Model { Name "wlan_agc" Version 7.8 MdlSubVersion 0 GraphicalInterface { NumRootInports 0 NumRootOutports 0 ParameterArgumentNames "" ComputedModelVersion "1.23" NumModelReferences 0 NumTestPointedSignals 0 } SavedCharacterEncoding "windows-1252" PostLoadFcn "wlan_agc_init" SaveDefaultBlockParams on ScopeRefreshTime 0.035000 OverrideScopeRefreshTime on DisableAllScopes off DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings" DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes" MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings" MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite" FPTRunName "Run 1" MaxMDLFileLineLength 120 InitFcn "wlan_agc_init" StartFcn "wlan_agc_init" Created "Fri Jan 15 16:22:11 2016" Creator "murphpo" UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever" ModifiedByFormat "%" LastModifiedBy "murphpo" ModifiedDateFormat "%" LastModifiedDate "Thu Nov 30 22:03:58 2017" RTWModifiedTimeStamp 433979808 ModelVersionFormat "1.%" ConfigurationManager "None" SampleTimeColors off SampleTimeAnnotations off LibraryLinkDisplay "disabled" WideLines off ShowLineDimensions off ShowPortDataTypes on ShowDesignRanges off ShowLoopsOnError on IgnoreBidirectionalLines off ShowStorageClass off ShowTestPointIcons on ShowSignalResolutionIcons on ShowViewerIcons on SortedOrder off ExecutionContextIcon off ShowLinearizationAnnotations on BlockNameDataTip off BlockParametersDataTip off BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off ToolBar on StatusBar on BrowserShowLibraryLinks off BrowserLookUnderMasks off SimulationMode "normal" LinearizationMsg "none" Profile off ParamWorkspaceSource "MATLABWorkspace" AccelSystemTargetFile "accel.tlc" AccelTemplateMakefile "accel_default_tmf" AccelMakeCommand "make_rtw" TryForcingSFcnDF off Object { $PropName "DataLoggingOverride" $ObjectID 1 $ClassName "Simulink.SimulationData.ModelLoggingInfo" model_ "wlan_agc" overrideMode_ [0.0] Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 1 Cell "wlan_agc" PropName "logAsSpecifiedByModels_" } Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 1 Cell [] PropName "logAsSpecifiedByModelsSSIDs_" } } RecordCoverage off CovPath "/" CovSaveName "covdata" CovMetricSettings "dw" CovNameIncrementing off CovHtmlReporting on CovForceBlockReductionOff on covSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on CovCumulativeVarName "covCumulativeData" CovCumulativeReport off CovReportOnPause on CovModelRefEnable "Off" CovExternalEMLEnable off ExtModeBatchMode off ExtModeEnableFloating on ExtModeTrigType "manual" ExtModeTrigMode "normal" ExtModeTrigPort "1" ExtModeTrigElement "any" ExtModeTrigDuration 1000 ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto" ExtModeTrigHoldOff 0 ExtModeTrigDelay 0 ExtModeTrigDirection "rising" ExtModeTrigLevel 0 ExtModeArchiveMode "off" ExtModeAutoIncOneShot off ExtModeIncDirWhenArm off ExtModeAddSuffixToVar off ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off ExtModeArmWhenConnect on ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off ExtModeLogAll on ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on BufferReuse on ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off Array { Type "Handle" Dimension 1 Simulink.ConfigSet { $ObjectID 2 Version "1.11.1" Array { Type "Handle" Dimension 8 Simulink.SolverCC { $ObjectID 3 Version "1.11.1" StartTime "0.0" StopTime "5e4" AbsTol "auto" FixedStep "auto" InitialStep "auto" MaxNumMinSteps "-1" MaxOrder 5 ZcThreshold "auto" ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps" MaxConsecutiveZCs "1000" ExtrapolationOrder 4 NumberNewtonIterations 1 MaxStep "auto" MinStep "auto" MaxConsecutiveMinStep "1" RelTol "1e-3" SolverMode "SingleTasking" ConcurrentTasks off Solver "VariableStepDiscrete" SolverName "VariableStepDiscrete" SolverJacobianMethodControl "auto" ShapePreserveControl "DisableAll" ZeroCrossControl "UseLocalSettings" ZeroCrossAlgorithm "Nonadaptive" AlgebraicLoopSolver "TrustRegion" SolverResetMethod "Fast" PositivePriorityOrder off AutoInsertRateTranBlk off SampleTimeConstraint "Unconstrained" InsertRTBMode "Whenever possible" } Simulink.DataIOCC { $ObjectID 4 Version "1.11.1" Decimation "1" ExternalInput "[t, u]" FinalStateName "xFinal" InitialState "xInitial" LimitDataPoints on MaxDataPoints "1000" LoadExternalInput off LoadInitialState off SaveFinalState off SaveCompleteFinalSimState off SaveFormat "Array" SignalLoggingSaveFormat "ModelDataLogs" SaveOutput on SaveState off SignalLogging on DSMLogging on InspectSignalLogs off SaveTime on ReturnWorkspaceOutputs off StateSaveName "xout" TimeSaveName "tout" OutputSaveName "yout" SignalLoggingName "logsout" DSMLoggingName "dsmout" OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes" OutputTimes "[]" ReturnWorkspaceOutputsName "out" Refine "1" } Simulink.OptimizationCC { $ObjectID 5 Version "1.11.1" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 8 Cell "BooleansAsBitfields" Cell "PassReuseOutputArgsAs" Cell "PassReuseOutputArgsThreshold" Cell "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup" Cell "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup" Cell "OptimizeModelRefInitCode" Cell "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection" Cell "UseSpecifiedMinMax" PropName "DisabledProps" } BlockReduction on BooleanDataType on ConditionallyExecuteInputs on InlineParams on UseIntDivNetSlope off UseFloatMulNetSlope off UseSpecifiedMinMax off InlineInvariantSignals off OptimizeBlockIOStorage on BufferReuse on EnhancedBackFolding off StrengthReduction off ExpressionFolding on BooleansAsBitfields off BitfieldContainerType "uint_T" EnableMemcpy on MemcpyThreshold 64 PassReuseOutputArgsAs "Structure reference" ExpressionDepthLimit 2147483647 FoldNonRolledExpr on LocalBlockOutputs on RollThreshold 5 SystemCodeInlineAuto off StateBitsets off DataBitsets off UseTempVars off ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on InitFltsAndDblsToZero off NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off EfficientFloat2IntCast off EfficientMapNaN2IntZero on OptimizeModelRefInitCode off LifeSpan "inf" MaxStackSize "Inherit from target" BufferReusableBoundary on SimCompilerOptimization "Off" AccelVerboseBuild off AccelParallelForEachSubsystem on } Simulink.DebuggingCC { $ObjectID 6 Version "1.11.1" RTPrefix "error" ConsistencyChecking "none" ArrayBoundsChecking "none" SignalInfNanChecking "none" SignalRangeChecking "none" ReadBeforeWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings" WriteAfterWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings" WriteAfterReadMsg "UseLocalSettings" AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning" ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning" SaveWithDisabledLinksMsg "warning" SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg "warning" CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on UnderspecifiedInitializationDetection "Classic" MergeDetectMultiDrivingBlocksExec "none" CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off SignalResolutionControl "UseLocalSettings" BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning" MinStepSizeMsg "warning" TimeAdjustmentMsg "none" MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg "error" MaskedZcDiagnostic "warning" IgnoredZcDiagnostic "warning" SolverPrmCheckMsg "warning" InheritedTsInSrcMsg "warning" DiscreteInheritContinuousMsg "warning" MultiTaskDSMMsg "error" MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "error" MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error" SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none" TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning" SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning" CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none" IntegerOverflowMsg "warning" Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning" ParameterDowncastMsg "error" ParameterOverflowMsg "error" ParameterUnderflowMsg "none" ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning" ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning" FixptConstUnderflowMsg "none" FixptConstOverflowMsg "none" FixptConstPrecisionLossMsg "none" UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none" UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none" VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none" InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error" FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "Enable All" SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none" UnconnectedInputMsg "none" UnconnectedOutputMsg "none" UnconnectedLineMsg "none" SFcnCompatibilityMsg "none" FrameProcessingCompatibilityMsg "warning" UniqueDataStoreMsg "none" BusObjectLabelMismatch "warning" RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning" AssertControl "UseLocalSettings" EnableOverflowDetection off ModelReferenceIOMsg "none" ModelReferenceMultiInstanceNormalModeStructChecksumCheck "error" ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none" ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none" ModelReferenceCSMismatchMessage "none" UnknownTsInhSupMsg "warning" ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning" ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning" ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error" StateNameClashWarn "warning" SimStateInterfaceChecksumMismatchMsg "warning" SimStateOlderReleaseMsg "error" InitInArrayFormatMsg "warning" StrictBusMsg "ErrorLevel1" BusNameAdapt "WarnAndRepair" NonBusSignalsTreatedAsBus "none" LoggingUnavailableSignals "error" BlockIODiagnostic "none" SFUnusedDataAndEventsDiag "warning" SFUnexpectedBacktrackingDiag "warning" SFInvalidInputDataAccessInChartInitDiag "warning" SFNoUnconditionalDefaultTransitionDiag "warning" SFTransitionOutsideNaturalParentDiag "warning" SFUnconditionalTransitionShadowingDiag "warning" } Simulink.HardwareCC { $ObjectID 7 Version "1.11.1" ProdBitPerChar 8 ProdBitPerShort 16 ProdBitPerInt 32 ProdBitPerLong 32 ProdBitPerFloat 32 ProdBitPerDouble 64 ProdBitPerPointer 32 ProdLargestAtomicInteger "Char" ProdLargestAtomicFloat "None" ProdIntDivRoundTo "Undefined" ProdEndianess "Unspecified" ProdWordSize 32 ProdShiftRightIntArith on ProdHWDeviceType "32-bit Generic" TargetBitPerChar 8 TargetBitPerShort 16 TargetBitPerInt 32 TargetBitPerLong 32 TargetBitPerFloat 32 TargetBitPerDouble 64 TargetBitPerPointer 32 TargetLargestAtomicInteger "Char" TargetLargestAtomicFloat "None" TargetShiftRightIntArith on TargetIntDivRoundTo "Undefined" TargetEndianess "Unspecified" TargetWordSize 32 TargetTypeEmulationWarnSuppressLevel 0 TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32 TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32 TargetHWDeviceType "Specified" TargetUnknown off ProdEqTarget on } Simulink.ModelReferenceCC { $ObjectID 8 Version "1.11.1" UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange" CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error" EnableParallelModelReferenceBuilds off ParallelModelReferenceErrorOnInvalidPool on ParallelModelReferenceMATLABWorkerInit "None" ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi" PropagateVarSize "Infer from blocks in model" ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropagateSignalLabelsOutOfModel off SupportModelReferenceSimTargetCustomCode off } Simulink.SFSimCC { $ObjectID 9 Version "1.11.1" SFSimEnableDebug on SFSimOverflowDetection on SFSimEcho on SimBlas on SimCtrlC on SimExtrinsic on SimIntegrity on SimUseLocalCustomCode off SimParseCustomCode on SimBuildMode "sf_incremental_build" } Simulink.RTWCC { $BackupClass "Simulink.RTWCC" $ObjectID 10 Version "1.11.1" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 8 Cell "IncludeHyperlinkInReport" Cell "GenerateTraceInfo" Cell "GenerateTraceReport" Cell "GenerateTraceReportSl" Cell "GenerateTraceReportSf" Cell "GenerateTraceReportEml" Cell "GenerateSLWebview" Cell "GenerateCodeMetricsReport" PropName "DisabledProps" } SystemTargetFile "grt.tlc" GenCodeOnly off MakeCommand "make_rtw" GenerateMakefile on TemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf" GenerateReport off SaveLog off RTWVerbose on RetainRTWFile off ProfileTLC off TLCDebug off TLCCoverage off TLCAssert off ProcessScriptMode "Default" ConfigurationMode "Optimized" ConfigAtBuild off RTWUseLocalCustomCode off RTWUseSimCustomCode off IncludeHyperlinkInReport off LaunchReport off TargetLang "C" IncludeBusHierarchyInRTWFileBlockHierarchyMap off IncludeERTFirstTime off GenerateTraceInfo off GenerateTraceReport off GenerateTraceReportSl off GenerateTraceReportSf off GenerateTraceReportEml off GenerateCodeInfo off GenerateSLWebview off GenerateCodeMetricsReport off RTWCompilerOptimization "Off" CheckMdlBeforeBuild "Off" CustomRebuildMode "OnUpdate" Array { Type "Handle" Dimension 2 Simulink.CodeAppCC { $ObjectID 11 Version "1.11.1" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 21 Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses" Cell "IgnoreTestpoints" Cell "InsertBlockDesc" Cell "InsertPolySpaceComments" Cell "SFDataObjDesc" Cell "MATLABFcnDesc" Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc" Cell "DefineNamingRule" Cell "SignalNamingRule" Cell "ParamNamingRule" Cell "InlinedPrmAccess" Cell "CustomSymbolStr" Cell "CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar" Cell "CustomSymbolStrType" Cell "CustomSymbolStrField" Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcn" Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcnArg" Cell "CustomSymbolStrBlkIO" Cell "CustomSymbolStrTmpVar" Cell "CustomSymbolStrMacro" Cell "ReqsInCode" PropName "DisabledProps" } ForceParamTrailComments off GenerateComments on IgnoreCustomStorageClasses on IgnoreTestpoints off IncHierarchyInIds off MaxIdLength 31 PreserveName off PreserveNameWithParent off ShowEliminatedStatement off IncAutoGenComments off SimulinkDataObjDesc off SFDataObjDesc off MATLABFcnDesc off IncDataTypeInIds off MangleLength 1 CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar "$R$N$M" CustomSymbolStrType "$N$R$M" CustomSymbolStrField "$N$M" CustomSymbolStrFcn "$R$N$M$F" CustomSymbolStrFcnArg "rt$I$N$M" CustomSymbolStrBlkIO "rtb_$N$M" CustomSymbolStrTmpVar "$N$M" CustomSymbolStrMacro "$R$N$M" DefineNamingRule "None" ParamNamingRule "None" SignalNamingRule "None" InsertBlockDesc off InsertPolySpaceComments off SimulinkBlockComments on MATLABSourceComments off EnableCustomComments off InlinedPrmAccess "Literals" ReqsInCode off UseSimReservedNames off } Simulink.GRTTargetCC { $BackupClass "Simulink.TargetCC" $ObjectID 12 Version "1.11.1" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 16 Cell "GeneratePreprocessorConditionals" Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn" Cell "CombineOutputUpdateFcns" Cell "SuppressErrorStatus" Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners" Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain" Cell "GenerateTestInterfaces" Cell "ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant" Cell "CPPClassGenCompliant" Cell "MultiInstanceERTCode" Cell "PurelyIntegerCode" Cell "SupportComplex" Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime" Cell "SupportContinuousTime" Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns" Cell "PortableWordSizes" PropName "DisabledProps" } TargetFcnLib "ansi_tfl_table_tmw.mat" TargetLibSuffix "" TargetPreCompLibLocation "" TargetFunctionLibrary "ANSI_C" UtilityFuncGeneration "Auto" ERTMultiwordTypeDef "System defined" CodeExecutionProfiling off ERTMultiwordLength 256 MultiwordLength 2048 GenerateFullHeader on GenerateSampleERTMain off GenerateTestInterfaces off IsPILTarget off ModelReferenceCompliant on ParMdlRefBuildCompliant on CompOptLevelCompliant on ConcurrentExecutionCompliant on IncludeMdlTerminateFcn on GeneratePreprocessorConditionals "Disable all" CombineOutputUpdateFcns off CombineSignalStateStructs off SuppressErrorStatus off ERTFirstTimeCompliant off IncludeFileDelimiter "Auto" ERTCustomFileBanners off SupportAbsoluteTime on LogVarNameModifier "rt_" MatFileLogging on MultiInstanceERTCode off SupportNonFinite on SupportComplex on PurelyIntegerCode off SupportContinuousTime on SupportNonInlinedSFcns on SupportVariableSizeSignals off EnableShiftOperators on ParenthesesLevel "Nominal" PortableWordSizes off ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant off CPPClassGenCompliant off AutosarCompliant off UseMalloc off ExtMode off ExtModeStaticAlloc off ExtModeTesting off ExtModeStaticAllocSize 1000000 ExtModeTransport 0 ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm" ExtModeIntrfLevel "Level1" RTWCAPISignals off RTWCAPIParams off RTWCAPIStates off RTWCAPIRootIO off GenerateASAP2 off } PropName "Components" } } PropName "Components" } Name "Configuration" CurrentDlgPage "Solver" ConfigPrmDlgPosition [ 840, 485, 1720, 1115 ] } PropName "ConfigurationSets" } Simulink.ConfigSet { $PropName "ActiveConfigurationSet" $ObjectID 2 } BlockDefaults { ForegroundColor "black" BackgroundColor "white" DropShadow off NamePlacement "normal" FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 10 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" ShowName on BlockRotation 0 BlockMirror off } AnnotationDefaults { HorizontalAlignment "center" VerticalAlignment "middle" ForegroundColor "black" BackgroundColor "white" DropShadow off FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 10 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off } LineDefaults { FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 9 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" } BlockParameterDefaults { Block { BlockType Constant Value "1" VectorParams1D on SamplingMode "Sample based" OutMin "[]" OutMax "[]" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant value'" LockScale off SampleTime "inf" FramePeriod "inf" PreserveConstantTs off } Block { BlockType DiscretePulseGenerator PulseType "Sample based" TimeSource "Use simulation time" Amplitude "1" Period "2" PulseWidth "1" PhaseDelay "0" SampleTime "1" VectorParams1D on } Block { BlockType Display Format "short" Decimation "10" Floating off SampleTime "-1" } Block { BlockType From IconDisplay "Tag" TagVisibility "local" } Block { BlockType FromWorkspace VariableName "simulink_input" SampleTime "-1" Interpolate on ZeroCross off OutputAfterFinalValue "Extrapolation" } Block { BlockType Goto IconDisplay "Tag" } Block { BlockType Inport Port "1" OutputFunctionCall off OutMin "[]" OutMax "[]" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto" LockScale off BusOutputAsStruct off PortDimensions "-1" VarSizeSig "Inherit" SampleTime "-1" SignalType "auto" SamplingMode "auto" LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off LatchInputForFeedbackSignals off Interpolate on } Block { BlockType Outport Port "1" OutMin "[]" OutMax "[]" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto" LockScale off BusOutputAsStruct off PortDimensions "-1" VarSizeSig "Inherit" SampleTime "-1" SignalType "auto" SamplingMode "auto" SourceOfInitialOutputValue "Dialog" OutputWhenDisabled "held" InitialOutput "[]" } Block { BlockType Scope ModelBased off TickLabels "OneTimeTick" ZoomMode "on" Grid "on" TimeRange "auto" YMin "-5" YMax "5" SaveToWorkspace off SaveName "ScopeData" LimitDataPoints on MaxDataPoints "5000" Decimation "1" SampleInput off SampleTime "-1" } Block { BlockType Step Time "1" Before "0" After "1" SampleTime "-1" VectorParams1D on ZeroCross on } Block { BlockType SubSystem ShowPortLabels "FromPortIcon" Permissions "ReadWrite" PermitHierarchicalResolution "All" TreatAsAtomicUnit off CheckFcnCallInpInsideContextMsg off SystemSampleTime "-1" RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto" RTWFileNameOpts "Auto" RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model" RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model" RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model" RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model" RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model" SimViewingDevice off DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings" DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes" MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings" SFBlockType "NONE" Variant off GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off } Block { BlockType Sum IconShape "rectangular" Inputs "++" CollapseMode "All dimensions" CollapseDim "1" InputSameDT on AccumDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule" OutMin "[]" OutMax "[]" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as first input" LockScale off RndMeth "Floor" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on SampleTime "-1" } Block { BlockType Terminator } } System { Name "wlan_agc" Location [44, 74, 1875, 1176] Open on ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" ReportName "simulink-default.rpt" SIDHighWatermark "1674" Block { BlockType Reference Name " System Generator" SID "1" Tag "genX" Ports [] Position [77, 782, 127, 832] ShowName off AttributesFormatString "System\\nGenerator" LibraryVersion "1.2" UserDataPersistent on UserData "DataTag0" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/ System Generator" SourceType "Xilinx System Generator Block" infoedit " System Generator" xilinxfamily "virtex6" part "xc6vlx240t" speed "-2" package "ff1156" synthesis_tool "XST" clock_wrapper "Clock Enables" directory "./pcore_agc_v200d" proj_type "Project Navigator" Synth_file "XST Defaults" Impl_file "ISE Defaults" testbench off simulink_period "1" sysclk_period "10" dcm_input_clock_period "10" incr_netlist off trim_vbits "Everywhere in SubSystem" dbl_ovrd "According to Block Masks" core_generation "According to Block Masks" run_coregen off deprecated_control off eval_field "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "326,241,464,470" block_type "sysgen" sg_icon_stat "50,50,0,0,token,white,0,58c5b5770fe5f7c311f53dbc6e73f0f6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 50 50 0 ],[1 1 1 ]" ");\npatch([1.6375 16.81 27.31 37.81 48.31 27.31 12.1375 1.6375 ],[36.655 36.655 47.155 36.655 47.155 47.155 47.1" "55 36.655 ],[0.933333 0.203922 0.141176 ]);\npatch([12.1375 27.31 16.81 1.6375 12.1375 ],[26.155 26.155 36.655 3" "6.655 26.155 ],[0.698039 0.0313725 0.219608 ]);\npatch([1.6375 16.81 27.31 12.1375 1.6375 ],[15.655 15.655 26.15" "5 26.155 15.655 ],[0.933333 0.203922 0.141176 ]);\npatch([12.1375 48.31 37.81 27.31 16.81 1.6375 12.1375 ],[5.15" "5 5.155 15.655 5.155 15.655 15.655 5.155 ],[0.698039 0.0313725 0.219608 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graph" "ics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "ADC Inputs" SID "2" Ports [0, 9] Position [35, 359, 100, 501] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "ADC Inputs" Location [421, 136, 2126, 1364] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Reference Name "ADC_IQ_VALID" SID "3" Ports [1, 1] Position [195, 723, 235, 737] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "4" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 642, 250, 668] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period on period "4" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "55,26,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 30.66 33.