start_sample, buffer_ids, data8); [num_rcvd_samples, cmds_used, rx_samples] = wl_mex_udp_transport('read_rssi', obj.sock, data8, length(data8), obj.address, obj.port, num_samples, buffer_ids, start_sample, obj.maxSamples * 4, numPktsRequired, input_type, seq_num_tracker, seq_num_match_severity, node_id_str); % Code to test higher level matlab code without invoking the MEX transport % % rx_samples = zeros( num_samples * 2, 1 ); % cmds_used = 0; otherwise error('unknown command ''%s''', cmdStr); end obj.hdr.increment(cmds_used); reply = rx_samples; end %----------------------------------------------------------------- % write_buffers % Command to utilize additional functionality in the wl_mex_udp_transport C code in order to % speed up processing of 'writeIQ' commands % function reply = write_buffers(obj, func, num_samples, samples, buffer_ids, start_sample, hw_ver, wl_command, check_chksum, input_type) % func : Function within read_buffers to call % number_samples : Number of samples requested % samples : Array of IQ samples % buffer_ids : Array of Buffer IDs % start_sample : Start sample % hw_ver : Hardware version of the Node % wl_command : Ethernet WARPLab command % check_chksum : Perform the WriteIQ checksum check inside the function % input_type : Type of sample array: % 0 ==> 'double' % 1 ==> 'single' % 2 ==> 'int16' % 3 ==> 'raw' % Calculate how many transport packets are required num_pkts_required = ceil(double(num_samples)/double(obj.maxSamples)); % Construct the WARPLab command that will be used used to write the samples payload = uint32( wl_command.serialize() ); % Convert command to uint32 obj.hdr.flags = bitset(obj.hdr.flags,1,0); % We do not need a response for the sent command obj.hdr.msgLength = ( length( payload ) ) * 4; % Length in bytes data = [obj.hdr.serialize, payload]; data8 = [zeros(1,2,'uint8') typecast(swapbytes(uint32(data)), 'uint8')]; socket = obj.sock; address = obj.address; port = obj.port; max_payload = obj.getMaxPayload(); max_samples = obj.maxSamples; func = lower(func); switch(func) case 'iq' % Calls the MEX read_iq command % [cmds_used, checksum] = wl_mex_udp_transport('write_iq', socket, data8, max_payload, address, port, num_samples, samples, buffer_ids, start_sample, num_pkts_required, max_samples, hw_ver, check_chksum, input_type); % Increment the transport header by cmds_used (ie number of commands used obj.hdr.increment(cmds_used); % Record the checksum for that Write IQ reply = checksum; otherwise error('unknown command ''%s''',cmdStr); end reply = checksum; end end end % classdef