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 33.66 30.66 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "5" Ports [1, 1] Position [470, 721, 495, 739] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.2" "2 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 " "14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: en" "d icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType FromWorkspace Name "From\nWorkspace" SID "6" Position [130, 223, 195, 247] ZOrder -10 ShowName off VariableName "raw_rx_I" SampleTime "8" Interpolate off ZeroCross on OutputAfterFinalValue "Setting to zero" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType FromWorkspace Name "From\nWorkspace1" SID "7" Position [130, 253, 195, 277] ZOrder -10 ShowName off VariableName "raw_rx_Q" SampleTime "8" Interpolate off ZeroCross on OutputAfterFinalValue "Setting to zero" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType FromWorkspace Name "From\nWorkspace2" SID "8" Position [130, 313, 195, 337] ZOrder -10 ShowName off VariableName "raw_rx_I" SampleTime "8" Interpolate off ZeroCross on OutputAfterFinalValue "Setting to zero" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType FromWorkspace Name "From\nWorkspace3" SID "9" Position [130, 343, 195, 367] ZOrder -10 ShowName off VariableName "raw_rx_Q" SampleTime "8" Interpolate off ZeroCross on OutputAfterFinalValue "Setting to zero" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto1" SID "10" Position [385, 121, 460, 139] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "sim_A_I" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto2" SID "11" Position [385, 146, 460, 164] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "sim_A_Q" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto3" SID "12" Position [550, 816, 625, 834] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "sim_IQ_valid" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType DiscretePulseGenerator Name "Pulse\nGenerator3" SID "13" Ports [0, 1] Position [120, 714, 150, 746] ZOrder -13 ShowName off Period "8" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFA_RX_I_IN" SID "14" Ports [1, 1] Position [235, 228, 275, 242] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "12" bin_pt "11" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFA_RX_Q_IN" SID "15" Ports [1, 1] Position [235, 258, 275, 272] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "12" bin_pt "11" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFB_RX_I_IN" SID "16" Ports [1, 1] Position [235, 318, 275, 332] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "12" bin_pt "11" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFB_RX_Q_IN" SID "17" Ports [1, 1] Position [235, 348, 275, 362] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "12" bin_pt "11" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFC_RX_I_IN" SID "18" Ports [1, 1] Position [235, 428, 275, 442] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "12" bin_pt "11" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFC_RX_Q_IN" SID "19" Ports [1, 1] Position [235, 458, 275, 472] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "12" bin_pt "11" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFD_RX_I_IN" SID "20" Ports [1, 1] Position [235, 523, 275, 537] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "12" bin_pt "11" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFD_RX_Q_IN" SID "21" Ports [1, 1] Position [235, 553, 275, 567] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "12" bin_pt "11" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Up Sample" SID "22" Ports [1, 1] Position [310, 628, 370, 682] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Up Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Up Sampler Block" infoedit "Up samples input data. Inserted values can be zeros or copies of the most recent input sample.
Hardware notes: No hardware is needed if inserted values are copies of the input sample; otherwise, a mux and sin" "gle bit flip-flop are used." sample_ratio "4" copy_samples off en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "usamp" sg_icon_stat "60,54,1,1,white,blue,0,a300b05e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 54 54 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 54 54 0 ]);\npatch([14.425 24.54 31.54 38.54 45.54 31.54 21.425 14.425 ],[34.77 34.7" "7 41.77 34.77 41.77 41.77 41.77 34.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([21.425 31.54 24.54 14.425 21.425 ],[27.77 27.77 34.77 34" ".77 27.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([14.425 24.54 31.54 21.425 14.425 ],[20.77 20.77 27.77 27.77 20.77 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([21.425 45.54 38.54 31.54 24.54 14.425 21.425 ],[13.77 13.77 20.77 13.77 20.77 20.77 13.77 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('blac" "k');disp('{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\uparrow}4','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "IQ Valid" SID "23" Position [550, 723, 580, 737] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "A I" SID "24" Position [390, 228, 420, 242] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "A Q" SID "25" Position [390, 258, 420, 272] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "B I" SID "26" Position [390, 318, 420, 332] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "B Q" SID "27" Position [390, 348, 420, 362] Port "5" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "C I" SID "28" Position [390, 428, 420, 442] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "6" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "C Q" SID "29" Position [390, 458, 420, 472] Port "7" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "D I" SID "30" Position [390, 523, 420, 537] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "8" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "D Q" SID "31" Position [390, 553, 420, 567] Port "9" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "From\nWorkspace" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFA_RX_I_IN" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From\nWorkspace1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFA_RX_Q_IN" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RFA_RX_I_IN" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "A I" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -105] DstBlock "Goto1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "RFA_RX_Q_IN" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { DstBlock "A Q" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -110] DstBlock "Goto2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From\nWorkspace2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFB_RX_I_IN" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From\nWorkspace3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFB_RX_Q_IN" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RFB_RX_I_IN" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "B I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RFB_RX_Q_IN" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "B Q" DstPort 1 } Line { Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "Up Sample" SrcPort 1 Points [80, 0] } Line { SrcBlock "ADC_IQ_VALID" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Pulse\nGenerator3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "ADC_IQ_VALID" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "IQ Valid" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 95] DstBlock "Goto3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "RFC_RX_I_IN" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "C I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RFC_RX_Q_IN" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "C Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RFD_RX_I_IN" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "D I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RFD_RX_Q_IN" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "D Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Up Sample" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AGC_DONE" SID "32" Ports [1, 1] Position [1300, 488, 1330, 502] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AGC_RUN" SID "33" Ports [1, 1] Position [140, 696, 185, 714] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to " " Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top lev" "el input ports." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "45,18,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 22.44 24.44 26.44 22.44 19.55 17.55 ],[11." "22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([19.55 22.44 20.44 17.55 19.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 22.44 19.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([19.55 26.44 24.44 22.44 20.44 17.55 19.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.8" "95 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_" "label('input',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Auto-Corr Pkt Det" SID "34" Ports [0, 1] Position [35, 687, 100, 723] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Auto-Corr Pkt Det" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "112" Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Auto Corr" SID "35" Ports [3, 1] Position [510, 243, 580, 337] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Auto Corr" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Valid" SID "36" Position [355, 333, 385, 347] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "37" Position [355, 398, 385, 412] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "38" Position [355, 433, 385, 447] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Avg Mag" SID "39" Ports [3, 1] Position [665, 371, 705, 469] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Avg Mag" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "151" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Valid" SID "40" Position [225, 298, 255, 312] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "41" Position [275, 348, 305, 362] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "42" Position [275, 418, 305, 432] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "43" Ports [3, 1] Position [665, 359, 715, 411] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en on latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "25" bin_pt "18" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL on hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 18 0 17 0 0 0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,52,3,1,white,blue,0,96ed0f94,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 52 52 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 52 52 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[33.77 33.7" "7 40.77 33.77 40.77 40.77 40.77 33.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[26.77 26.77 33.77 33" ".77 26.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[19.77 19.77 26.77 26.77 19.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[12.77 12.77 19.77 12.77 19.77 19.77 12.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'en');\n" "color('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf{a + b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmo" "de','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "44" Ports [1, 1] Position [570, 291, 605, 319] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 18.44 22.4" "4 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 18.44 14.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1" " 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "45" Ports [1, 1] Position [380, 291, 415, 319] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 18.44 22.4" "4 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 18.44 14.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1" " 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "46" Ports [2, 1] Position [560, 339, 595, 401] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier you mus" "t select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric (LUTs), th" "e Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device family. Other" "wise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "25" bin_pt "18" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55 36.55 41." "55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 31." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','" "texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "47" Ports [2, 1] Position [560, 409, 595, 471] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier you mus" "t select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric (LUTs), th" "e Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device family. Other" "wise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "25" bin_pt "18" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55 36.55 41." "55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 31." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','" "texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Running Sum" SID "48" Ports [2, 2] Position [365, 338, 430, 362] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Running Sum" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "En" SID "49" Position [195, 183, 225, 197] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "50" Position [195, 123, 225, 137] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accum1" SID "51" Ports [2, 1] Position [470, 131, 520, 184] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input.
Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced to ru" "n at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "25" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst off infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[12 23 0 22 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,367,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,53,2,1,white,blue,0,debef366,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[33.7" "7 33.77 40.77 33.77 40.77 40.77 40.77 33.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[26.77 26.77 " "33.77 33.77 26.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[19.77 19.77 26.77 26.77 19." "77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[12.77 12.77 19.77 12.77 19.77 19.77 12.77" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\nc" "olor('black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label(" "'output',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');\n" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "52" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 117, 410, 168] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "36" bin_pt "28" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL on hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 18 0 17 0 0 0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,51,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[32.7" "7 32.77 39.77 32.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 32.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[25.77 25.77 " "32.77 32.77 25.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[18.77 18.77 25.77 25.77 18." "77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[11.77 11.77 18.77 11.77 18.77 18.77 11.77" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\nc" "olor('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "output',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "53" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 178, 400, 202] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 " "15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.97" "3 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "54" Ports [1, 1] Position [480, 198, 505, 222] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 " "15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.97" "3 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay2" SID "55" Ports [1, 1] Position [570, 198, 595, 222] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 " "15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.97" "3 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "56" Ports [2, 1] Position [265, 143, 300, 167] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "16" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 17 0 17 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,2,1,white,blue,0,68dbc054,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.33 12." "33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 " "9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[" "0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncol" "or('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-16}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: " "end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "57" Ports [1, 1] Position [565, 142, 600, 178] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55 23." "55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 2" "3.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');por" "t_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Valid" SID "58" Position [675, 203, 705, 217] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Sum" SID "59" Position [675, 153, 705, 167] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0; 15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Accum1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "En" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, -30] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Valid" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Running Sum1" SID "60" Ports [2, 2] Position [365, 408, 430, 432] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Running Sum1" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "En" SID "61" Position [195, 183, 225, 197] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "62" Position [195, 123, 225, 137] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accum1" SID "63" Ports [2, 1] Position [470, 131, 520, 184] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input.
Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced to ru" "n at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "25" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst off infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[12 23 0 22 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,367,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,53,2,1,white,blue,0,debef366,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[33.7" "7 33.77 40.77 33.77 40.77 40.77 40.77 33.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[26.77 26.77 " "33.77 33.77 26.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[19.77 19.77 26.77 26.77 19." "77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[12.77 12.77 19.77 12.77 19.77 19.77 12.77" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\nc" "olor('black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label(" "'output',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');\n" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "64" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 117, 410, 168] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "36" bin_pt "28" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL on hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 18 0 17 0 0 0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,51,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[32.7" "7 32.77 39.77 32.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 32.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[25.77 25.77 " "32.77 32.77 25.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[18.77 18.77 25.77 25.77 18." "77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[11.77 11.77 18.77 11.77 18.77 18.77 11.77" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\nc" "olor('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "output',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "65" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 178, 400, 202] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 " "15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.97" "3 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "66" Ports [1, 1] Position [480, 198, 505, 222] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 " "15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.97" "3 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay2" SID "67" Ports [1, 1] Position [570, 198, 595, 222] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 " "15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.97" "3 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "68" Ports [2, 1] Position [265, 143, 300, 167] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "16" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 17 0 17 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,2,1,white,blue,0,68dbc054,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.33 12." "33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 " "9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[" "0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncol" "or('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-16}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: " "end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "69" Ports [1, 1] Position [565, 142, 600, 178] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55 23." "55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 2" "3.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');por" "t_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Valid" SID "70" Position [675, 203, 705, 217] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Sum" SID "71" Position [675, 153, 705, 167] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Valid" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "En" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -30] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Accum1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0; 15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } } } Block { BlockType Outport Name "M" SID "72" Position [770, 383, 800, 397] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Running Sum" SrcPort 2 Points [100, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Running Sum1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 5] DstBlock "M" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0; 0, -55] DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Running Sum1" SrcPort 2 Points [100, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Valid" SrcPort 1 Points [90, 0] Branch { Points [0, 40] Branch { DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Running Sum1" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0; 0, 95] DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 3 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Conj Mult" SID "73" Ports [5, 3] Position [525, 378, 590, 462] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Conj Mult" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Valid" SID "74" Position [180, 293, 210, 307] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "A I" SID "75" Position [180, 343, 210, 357] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "A Q" SID "76" Position [180, 428, 210, 442] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "B I" SID "77" Position [180, 373, 210, 387] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "B Q" SID "78" Position [180, 458, 210, 472] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "5" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "79" Ports [2, 1] Position [490, 351, 520, 409] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "20" bin_pt "18" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,58,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[33.44 33.44 37.4" "4 33.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 33.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[29.44 29.44 33.44 33.44 29.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[25.44 25.44 29.44 29.44 25.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1" " 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'a'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');" "\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "80" Ports [2, 1] Position [490, 546, 520, 604] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "20" bin_pt "18" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,58,2,1,white,blue,0,e85d8a90,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[33.44 33.44 37.4" "4 33.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 33.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[29.44 29.44 33.44 33.44 29.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[25.44 25.44 29.44 29.44 25.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1" " 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'a'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf{a + b}','texmode','on');" "\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "81" Ports [1, 1] Position [430, 286, 465, 314] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 18.44 22.4" "4 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 18.44 14.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1" " 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "82" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 334, 395, 396] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier you mus" "t select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric (LUTs), th" "e Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device family. Other" "wise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "20" bin_pt "19" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55 36.55 41." "55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 31." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','" "texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "83" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 419, 395, 481] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier you mus" "t select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric (LUTs), th" "e Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device family. Other" "wise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "20" bin_pt "19" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55 36.55 41." "55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 31." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','" "texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult2" SID "84" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 529, 395, 591] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier you mus" "t select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric (LUTs), th" "e Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device family. Other" "wise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "20" bin_pt "19" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55 36.55 41." "55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 31." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','" "texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult3" SID "85" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 599, 395, 661] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier you mus" "t select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric (LUTs), th" "e Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device family. Other" "wise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "20" bin_pt "19" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55 36.55 41." "55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 31." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','" "texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Negate" SID "86" Ports [1, 1] Position [260, 453, 295, 477] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Negate" SourceType "Xilinx Negate Block Block" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "negate" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,36bd7045,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[15.33 15" ".33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 " "1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 " "0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');" "disp('\\bf{x(-1)}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " Valid" SID "87" Position [815, 293, 845, 307] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " I" SID "88" Position [630, 373, 660, 387] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " Q" SID "89" Position [630, 568, 660, 582] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "B Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Negate" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "A I" SrcPort 1 Points [115, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 195] DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "B I" SrcPort 1 Points [100, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 235] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "A Q" SrcPort 1 Points [90, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 210] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -55] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " Valid" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult3" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0; 0, -40] DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Negate" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 110] DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 2 } } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "90" Ports [2, 1] Position [440, 425, 475, 445] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "16" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,20,2,1,white,blue,0,68dbc054,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 17.44 19.44 21.44 17.44 14.55 12.55 ],[1" "2.22 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.55 17.44 15.44 12.55 14.55 ],[10.22 10.2" "2 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 17.44 14.55 12.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.2" "2 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.55 21.44 19.44 17.44 15.44 12.55 14.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('" "black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-16}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end" " icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "91" Ports [2, 1] Position [440, 440, 475, 460] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "16" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,20,2,1,white,blue,0,68dbc054,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 17.44 19.44 21.44 17.44 14.55 12.55 ],[1" "2.22 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.55 17.44 15.44 12.55 14.55 ],[10.22 10.2" "2 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 17.44 14.55 12.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.2" "2 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.55 21.44 19.44 17.44 15.44 12.55 14.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('" "black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-16}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end" " icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Corr" SID "92" Position [765, 413, 795, 427] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Conj Mult" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 5] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "Conj Mult" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Conj Mult" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Conj Mult" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Valid" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [60, 0; 0, 50] DstBlock "Conj Mult" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 100] Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 2 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Conj Mult" SrcPort 2 DstBlock "Avg Mag" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Conj Mult" SrcPort 3 DstBlock "Avg Mag" DstPort 3 } Line { Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "Conj Mult" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Avg Mag" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Avg Mag" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Corr" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Scope Name "Auto Corr Pkt Det" SID "93" Ports [7] Position [970, 465, 1015, 575] Floating off Location [1116, 626, 2305, 1529] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "yonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.4~-0.4~-0.2~-0.2~-0.01~-1~0" YMax "0.4~0.4~0.2~0.2~0.02~1~0.8" SaveName "ScopeData28" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "94" Ports [0, 1] Position [550, 192, 605, 218] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "0" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "55,26,0,1,white,blue,0,bf4ddd8b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 30.66 33.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 33.66 30.66 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('output',1,'0');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "95" Ports [0, 1] Position [215, 647, 270, 673] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "PHY_CONFIG_PKT_DET_CORR_THRESH" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period on period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "55,26,0,1,white,blue,0,a05f99df,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 30.66 33.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 33.66 30.66 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('output',1,'90');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "96" Ports [0, 1] Position [215, 697, 270, 723] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "PHY_CONFIG_PKT_DET_ENERGY_THRESH" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period on period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "55,26,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 30.66 33.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 33.66 30.66 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "97" Ports [0, 1] Position [215, 737, 270, 763] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "PHY_CONFIG_PKT_DET_MIN_DURR" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period on period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "55,26,0,1,white,blue,0,85f36853,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 30.66 33.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 33.66 30.66 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('output',1,'4');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Decision" SID "98" Ports [3, 1] Position [685, 242, 755, 338] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Decision" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "PktDet Reset" SID "99" Position [725, 633, 755, 647] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Corr" SID "100" Position [335, 443, 365, 457] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Mag" SID "101" Position [330, 513, 360, 527] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "102" Ports [1] Position [510, 811, 595, 839] ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "103" Ports [1] Position [510, 876, 595, 904] ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display2" SID "104" Ports [1] Position [510, 836, 595, 864] ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display3" SID "105" Ports [1] Position [510, 901, 595, 929] ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "106" Position [180, 479, 350, 501] ShowName off CloseFcn "tagdialog Close" GotoTag "regRx_PktDet_CorrThresh" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "107" Position [140, 814, 310, 836] ShowName off CloseFcn "tagdialog Close" GotoTag "regRx_PktDet_CorrThresh" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "108" Position [140, 879, 310, 901] ShowName off CloseFcn "tagdialog Close" GotoTag "regRx_PktDet_EnergyThresh" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "109" Position [180, 599, 350, 621] ShowName off CloseFcn "tagdialog Close" GotoTag "regRx_PktDet_EnergyThresh" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical" SID "110" Ports [2, 1] Position [720, 508, 765, 552] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,44,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[28." "66 28.66 34.66 28.66 34.66 34.66 34.66 28.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[22.66 22.66 2" "8.66 28.66 22.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[16.66 16.66 22.66 22.66 16.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[10.66 10.66 16.66 10.66 16.66 16.66 10.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Min Dur" SID "111" Ports [2, 1] Position [805, 519, 890, 566] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Min Dur" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "157" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Det" SID "112" Position [370, 233, 400, 247] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Reset" SID "113" Position [455, 193, 485, 207] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "114" Ports [1, 1] Position [965, 216, 995, 234] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,461,366" block_type "convert" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "30,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[11.22 11.22" " 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch" "([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "115" Ports [1, 1] Position [455, 231, 485, 249] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,461,366" block_type "convert" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "30,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[11.22 11.22" " 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch" "([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Counter1" SID "116" Ports [2, 1] Position [695, 194, 730, 256] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Counter" SourceType "Xilinx Counter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Free running counters are the least expensive in hardware. A count limited counter i" "s implemented by combining a counter with a comparator." cnt_type "Free Running" cnt_to "Inf" operation "Up" start_count "0" cnt_by_val "1" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "11" bin_pt "0" load_pin off rst on en on explicit_period "off" period "4" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,619" block_type "counter" block_version "10.1.3" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,ae3608d6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55 36.55 41." "55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 31." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('{\\fontsize{14}\\bf++}','texmo" "de','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "117" Ports [1] Position [910, 341, 995, 369] ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "118" Position [175, 271, 375, 289] ShowName off CloseFcn "tagdialog Close" GotoTag "regPktDet_pktDetMinDuration_autoCorr" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter1" SID "119" Ports [1, 1] Position [530, 208, 555, 222] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "8.2" sg_icon_stat "25,14,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.2" "2 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14" ".44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end" " icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('not');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: " "end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "120" Ports [2, 1] Position [615, 194, 645, 221] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,261" block_type "logical" block_version "10.1.3" sg_icon_stat "30,27,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946 " "0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\ncolor('black'" ");disp('or');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "Pkt Det Ctrl" SID "121" Ports [7] Position [910, 450, 955, 560] Floating off Location [1347, 497, 2536, 1400] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "2500" YMin "-1~-1~0.4~-0.09~12.75~-0.55~4" YMax "1~1~1.3~0.05~13.1~-0.05~4.275" SaveName "ScopeData6" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational3" SID "122" Ports [2, 1] Position [770, 213, 815, 257] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "500,165,356,193" block_type "relational" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,44,2,1,white,blue,0,b5131c97,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[28.66 28.66 3" "4.66 28.66 34.66 34.66 34.66 28.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[22.66 22.66 28.66 28.66 22" ".66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[16.66 16.66 22.66 22.66 16.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[10.66 10.66 16.66 10.66 16.66 16.66 10.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ])" ";\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa > b','texmo" "de','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "123" Ports [2, 1] Position [855, 197, 885, 248] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [160, 70, 1918, 1152] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "124" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "125" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "126" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 " "13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 " "11.44 9.44 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "127" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 3" "0.66 36.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 " "30.66 24.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'" "en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "128" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "129" Ports [1, 1] Position [800, 500, 835, 510] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, " "or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, dep" "ending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.8" "8 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.1" "1 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 " "],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done14" SID "130" Ports [1, 1] Position [785, 350, 820, 360] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, " "or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, dep" "ending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.8" "8 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.1" "1 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 " "],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "131" Ports [1, 1] Position [800, 470, 835, 480] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, " "or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, dep" "ending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.8" "8 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.1" "1 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 " "],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "132" Ports [1, 1] Position [800, 455, 835, 465] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, " "or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, dep" "ending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.8" "8 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.1" "1 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 " "],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "133" Ports [1, 1] Position [800, 485, 835, 495] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, " "or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, dep" "ending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.8" "8 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.1" "1 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 " "],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Pkt Det" SID "134" Position [1075, 218, 1105, 232] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Reset" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [5, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20; 320, 0; 0, 30] DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, 275] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Counter1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Counter1" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Relational3" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 135; -45, 0; 0, 130] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 Points [375, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Relational3" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 75] DstBlock "done14" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 200; -140, 0; 0, 80] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Det" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 220] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Pkt Det" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Inverter1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Counter1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "done14" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Pkt Det Ctrl" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Pkt Det Ctrl" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Pkt Det Ctrl" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Pkt Det Ctrl" DstPort 4 } Annotation { Position [987, 232] } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "135" Ports [2, 1] Position [440, 477, 490, 533] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "30" bin_pt "20" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[63 105 0 106 0 4 0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "off" placement_style "Rectangular shape" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "241,702,356,577" block_type "mult" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,56,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[" "35.77 35.77 42.77 35.77 42.77 42.77 42.77 35.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[28.77 2" "8.77 35.77 35.77 28.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[21.77 21.77 28.77 28." "77 21.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[14.77 14.77 21.77 14.77 21.77 21.7" "7 14.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon te" "xt');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');por" "t_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\n" "color('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Reinterpret" SID "136" Ports [1, 1] Position [390, 843, 415, 857] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes signal type without altering the binary representation. You can change the signal be" "tween signed and unsigned, and relocate the binary point.

Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs n" "othing.

Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the output is fo" "rced to unsigned with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) becomes an o" "utput of 56 (111000 in binary)." force_arith_type on arith_type "Unsigned" force_bin_pt on bin_pt "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "reinterpret" sg_icon_stat "25,14,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[9.22" " 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 " "7.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinter" "pret');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Reinterpret1" SID "137" Ports [1, 1] Position [390, 908, 415, 922] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes signal type without altering the binary representation. You can change the signal be" "tween signed and unsigned, and relocate the binary point.

Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs n" "othing.

Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the output is fo" "rced to unsigned with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) becomes an o" "utput of 56 (111000 in binary)." force_arith_type on arith_type "Unsigned" force_bin_pt on bin_pt "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "reinterpret" sg_icon_stat "25,14,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[9.22" " 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 " "7.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinter" "pret');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational" SID "138" Ports [2, 1] Position [550, 438, 595, 482] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>b" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[11 1 0 22 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,44,2,1,white,blue,0,3049caaa,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[28." "66 28.66 34.66 28.66 34.66 34.66 34.66 28.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[22.66 22.66 2" "8.66 28.66 22.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[16.66 16.66 22.66 22.66 16.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[10.66 10.66 16.66 10.66 16.66 16.66 10.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('out" "put',1,'\\bfa > b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');di" "sp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational1" SID "139" Ports [2, 1] Position [550, 578, 595, 622] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>b" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[11 1 0 22 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "relational" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,44,2,1,white,blue,0,3049caaa,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[28." "66 28.66 34.66 28.66 34.66 34.66 34.66 28.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[22.66 22.66 2" "8.66 28.66 22.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[16.66 16.66 22.66 22.66 16.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[10.66 10.66 16.66 10.66 16.66 16.66 10.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('out" "put',1,'\\bfa > b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');di" "sp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done14" SID "140" Ports [1, 1] Position [385, 820, 420, 830] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done15" SID "141" Ports [1, 1] Position [385, 885, 420, 895] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done17" SID "142" Ports [1, 1] Position [445, 845, 480, 855] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done18" SID "143" Ports [1, 1] Position [445, 910, 480, 920] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "PktDet" SID "144" Position [980, 537, 1010, 553] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done18" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reinterpret1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "done18" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done17" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reinterpret" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "done17" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done15" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done14" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, 25] DstBlock "Reinterpret" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done14" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, 25] DstBlock "Reinterpret1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done15" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Corr" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mag" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 70] DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0; 0, -35] DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Min Dur" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "PktDet Reset" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -85] DstBlock "Min Dur" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Min Dur" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "PktDet" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0; 0, 60] DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational1" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0; 0, -60] DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 2 } } } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "145" Ports [1] Position [745, 783, 825, 807] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "146" Ports [1] Position [745, 803, 825, 827] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Disregard Subsystem" SID "147" Tag "discardX" Ports [] Position [148, 452, 206, 510] ShowName off AttributesFormatString "Disregard Subsystem\\nFor Generation" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Disregard Subsystem" SourceType "Xilinx Disregard Subsystem For Generation Block" infoedit "Place this block into a subsystem to have System Generator ignore the subsystem during code generation" ". This block can be used in combination with the Simulation Multiplexer block to provide an alternative simulation " "model for another subsystem (e.g., to provide a simulation model for a black box)." has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "disregard" sg_icon_stat "58,58,-1,-1,darkgray,black,0,07734,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 58 58 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.1 0.1 0.1 ])" ";\nplot([0 58 58 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([11.2 22.76 30.76 38.76 46.76 30.76 19.2 11.2 ],[37.88 37.88 45.88 3" "7.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 37.88 ],[0.33 0.33 0.33 ]);\npatch([19.2 30.76 22.76 11.2 19.2 ],[29.88 29.88 37.88 37.88 29" ".88 ],[0.261 0.261 0.261 ]);\npatch([11.2 22.76 30.76 19.2 11.2 ],[21.88 21.88 29.88 29.88 21.88 ],[0.33 0.33 0.33 " "]);\npatch([19.2 46.76 38.76 30.76 22.76 11.2 19.2 ],[13.88 13.88 21.88 13.88 21.88 21.88 13.88 ],[0.261 0.261 0.26" "1 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end" " icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample1" SID "148" Ports [1, 1] Position [520, 698, 545, 722] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost in hardwa" "re of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "8" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,300" block_type "dsamp" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,dee880ed,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline " "','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\downarrow}8','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample16" SID "149" Ports [1, 1] Position [520, 648, 545, 672] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost in hardwa" "re of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "8" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,300" block_type "dsamp" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,dee880ed,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline " "','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\downarrow}8','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample2" SID "150" Ports [1, 1] Position [520, 738, 545, 762] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost in hardwa" "re of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "8" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,300" block_type "dsamp" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,dee880ed,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline " "','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\downarrow}8','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "151" Position [145, 313, 220, 327] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "sim_A_Q" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "152" Position [145, 253, 220, 267] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "sim_IQ_valid" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From6" SID "153" Position [145, 283, 220, 297] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "sim_A_I" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto11" SID "154" Position [670, 740, 855, 760] ShowName off GotoTag "regPktDet_pktDetMinDuration_autoCorr" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto7" SID "155" Position [665, 650, 865, 670] ShowName off GotoTag "regRx_PktDet_CorrThresh" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto8" SID "156" Position [665, 700, 865, 720] ShowName off GotoTag "regRx_PktDet_EnergyThresh" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Mag" SID "157" Ports [3, 2] Position [510, 348, 580, 442] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Mag" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Valid" SID "158" Position [180, 293, 210, 307] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "159" Position [180, 343, 210, 357] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "160" Position [180, 413, 210, 427] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "161" Ports [2, 1] Position [445, 351, 475, 409] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "20" bin_pt "18" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,58,2,1,white,blue,0,e139daf6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[33.44 " "33.44 37.44 33.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 33.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[29.44 29.44 33.44 3" "3.44 29.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[25.44 25.44 29.44 29.44 25.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a + b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "162" Ports [1, 1] Position [360, 286, 395, 314] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "163" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 334, 395, 396] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "20" bin_pt "19" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "164" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 404, 395, 466] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "20" bin_pt "19" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult2" SID "165" Ports [3, 1] Position [715, 329, 750, 391] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "25" bin_pt "18" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,3,1,white,blue,0,ba9ee9a2,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-" "1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Running Sum" SID "166" Ports [2, 2] Position [585, 327, 650, 378] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Running Sum" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "En" SID "167" Position [195, 183, 225, 197] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "168" Position [195, 123, 225, 137] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accum1" SID "169" Ports [2, 1] Position [470, 131, 520, 184] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input.
Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced to run at t" "he system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "25" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst off infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[12 23 0 22 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,367,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,53,2,1,white,blue,0,debef366,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[33.77 33.7" "7 40.77 33.77 40.77 40.77 40.77 33.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[26.77 26.77 33.77 33" ".77 26.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[19.77 19.77 26.77 26.77 19.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[12.77 12.77 19.77 12.77 19.77 19.77 12.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');\n" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "170" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 117, 410, 168] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "36" bin_pt "28" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL on hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 18 0 17 0 0 0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,51,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[32.77 32.7" "7 39.77 32.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 32.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[25.77 25.77 32.77 32" ".77 25.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[18.77 18.77 25.77 25.77 18.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[11.77 11.77 18.77 11.77 18.77 18.77 11.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf{" "a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "171" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 178, 400, 202] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 " "18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 1" "2.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npat" "ch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','t" "exmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "172" Ports [1, 1] Position [480, 198, 505, 222] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 " "18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 1" "2.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npat" "ch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','t" "exmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay2" SID "173" Ports [1, 1] Position [570, 198, 595, 222] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 " "18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 1" "2.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npat" "ch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','t" "exmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "174" Ports [2, 1] Position [265, 143, 300, 167] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "16" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 17 0 17 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,2,1,white,blue,0,68dbc054,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[15.33 15" ".33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 " "1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 " "0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-16}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "175" Ports [1, 1] Position [565, 142, 600, 178] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55 23.55 28." "55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 23.55 18." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input" "',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Sum" SID "176" Position [675, 153, 705, 167] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Valid" SID "177" Position [675, 203, 705, 217] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0; 15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Accum1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "En" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, -30] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Valid" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Mag Sq" SID "178" Position [895, 353, 925, 367] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Mag" SID "179" Position [895, 278, 925, 292] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0; 0, 40] DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [110, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Running Sum" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -55] DstBlock "Mag" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 Points [110, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -40] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0; 0, -15] DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mag Sq" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Running Sum" SrcPort 2 Points [10, 0; 0, 15] DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 3 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "180" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 278, 325, 302] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "30,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[15.33 15.33 " "18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33" " 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "181" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 248, 325, 272] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "30,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[15.33 15.33 " "18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33" " 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register3" SID "182" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 308, 325, 332] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "30,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[15.33 15.33 " "18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33" " 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Step Name "Step" SID "1645" Position [870, 190, 900, 220] ZOrder -22 Time "3e3" SampleTime "1" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To_UFix8_1" SID "183" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 702, 470, 718] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes type of samples without altering their binary representation.

Hardware notes: In hardware" " this block costs nothing.

Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the" " output is forced to unsigned with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) bec" "omes an output of 56 (111000 in binary)." force_arith_type on arith_type "Unsigned" force_bin_pt on bin_pt "8" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,284" block_type "cast" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,16,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 22.44 24.44 26.44 22.44 19.55 17.55 ],[10.22 10.22 1" "2.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([19.55 22.44 20.44 17.55 19.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 22.44 19.55 17.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([19" ".55 26.44 24.44 22.44 20.44 17.55 19.55 ],[4.22 4.22 6.22 4.22 6.22 6.22 4.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''," "'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinterpret');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To_UFix8_7" SID "184" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 652, 470, 668] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes type of samples without altering their binary representation.

Hardware notes: In hardware" " this block costs nothing.

Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the" " output is forced to unsigned with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) bec" "omes an output of 56 (111000 in binary)." force_arith_type on arith_type "Unsigned" force_bin_pt on bin_pt "7" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,284" block_type "cast" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,16,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 22.44 24.44 26.44 22.44 19.55 17.55 ],[10.22 10.22 1" "2.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([19.55 22.44 20.44 17.55 19.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 22.44 19.55 17.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([19" ".55 26.44 24.44 22.44 20.44 17.55 19.55 ],[4.22 4.22 6.22 4.22 6.22 6.22 4.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''," "'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinterpret');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "185" Ports [1, 1] Position [850, 285, 885, 295] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "186" Ports [1, 1] Position [860, 485, 895, 495] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "187" Ports [1, 1] Position [860, 515, 895, 525] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "188" Ports [1, 1] Position [860, 470, 895, 480] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "189" Ports [1, 1] Position [860, 500, 895, 510] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "190" Ports [1, 1] Position [860, 530, 895, 540] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "191" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 790, 695, 800] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done8" SID "192" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 810, 695, 820] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "PktDet" SID "193" Position [985, 282, 1015, 298] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Auto Corr Pkt Det" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Auto Corr Pkt Det" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Auto Corr Pkt Det" DstPort 5 } Line { Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 Points [145, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Auto Corr" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 105] Branch { DstBlock "Mag" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 80] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } } Line { Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "Register3" SrcPort 1 Points [135, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Auto Corr" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, 105] Branch { DstBlock "Mag" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, 65] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } } Line { Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 Points [155, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Auto Corr" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 105] DstBlock "Mag" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Auto Corr" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Decision" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 215] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mag" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [40, 0; 0, -55] DstBlock "Decision" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, 145] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Auto Corr Pkt Det" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Auto Corr Pkt Det" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Decision" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { Points [0, 245] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0; 0, 55] DstBlock "Decision" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "PktDet" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "To_UFix8_7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Down Sample16" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "To_UFix8_1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Down Sample1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample16" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Goto7" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 135] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample1" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Goto8" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 105] DstBlock "done8" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Down Sample2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto11" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "To_UFix8_7" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "To_UFix8_1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Name "SIM ONLY!\nReplica of PHY pkt det block\nfor stand-alone sim of AGC" Position [178, 423] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Changelog" SID "194" Ports [] Position [348, 786, 392, 833] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Changelog" Location [421, 136, 2126, 1364] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "195" Annotation { Name "1.00.g:\n-Changed second G_BB update to reference first G_BB setting, not the init gain\n-Changed V_DB ca" "pt register reset to G_BB reset, to avoid extra G_BB step at reset\n\n1.00.h:\n-Added extra cycle of latency in IIR" " filt for better chance of timing closure\n\n1.00.j:\n-Added RF B path\n\n1.00.k:\n-Added RF C,D paths\n-Added ADC_" "RX_CLK port for external control of sampling rate\n\n1.00.l:\n-Explicit fanout of IIR coefs per RF interface, for e" "asier timing closure\n\n1.00.m:\n-Unswapped C/D RSSI\n\n1.00.n:\n-Moved IQ valid to internal signal, trying to debu" "g rare at-boot-no-Rx behavior\n\n1.01.a:\n-Fixed timing issue in DCO Correlation; Equalized delay between DCO outpu" "t and HPF output\n so that the hand-over is clean when the HPF is enabled.\n\n1.01.b:\n-Added pipeline regs to I/Q " "input paths - IOB.DFF to AGC logic fanout-by-2 was critical\n path in some builds\n\n2.00.a:\n-Changed upsampled c" "onstant for I/Q valid to 4-up-4\n\n2.00.b:\n-Replcaed upsampled constant with gateawy in for samp_ce\n\n2.00.c:\n-U" "pdated latencies around IIR filt for RF B/C/D to match A\n-Added alternate RXHP control mode that leaves RXHP=0 unt" "il AGC starts\n\n2.00.d:\n-Fixed sublte latency differences between IIR filter path and bypass path. Previous versi" "ons\n were \"right\" for certain phases of IQ and IQ_Valid. This version preserves the input phase\n between IQ and" " IQ_Valid through the DCO block and to the output ports." Position [48, 287] HorizontalAlignment "left" BackgroundColor "[0.752941, 0.752941, 0.752941]" } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Ctrl" SID "195" Ports [2] Position [335, 669, 380, 716] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Ctrl" Location [442, 328, 2156, 1486] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "196" Position [585, 123, 615, 137] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Run" SID "197" Position [50, 148, 80, 162] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Counter1" SID "198" Ports [2, 1] Position [725, 362, 755, 413] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Counter" SourceType "Xilinx Counter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Free running counters are the least expensive in hardware. A count limited counter is" " implemented by combining a counter with a comparator." cnt_type "Free Running" cnt_to "1023" operation "Up" start_count "0" cnt_by_val "1" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" load_pin off rst on en on explicit_period "off" period "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "counter" sg_icon_stat "30,51,2,1,white,blue,0,ae3608d6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[29.44 29.44 33.44 " "29.44 33.44 33.44 33.44 29.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[25.44 25.44 29.44 29.44 25.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 23." "88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'rst');\n" "color('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('{\\fontsize{14}\\bf++}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "199" Ports [1, 1] Position [550, 398, 575, 422] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','texmode" "','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "200" Ports [1, 1] Position [625, 433, 650, 457] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "5" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,ec356abf,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-5}','texmode" "','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay2" SID "201" Ports [1, 1] Position [550, 378, 575, 402] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "6" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,aa5bc30d,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-6}','texmode" "','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay3" SID "202" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 388, 450, 412] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "6" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,aa5bc30d,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-6}','texmode" "','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From" SID "203" Position [50, 470, 300, 490] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_CAPT_RSSI_1" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "204" Position [960, 797, 1135, 813] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET_CNTR" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From10" SID "205" Position [60, 797, 235, 813] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_CNTR" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From11" SID "206" Position [180, 318, 350, 342] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From12" SID "207" Position [60, 877, 235, 893] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_CNTR" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From13" SID "208" Position [960, 900, 1210, 920] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_RESET_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From14" SID "209" Position [50, 545, 300, 565] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_CAPT_RSSI_2" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From15" SID "210" Position [50, 522, 225, 538] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_CNTR" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From16" SID "211" Position [60, 740, 310, 760] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_START_DCO" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From17" SID "212" Position [60, 717, 235, 733] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_CNTR" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From18" SID "213" Position [60, 820, 310, 840] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_EN_IIR" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From19" SID "214" Position [1280, 623, 1450, 647] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "215" Position [960, 877, 1135, 893] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET_CNTR" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "216" Position [60, 630, 310, 650] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_CAPT_V_DB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "217" Position [60, 900, 310, 920] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_DONE" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "218" Position [50, 447, 225, 463] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_CNTR" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From6" SID "219" Position [60, 607, 235, 623] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_CNTR" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From7" SID "220" Position [960, 740, 1210, 760] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_RESET_RXHP" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From8" SID "221" Position [960, 717, 1135, 733] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET_CNTR" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From9" SID "222" Position [960, 820, 1210, 840] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_RESET_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto1" SID "223" Position [850, 143, 1020, 167] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_CNTR" TagVisibility "local" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto10" SID "224" Position [1605, 718, 1775, 742] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_RXHP" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto11" SID "225" Position [1605, 798, 1775, 822] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto12" SID "226" Position [1605, 878, 1775, 902] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto2" SID "227" Position [850, 243, 1020, 267] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET_CNTR" TagVisibility "local" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto3" SID "228" Position [610, 618, 780, 642] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Capture_V_DB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto4" SID "229" Position [740, 468, 910, 492] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Capture_RSSI" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto5" SID "230" Position [820, 378, 990, 402] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_G_BB_SEL" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto6" SID "231" Position [740, 433, 910, 457] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Set_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto7" SID "232" Position [610, 728, 780, 752] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Start_DCO" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto8" SID "233" Position [610, 808, 780, 832] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_En_IIR_Filt" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto9" SID "234" Position [610, 888, 780, 912] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_DONE" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "235" Ports [2, 1] Position [1505, 712, 1545, 748] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "40,36,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[23.55 23.55 28.55" " 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 23.55 18.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('or');\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical2" SID "236" Ports [2, 1] Position [625, 382, 665, 418] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "40,36,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[23.55 23.55 28.55" " 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 23.55 18.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('or');\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical3" SID "237" Ports [2, 1] Position [615, 462, 655, 498] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "40,36,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[23.55 23.55 28.55" " 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 23.55 18.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('or');\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical4" SID "238" Ports [2, 1] Position [1505, 792, 1545, 828] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "40,36,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[23.55 23.55 28.55" " 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 23.55 18.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('or');\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical5" SID "239" Ports [2, 1] Position [1505, 872, 1545, 908] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "40,36,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[23.55 23.55 28.55" " 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 23.55 18.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('or');\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Negedge" SID "240" Ports [1, 1] Position [155, 168, 210, 192] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Negedge" Location [88, 301, 2330, 1301] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "241" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "242" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "243" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 181, 515, 199] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "244" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "245" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge1" SID "246" Ports [1, 1] Position [450, 458, 505, 482] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge1" Location [203, 179, 2137, 1473] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "247" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "248" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "249" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "250" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "251" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge10" SID "252" Ports [1, 1] Position [450, 888, 505, 912] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge10" Location [203, 179, 2137, 1473] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "253" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "254" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "255" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "256" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "257" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge2" SID "258" Ports [1, 1] Position [450, 618, 505, 642] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge2" Location [203, 179, 2137, 1473] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "259" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "260" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "261" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "262" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "263" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge3" SID "264" Ports [1, 1] Position [155, 143, 210, 167] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge3" Location [88, 301, 2330, 1301] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "265" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "266" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "267" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "268" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "269" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge4" SID "270" Ports [1, 1] Position [450, 533, 505, 557] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge4" Location [203, 179, 2137, 1473] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "271" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "272" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "273" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "274" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "275" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge5" SID "276" Ports [1, 1] Position [1350, 728, 1405, 752] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge5" Location [203, 179, 2137, 1473] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "277" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "278" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "279" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "280" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "281" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge6" SID "282" Ports [1, 1] Position [1350, 808, 1405, 832] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge6" Location [203, 179, 2137, 1473] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "283" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "284" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "285" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "286" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "287" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge7" SID "288" Ports [1, 1] Position [1350, 888, 1405, 912] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge7" Location [203, 179, 2137, 1473] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "289" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "290" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "291" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "292" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "293" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge8" SID "294" Ports [1, 1] Position [450, 728, 505, 752] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge8" Location [203, 179, 2137, 1473] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "295" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "296" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "297" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "298" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "299" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge9" SID "300" Ports [1, 1] Position [450, 808, 505, 832] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge9" Location [203, 179, 2137, 1473] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "301" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "302" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p. If register retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "303" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "304" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32." "66 32.66 38.66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 3" "2.66 32.66 26.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "305" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational" SID "306" Ports [2, 1] Position [350, 441, 395, 494] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32.66 32.66 38." "66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 32.66 32.66 26.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode'" ",'on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational1" SID "307" Ports [2, 1] Position [350, 601, 395, 654] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32.66 32.66 38." "66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 32.66 32.66 26.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode'" ",'on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational2" SID "308" Ports [2, 1] Position [345, 516, 390, 569] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32.66 32.66 38." "66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 32.66 32.66 26.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode'" ",'on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational3" SID "309" Ports [2, 1] Position [1250, 711, 1295, 764] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32.66 32.66 38." "66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 32.66 32.66 26.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode'" ",'on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational4" SID "310" Ports [2, 1] Position [1250, 791, 1295, 844] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32.66 32.66 38." "66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 32.66 32.66 26.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode'" ",'on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational5" SID "311" Ports [2, 1] Position [350, 711, 395, 764] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32.66 32.66 38." "66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 32.66 32.66 26.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode'" ",'on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational6" SID "312" Ports [2, 1] Position [1250, 871, 1295, 924] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32.66 32.66 38." "66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 32.66 32.66 26.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode'" ",'on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational7" SID "313" Ports [2, 1] Position [350, 791, 395, 844] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32.66 32.66 38." "66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 32.66 32.66 26.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode'" ",'on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational8" SID "314" Ports [2, 1] Position [350, 871, 395, 924] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32.66 32.66 38." "66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 32.66 32.66 26.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode'" ",'on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Reset Counter" SID "315" Ports [2, 1] Position [710, 216, 790, 294] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Reset Counter" Location [964, 617, 1645, 811] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "316" Position [180, 133, 210, 147] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Done" SID "317" Position [125, 238, 155, 252] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "318" Ports [0, 1] Position [640, 347, 680, 363] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "253" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,16,0,1,white,blue,0,38d09f39,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[1" "0.22 10.22 12.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[8.22 8.22 " "10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24.44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[4.22 4.22 6.22 4.22 6.22 6.22 4.22 ],[0.931 0.94" "6 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black')" ";port_label('output',1,'253');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Counter1" SID "319" Ports [2, 1] Position [545, 215, 605, 275] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Counter" SourceType "Xilinx Counter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Free running counters are the least expensive in hardware. A count limited co" "unter is implemented by combining a counter with a comparator." cnt_type "Free Running" cnt_to "1023" operation "Up" start_count "0" cnt_by_val "1" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" load_pin off rst on en on explicit_period "off" period "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "counter" sg_icon_stat "60,60,2,1,white,blue,0,ae3608d6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 60 60 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 60 60 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[38.8" "8 38.88 46.88 38.88 46.88 46.88 46.88 38.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[30.88 30.88 38.8" "8 38.88 30.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[22.88 22.88 30.88 30.88 22.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[14.88 14.88 22.88 14.88 22.88 22.88 14.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('{\\fontsiz" "e{14}\\bf++}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter1" SID "320" Ports [1, 1] Position [455, 221, 480, 239] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical2" SID "321" Ports [3, 1] Position [445, 242, 485, 278] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "3" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "40,36,3,1,white,blue,0,98d76266,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n\nco" "lor('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational1" SID "322" Ports [2, 1] Position [550, 316, 595, 369] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.22 " "11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 11.44 9.44" " 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "327" Ports [1, 1] Position [210, 86, 235, 104] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13" ".22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16" ".44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'cast');\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "328" Ports [1, 1] Position [210, 101, 235, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13" ".22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16" ".44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'cast');\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "329" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 30.66 3" "6.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 30.66 24" ".66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ])" ";\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'en');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon te" "xt');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "330" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } } } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Count" SID "331" Position [770, 238, 800, 252] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Logical2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Counter1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational1" SrcPort 1 Points [-125, 0; 0, -75] Branch { DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -40] DstBlock "Inverter1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Counter1" SrcPort 1 Points [60, 0] Branch { Points [0, 85] DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Count" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Counter1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -30; -305, 0; 0, 70] DstBlock "S-R Latch1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Done" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 Points [175, 0; 0, 110] DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "332" Ports [2, 1] Position [405, 318, 450, 367] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [13, 209, 2156, 1324] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "333" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "334" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "335" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11" ".22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 " "9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[4.55 11.44 9.44 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1," "'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "336" Ports [1, 1] Position [210, 86, 235, 104] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label" "('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "337" Ports [1, 1] Position [210, 101, 235, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label" "('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "338" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30." "66 30.66 36.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 3" "0.66 30.66 24.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "339" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Start Counter" SID "340" Ports [3, 1] Position [710, 116, 790, 194] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Start Counter" Location [746, 465, 1636, 673] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "341" Position [445, 113, 475, 127] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Start" SID "342" Position [180, 88, 210, 102] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Done" SID "343" Position [180, 138, 210, 152] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "344" Ports [0, 1] Position [755, 187, 795, 203] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "253" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,16,0,1,white,blue,0,38d09f39,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[1" "0.22 10.22 12.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[8.22 8.22 " "10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24.44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[4.22 4.22 6.22 4.22 6.22 6.22 4.22 ],[0.931 0.94" "6 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black')" ";port_label('output',1,'253');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Counter" SID "345" Ports [2, 1] Position [650, 75, 710, 135] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Counter" SourceType "Xilinx Counter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Free running counters are the least expensive in hardware. A count limited co" "unter is implemented by combining a counter with a comparator." cnt_type "Free Running" cnt_to "1023" operation "Up" start_count "0" cnt_by_val "1" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" load_pin off rst on en on explicit_period "off" period "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "counter" sg_icon_stat "60,60,2,1,white,blue,0,ae3608d6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 60 60 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 60 60 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[38.8" "8 38.88 46.88 38.88 46.88 46.88 46.88 38.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[30.88 30.88 38.8" "8 38.88 30.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[22.88 22.88 30.88 30.88 22.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[14.88 14.88 22.88 14.88 22.88 22.88 14.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('{\\fontsiz" "e{14}\\bf++}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "346" Position [25, 198, 195, 222] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto1" SID "1626" Position [755, 253, 925, 277] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RUNNING" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto5" SID "347" Position [865, 28, 1035, 52] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "348" Ports [1, 1] Position [560, 81, 585, 99] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.2" "2 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 " "11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('no" "t');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical" SID "349" Ports [3, 1] Position [550, 102, 590, 138] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "3" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "40,36,3,1,white,blue,0,98d76266,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n\nco" "lor('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "350" Ports [2, 1] Position [245, 137, 285, 173] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "40,36,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\ncolo" "r('black');disp('or');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational5" SID "351" Ports [2, 1] Position [655, 156, 700, 209] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.22 " "11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 11.44 9.44" " 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "356" Ports [1, 1] Position [210, 86, 235, 104] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13" ".22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16" ".44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'cast');\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "357" Ports [1, 1] Position [210, 101, 235, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13" ".22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16" ".44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'cast');\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "358" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 30.66 3" "6.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 30.66 24" ".66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ])" ";\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'en');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon te" "xt');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "359" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Count" SID "360" Position [865, 98, 895, 112] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [100, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, 155] DstBlock "Goto1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Counter" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Counter" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -50] DstBlock "Goto5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0; 0, -35] DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Counter" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, 65] DstBlock "Relational5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Count" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational5" SrcPort 1 Points [-115, 0] DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational5" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Done" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Start" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 2 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Start Counter" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Run" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { Points [0, 25] DstBlock "Negedge" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Posedge3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Negedge" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Labels [0, 0] DstBlock "Start Counter" DstPort 3 } Branch { Labels [0, 0] Points [0, 95] DstBlock "Reset Counter" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Start Counter" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 105] DstBlock "Reset Counter" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Start Counter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reset Counter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From13" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational6" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Posedge7" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational4" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Posedge6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational3" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Posedge5" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Posedge1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge1" SrcPort 1 Points [70, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Logical3" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Posedge2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge2" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Goto3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Counter1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto5" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Counter1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From15" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From14" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Posedge4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge4" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [35, 0; 0, -55] DstBlock "Logical3" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -155] DstBlock "Delay2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Posedge8" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto7" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From16" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational5" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From17" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational5" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Posedge9" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto8" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From18" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational7" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From10" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational7" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { Points [170, 0; 0, 30] DstBlock "Counter1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 55] DstBlock "Delay3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Posedge10" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge10" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto9" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational8" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From12" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational8" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From19" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0; 0, 85] Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 80] Branch { DstBlock "Logical4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 80] DstBlock "Logical5" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto10" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto11" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto12" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical4" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical5" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From11" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay3" SrcPort 1 Points [-45, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Annotation { Name "Pulse stretch reset to avoid very\nunlikely bad state of stale\nen pulses in delay lines\npost-reset" Position [250, 369] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "DCO Correction" SID "361" Ports [9, 9] Position [350, 353, 445, 507] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "DCO Correction" Location [1354, 541, 1569, 663] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "362" Position [85, 343, 115, 357] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "A I" SID "363" Position [125, 373, 155, 387] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "A Q" SID "364" Position [125, 403, 155, 417] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "B I" SID "365" Position [125, 633, 155, 647] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "B Q" SID "366" Position [125, 663, 155, 677] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "5" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "C I" SID "367" Position [125, 908, 155, 922] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "6" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "C Q" SID "368" Position [125, 938, 155, 952] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "7" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D I" SID "369" Position [125, 1178, 155, 1192] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "8" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D Q" SID "370" Position [125, 1208, 155, 1222] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "9" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "1611" Ports [3, 1] Position [1335, 236, 1395, 294] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en on latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "60,58,3,1,white,blue,0,30170062,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[37.88 37.88 45.8" "8 37.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 37.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[29.88 29.88 37.88 37.88 29.88 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[21.88 21.88 29.88 29.88 21.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20." "2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[13.88 13.88 21.88 13.88 21.88 21.88 13.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(" "'','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'a'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_labe" "l('output',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "DCO" SID "371" Ports [8] Position [1175, 19, 1230, 171] Floating off Location [1, 45, 1836, 1199] Open off NumInputPorts "8" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" axes8 "%" } List { ListType ScopeGraphics FigureColor "[0.5 0.5 0.5]" AxesColor "[0 0 0]" AxesTickColor "[1 1 1]" LineColors "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]" LineStyles "-|-|-|-|-|-" LineWidths "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]" MarkerStyles "none|none|none|none|none|none" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-1~0~-1~-1~-1~-1~-5~-5" YMax "1~1~1~1~1~1~5~5" SaveName "ScopeData3" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "DCO Comp" SID "1607" Ports [6] Position [1610, 180, 1655, 290] Floating off Location [6, 40, 1841, 1194] Open off NumInputPorts "6" ZoomMode "yonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" } List { ListType ScopeGraphics FigureColor "[0.5 0.5 0.5]" AxesColor "[0 0 0]" AxesTickColor "[1 1 1]" LineColors "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]" LineStyles "-|-|-|-|-|-" LineWidths "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]" MarkerStyles "none|none|none|none|none|none" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-1~0~-1~-1~-1~-1" YMax "1~1~1~1~1~1" SaveName "ScopeData8" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "DCO Corr" SID "372" Ports [3, 3] Position [245, 333, 330, 427] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "DCO Corr" Location [421, 238, 1119, 869] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "125" Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "373" Position [180, 493, 210, 507] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "374" Position [390, 318, 420, 332] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "375" Position [390, 388, 420, 402] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator" SID "376" Ports [3, 1] Position [540, 319, 575, 361] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "17" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,3,1,white,blue,0,ee9eb47a,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('in" "put',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator1" SID "377" Ports [3, 1] Position [540, 389, 575, 431] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "17" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,3,1,white,blue,0,ee9eb47a,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('in" "put',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "378" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 264, 735, 306] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "379" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 364, 735, 406] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "380" Ports [0, 1] Position [625, 694, 655, 716] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "31" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "30,22,0,1,white,blue,0,8a5cc997,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[" "14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[11.33 1" "1.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33" " 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('output',1,'31');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Counter" SID "381" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 475, 580, 515] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Counter" SourceType "Xilinx Counter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Free running counters are the least expensive in hardware. A count limited co" "unter is implemented by combining a counter with a comparator." cnt_type "Free Running" cnt_to "Inf" operation "Up" start_count "0" cnt_by_val "1" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" load_pin off rst on en on explicit_period "off" period "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "counter" sg_icon_stat "40,40,2,1,white,blue,0,ae3608d6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[25.55" " 25.55 30.55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25" ".55 25.55 20.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('{\\fo" "ntsize{14}\\bf++}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "DCO Est" SID "382" Ports [7] Position [965, 135, 1010, 245] Floating off Location [430, 291, 1915, 1194] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } List { ListType ScopeGraphics FigureColor "[0.5 0.5 0.5]" AxesColor "[0 0 0]" AxesTickColor "[1 1 1]" LineColors "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]" LineStyles "-|-|-|-|-|-" LineWidths "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]" MarkerStyles "none|none|none|none|none|none" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.4~-0.4~0~0~-0.02~-0.4~-0.4" YMax "0.4~0.4~1~0.03~0.009999999999999999~0.4~0.4" SaveName "ScopeData1" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "383" Ports [1, 1] Position [700, 442, 730, 468] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,26,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[" "16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[13.33 1" "3.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13." "33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "384" Position [275, 401, 415, 419] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "385" Position [120, 603, 290, 627] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Start_DCO" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "386" Position [135, 646, 275, 664] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical" SID "387" Ports [2, 1] Position [455, 494, 490, 516] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,22,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[11.3" "3 11.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 " "11.33 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "388" Ports [2, 1] Position [305, 645, 340, 685] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,40,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55" " 25.55 30.55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25" ".55 25.55 20.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('or');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical2" SID "389" Ports [2, 1] Position [350, 684, 385, 706] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,22,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[11.3" "3 11.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 " "11.33 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational" SID "390" Ports [2, 1] Position [545, 683, 580, 712] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "35,29,2,1,white,blue,0,2a81ff49,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 29 29 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 29 29 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa = " "b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "391" Ports [2, 1] Position [375, 605, 415, 645] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [505, 106, 2213, 1466] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "392" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "393" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "394" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,400,346" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.22 " "11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 11.44 9.44" " 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "395" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 30.66 3" "6.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 30.66 24" ".66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ])" ";\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'en');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon te" "xt');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "396" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Scale" SID "397" Ports [1, 1] Position [630, 282, 655, 308] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Scale" SourceType "Xilinx Input Scaler Block" infoedit "Scales input by a power of two by adjusting the binary point position.

Hardware notes: " "In hardware this block costs nothing." scale_factor "-5" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "scale" sg_icon_stat "25,26,1,1,white,blue,0,8781d150,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[16" ".33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[13.33 13.33 " "16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.9" "31 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncol" "or('black');disp('\\bf{2^{-5}}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Scale1" SID "398" Ports [1, 1] Position [630, 382, 655, 408] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Scale" SourceType "Xilinx Input Scaler Block" infoedit "Scales input by a power of two by adjusting the binary point position.

Hardware notes: " "In hardware this block costs nothing." scale_factor "-5" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "scale" sg_icon_stat "25,26,1,1,white,blue,0,8781d150,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[16" ".33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[13.33 13.33 " "16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.9" "31 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncol" "or('black');disp('\\bf{2^{-5}}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "399" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 215, 890, 225] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "400" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 155, 890, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "401" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 185, 890, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "402" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 140, 890, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "403" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 170, 890, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "404" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 200, 890, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "405" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 230, 890, 240] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Valid" SID "406" Position [800, 448, 830, 462] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " I" SID "407" Position [800, 278, 830, 292] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " Q" SID "408" Position [800, 378, 830, 392] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { Points [90, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -50] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, -180] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [80, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, -235] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -70] DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Counter" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -80] Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -70] Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -180] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Counter" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0; 0, 195] DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 Points [210, 0] Branch { Points [0, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 190] DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Scale" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -15] DstBlock "Scale1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0; 0, -30] Branch { DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -150] DstBlock "Counter" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock " I" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -65] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { DstBlock " Q" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -150] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Valid" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical2" SrcPort 1 Points [-65, 0; 0, -20] DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Scale" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -105] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Scale1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -190] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 7 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "DCO Corr1" SID "409" Ports [3, 3] Position [245, 593, 330, 687] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "DCO Corr1" Location [442, 328, 2118, 1423] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "125" Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "410" Position [180, 493, 210, 507] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "411" Position [390, 318, 420, 332] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "412" Position [390, 388, 420, 402] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator" SID "413" Ports [3, 1] Position [540, 319, 575, 361] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "17" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,3,1,white,blue,0,ee9eb47a,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('in" "put',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator1" SID "414" Ports [3, 1] Position [540, 389, 575, 431] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "17" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,3,1,white,blue,0,ee9eb47a,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('in" "put',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "415" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 264, 735, 306] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "416" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 364, 735, 406] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "417" Ports [0, 1] Position [625, 694, 655, 716] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "31" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "30,22,0,1,white,blue,0,8a5cc997,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[" "14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[11.33 1" "1.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33" " 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('output',1,'31');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Counter" SID "418" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 475, 580, 515] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Counter" SourceType "Xilinx Counter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Free running counters are the least expensive in hardware. A count limited co" "unter is implemented by combining a counter with a comparator." cnt_type "Free Running" cnt_to "Inf" operation "Up" start_count "0" cnt_by_val "1" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" load_pin off rst on en on explicit_period "off" period "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "counter" sg_icon_stat "40,40,2,1,white,blue,0,ae3608d6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[25.55" " 25.55 30.55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25" ".55 25.55 20.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('{\\fo" "ntsize{14}\\bf++}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "DCO Est" SID "419" Ports [7] Position [965, 135, 1010, 245] Floating off Location [13, 566, 1202, 1469] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.4~-0.4~0~0~-0.02~-0.4~-0.4" YMax "0.4~0.4~1~0.03~0.009999999999999999~0.4~0.4" SaveName "ScopeData1" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "420" Ports [1, 1] Position [700, 442, 730, 468] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,26,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[" "16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[13.33 1" "3.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13." "33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "421" Position [275, 401, 415, 419] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "422" Position [120, 603, 290, 627] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Start_DCO" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "423" Position [135, 646, 275, 664] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical" SID "424" Ports [2, 1] Position [455, 494, 490, 516] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,22,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[11.3" "3 11.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 " "11.33 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "425" Ports [2, 1] Position [305, 645, 340, 685] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,40,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55" " 25.55 30.55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25" ".55 25.55 20.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('or');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical2" SID "426" Ports [2, 1] Position [350, 684, 385, 706] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,22,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[11.3" "3 11.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 " "11.33 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational" SID "427" Ports [2, 1] Position [545, 683, 580, 712] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "35,29,2,1,white,blue,0,2a81ff49,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 29 29 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 29 29 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa = " "b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "428" Ports [2, 1] Position [375, 605, 415, 645] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [505, 106, 2213, 1466] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "429" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "430" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "431" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,400,346" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.22 " "11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 11.44 9.44" " 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "432" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 30.66 3" "6.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 30.66 24" ".66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ])" ";\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'en');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon te" "xt');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "433" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Scale" SID "434" Ports [1, 1] Position [630, 282, 655, 308] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Scale" SourceType "Xilinx Input Scaler Block" infoedit "Scales input by a power of two by adjusting the binary point position.

Hardware notes: " "In hardware this block costs nothing." scale_factor "-5" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "scale" sg_icon_stat "25,26,1,1,white,blue,0,8781d150,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[16" ".33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[13.33 13.33 " "16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.9" "31 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncol" "or('black');disp('\\bf{2^{-5}}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Scale1" SID "435" Ports [1, 1] Position [630, 382, 655, 408] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Scale" SourceType "Xilinx Input Scaler Block" infoedit "Scales input by a power of two by adjusting the binary point position.

Hardware notes: " "In hardware this block costs nothing." scale_factor "-5" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "scale" sg_icon_stat "25,26,1,1,white,blue,0,8781d150,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[16" ".33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[13.33 13.33 " "16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.9" "31 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncol" "or('black');disp('\\bf{2^{-5}}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "436" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 215, 890, 225] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "437" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 155, 890, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "438" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 185, 890, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "439" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 140, 890, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "440" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 170, 890, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "441" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 200, 890, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "442" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 230, 890, 240] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Valid" SID "443" Position [800, 448, 830, 462] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " I" SID "444" Position [800, 278, 830, 292] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " Q" SID "445" Position [800, 378, 830, 392] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Scale1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -190] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Scale" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, -105] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical2" SrcPort 1 Points [-65, 0; 0, -20] DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Valid" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, -150] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock " Q" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [0, -65] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock " I" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0; 0, -30] Branch { Points [0, -150] DstBlock "Counter" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -15] DstBlock "Scale1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Scale" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 Points [210, 0] Branch { Points [0, 0] Branch { Points [0, 190] DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Counter" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0; 0, 195] DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -80] Branch { Points [0, -70] Branch { Points [0, -180] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 3 } } Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 3 } } Branch { DstBlock "Counter" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { Points [0, -70] DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -235] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [80, 0] Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { Points [0, -180] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [90, 0] Branch { Points [0, -50] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 1 } } } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "DCO Corr2" SID "446" Ports [3, 3] Position [245, 868, 330, 962] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "DCO Corr2" Location [442, 328, 2118, 1423] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "125" Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "447" Position [180, 493, 210, 507] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "448" Position [390, 318, 420, 332] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "449" Position [390, 388, 420, 402] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator" SID "450" Ports [3, 1] Position [540, 319, 575, 361] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "17" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,3,1,white,blue,0,ee9eb47a,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('in" "put',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator1" SID "451" Ports [3, 1] Position [540, 389, 575, 431] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "17" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,3,1,white,blue,0,ee9eb47a,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('in" "put',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "452" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 264, 735, 306] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "453" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 364, 735, 406] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "454" Ports [0, 1] Position [625, 694, 655, 716] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "31" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "30,22,0,1,white,blue,0,8a5cc997,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[" "14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[11.33 1" "1.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33" " 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('output',1,'31');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Counter" SID "455" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 475, 580, 515] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Counter" SourceType "Xilinx Counter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Free running counters are the least expensive in hardware. A count limited co" "unter is implemented by combining a counter with a comparator." cnt_type "Free Running" cnt_to "Inf" operation "Up" start_count "0" cnt_by_val "1" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" load_pin off rst on en on explicit_period "off" period "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "counter" sg_icon_stat "40,40,2,1,white,blue,0,ae3608d6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[25.55" " 25.55 30.55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25" ".55 25.55 20.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('{\\fo" "ntsize{14}\\bf++}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "DCO Est" SID "456" Ports [7] Position [965, 135, 1010, 245] Floating off Location [13, 566, 1202, 1469] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.4~-0.4~0~0~-0.02~-0.4~-0.4" YMax "0.4~0.4~1~0.03~0.009999999999999999~0.4~0.4" SaveName "ScopeData1" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "457" Ports [1, 1] Position [700, 442, 730, 468] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,26,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[" "16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[13.33 1" "3.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13." "33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "458" Position [275, 401, 415, 419] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "459" Position [120, 603, 290, 627] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Start_DCO" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "460" Position [135, 646, 275, 664] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical" SID "461" Ports [2, 1] Position [455, 494, 490, 516] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,22,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[11.3" "3 11.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 " "11.33 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "462" Ports [2, 1] Position [305, 645, 340, 685] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,40,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55" " 25.55 30.55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25" ".55 25.55 20.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('or');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical2" SID "463" Ports [2, 1] Position [350, 684, 385, 706] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,22,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[11.3" "3 11.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 " "11.33 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational" SID "464" Ports [2, 1] Position [545, 683, 580, 712] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "35,29,2,1,white,blue,0,2a81ff49,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 29 29 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 29 29 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa = " "b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "465" Ports [2, 1] Position [375, 605, 415, 645] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [505, 106, 2213, 1466] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "466" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "467" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "468" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,400,346" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.22 " "11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 11.44 9.44" " 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "469" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 30.66 3" "6.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 30.66 24" ".66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ])" ";\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'en');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon te" "xt');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "470" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Scale" SID "471" Ports [1, 1] Position [630, 282, 655, 308] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Scale" SourceType "Xilinx Input Scaler Block" infoedit "Scales input by a power of two by adjusting the binary point position.

Hardware notes: " "In hardware this block costs nothing." scale_factor "-5" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "scale" sg_icon_stat "25,26,1,1,white,blue,0,8781d150,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[16" ".33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[13.33 13.33 " "16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.9" "31 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncol" "or('black');disp('\\bf{2^{-5}}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Scale1" SID "472" Ports [1, 1] Position [630, 382, 655, 408] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Scale" SourceType "Xilinx Input Scaler Block" infoedit "Scales input by a power of two by adjusting the binary point position.

Hardware notes: " "In hardware this block costs nothing." scale_factor "-5" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "scale" sg_icon_stat "25,26,1,1,white,blue,0,8781d150,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[16" ".33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[13.33 13.33 " "16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.9" "31 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncol" "or('black');disp('\\bf{2^{-5}}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "473" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 215, 890, 225] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "474" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 155, 890, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "475" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 185, 890, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "476" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 140, 890, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "477" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 170, 890, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "478" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 200, 890, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "479" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 230, 890, 240] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Valid" SID "480" Position [800, 448, 830, 462] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " I" SID "481" Position [800, 278, 830, 292] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " Q" SID "482" Position [800, 378, 830, 392] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { Points [90, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -50] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, -180] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [80, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, -235] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -70] DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Counter" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -80] Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -70] Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -180] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Counter" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0; 0, 195] DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 Points [210, 0] Branch { Points [0, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 190] DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Scale" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -15] DstBlock "Scale1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0; 0, -30] Branch { DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -150] DstBlock "Counter" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock " I" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -65] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { DstBlock " Q" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -150] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Valid" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical2" SrcPort 1 Points [-65, 0; 0, -20] DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Scale" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -105] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Scale1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -190] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 7 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "DCO Corr3" SID "483" Ports [3, 3] Position [245, 1138, 330, 1232] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "DCO Corr3" Location [442, 328, 2118, 1423] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "125" Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "484" Position [180, 493, 210, 507] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "485" Position [390, 318, 420, 332] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "486" Position [390, 388, 420, 402] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator" SID "487" Ports [3, 1] Position [540, 319, 575, 361] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "17" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,3,1,white,blue,0,ee9eb47a,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('in" "put',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator1" SID "488" Ports [3, 1] Position [540, 389, 575, 431] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "17" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,3,1,white,blue,0,ee9eb47a,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('in" "put',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "489" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 264, 735, 306] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "490" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 364, 735, 406] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "491" Ports [0, 1] Position [625, 694, 655, 716] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "31" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "30,22,0,1,white,blue,0,8a5cc997,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[" "14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[11.33 1" "1.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33" " 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('output',1,'31');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Counter" SID "492" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 475, 580, 515] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Counter" SourceType "Xilinx Counter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Free running counters are the least expensive in hardware. A count limited co" "unter is implemented by combining a counter with a comparator." cnt_type "Free Running" cnt_to "Inf" operation "Up" start_count "0" cnt_by_val "1" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" load_pin off rst on en on explicit_period "off" period "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "counter" sg_icon_stat "40,40,2,1,white,blue,0,ae3608d6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[25.55" " 25.55 30.55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25" ".55 25.55 20.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('{\\fo" "ntsize{14}\\bf++}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "DCO Est" SID "493" Ports [7] Position [965, 135, 1010, 245] Floating off Location [13, 566, 1202, 1469] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.4~-0.4~0~0~-0.02~-0.4~-0.4" YMax "0.4~0.4~1~0.03~0.009999999999999999~0.4~0.4" SaveName "ScopeData1" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "494" Ports [1, 1] Position [700, 442, 730, 468] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,26,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 18.66 21.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[" "16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[13.33 1" "3.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 15.66 11.325 8.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13." "33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([11.325 21.66 18.66 15.66 12.66 8.325 11.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "495" Position [275, 401, 415, 419] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "496" Position [120, 603, 290, 627] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Start_DCO" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "497" Position [135, 646, 275, 664] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical" SID "498" Ports [2, 1] Position [455, 494, 490, 516] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,22,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[11.3" "3 11.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 " "11.33 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "499" Ports [2, 1] Position [305, 645, 340, 685] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "OR" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,40,2,1,white,blue,0,7ede7d88,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55" " 25.55 30.55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25" ".55 25.55 20.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\n" "color('black');disp('or');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical2" SID "500" Ports [2, 1] Position [350, 684, 385, 706] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "0" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" sg_icon_stat "35,22,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[14.33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[11.3" "3 11.33 14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 " "11.33 8.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('and');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational" SID "501" Ports [2, 1] Position [545, 683, 580, 712] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "35,29,2,1,white,blue,0,2a81ff49,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 29 29 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 29 29 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa = " "b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "502" Ports [2, 1] Position [375, 605, 415, 645] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [505, 106, 2213, 1466] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "503" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "504" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "505" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,400,346" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.22 " "11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 11.44 9.44" " 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "506" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 30.66 3" "6.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 30.66 24" ".66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ])" ";\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'en');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon te" "xt');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "507" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Scale" SID "508" Ports [1, 1] Position [630, 282, 655, 308] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Scale" SourceType "Xilinx Input Scaler Block" infoedit "Scales input by a power of two by adjusting the binary point position.

Hardware notes: " "In hardware this block costs nothing." scale_factor "-5" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "scale" sg_icon_stat "25,26,1,1,white,blue,0,8781d150,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[16" ".33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[13.33 13.33 " "16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.9" "31 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncol" "or('black');disp('\\bf{2^{-5}}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Scale1" SID "509" Ports [1, 1] Position [630, 382, 655, 408] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Scale" SourceType "Xilinx Input Scaler Block" infoedit "Scales input by a power of two by adjusting the binary point position.

Hardware notes: " "In hardware this block costs nothing." scale_factor "-5" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "scale" sg_icon_stat "25,26,1,1,white,blue,0,8781d150,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[16" ".33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[13.33 13.33 " "16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.9" "31 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncol" "or('black');disp('\\bf{2^{-5}}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "510" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 215, 890, 225] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "511" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 155, 890, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "512" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 185, 890, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "513" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 140, 890, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "514" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 170, 890, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "515" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 200, 890, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "516" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 230, 890, 240] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Valid" SID "517" Position [800, 448, 830, 462] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " I" SID "518" Position [800, 278, 830, 292] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " Q" SID "519" Position [800, 378, 830, 392] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Est" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Scale1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -190] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Scale" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, -105] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical2" SrcPort 1 Points [-65, 0; 0, -20] DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Valid" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, -150] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock " Q" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [0, -65] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock " I" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0; 0, -30] Branch { Points [0, -150] DstBlock "Counter" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -15] DstBlock "Scale1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Scale" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 Points [210, 0] Branch { Points [0, 0] Branch { Points [0, 190] DstBlock "Logical2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] DstBlock "Logical" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Counter" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0; 0, 195] DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Logical" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -80] Branch { Points [0, -70] Branch { Points [0, -180] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 3 } } Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 3 } } Branch { DstBlock "Counter" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { Points [0, -70] DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -235] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [80, 0] Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator1" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { Points [0, -180] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [90, 0] Branch { Points [0, -50] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 1 } } } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "520" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 590, 470, 610] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay10" SID "1656" Ports [2, 1] Position [615, 735, 665, 755] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2" ",'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay11" SID "521" Ports [1, 1] Position [535, 230, 585, 250] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "9" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c2fef566,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-9}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay12" SID "1657" Ports [2, 1] Position [615, 765, 665, 785] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2" ",'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay13" SID "522" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 730, 470, 750] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay14" SID "523" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 760, 470, 780] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay15" SID "1661" Ports [2, 1] Position [625, 1010, 675, 1030] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2" ",'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay16" SID "1662" Ports [2, 1] Position [625, 1040, 675, 1060] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2" ",'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay17" SID "1666" Ports [2, 1] Position [630, 1285, 680, 1305] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2" ",'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay18" SID "1667" Ports [2, 1] Position [630, 1315, 680, 1335] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2" ",'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay19" SID "526" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 1005, 470, 1025] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay2" SID "527" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 330, 470, 350] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay20" SID "528" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 1035, 470, 1055] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay21" SID "529" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 1280, 470, 1300] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay22" SID "530" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 1310, 470, 1330] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay23" SID "1652" Ports [2, 1] Position [615, 465, 665, 485] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2" ",'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay24" SID "1653" Ports [2, 1] Position [615, 495, 665, 515] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2" ",'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay25" SID "1654" Ports [1, 1] Position [515, 435, 565, 455] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay26" SID "1658" Ports [1, 1] Position [515, 705, 565, 725] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay27" SID "1659" Ports [1, 1] Position [515, 730, 565, 750] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay28" SID "1660" Ports [1, 1] Position [515, 760, 565, 780] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay29" SID "1663" Ports [1, 1] Position [525, 980, 575, 1000] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay3" SID "535" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 865, 470, 885] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay30" SID "1664" Ports [1, 1] Position [525, 1005, 575, 1025] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay31" SID "1665" Ports [1, 1] Position [525, 1035, 575, 1055] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay32" SID "1668" Ports [1, 1] Position [530, 1255, 580, 1275] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay33" SID "1669" Ports [1, 1] Position [530, 1280, 580, 1300] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay34" SID "1670" Ports [1, 1] Position [530, 1310, 580, 1330] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay4" SID "536" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 1135, 470, 1155] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay5" SID "537" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 460, 470, 480] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "538" Ports [1, 1] Position [420, 490, 470, 510] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay7" SID "539" Ports [1, 1] Position [515, 460, 565, 480] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay8" SID "1612" Ports [1, 1] Position [1250, 240, 1300, 260] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "5" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,ec356abf,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-5}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay9" SID "540" Ports [1, 1] Position [515, 490, 565, 510] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "2" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "50,20,1,1,white,blue,0,85ce9542,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 27.44 29.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.55 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.55 23.44 25.44 22.55 20.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([22.55 29.44 27.44 25.44 23.44 20.55 22.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-2}','tex" "mode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "541" Position [30, 221, 170, 239] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_En_IIR_Filt" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "542" Position [30, 241, 170, 259] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "IIR HPF Filt" SID "543" Ports [4, 3] Position [520, 291, 605, 419] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "IIR HPF Filt" Location [899, 539, 2286, 1544] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "125" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Reset" SID "544" Position [180, 408, 210, 422] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "545" Position [190, 268, 220, 282] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "546" Position [190, 198, 220, 212] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "547" Position [190, 533, 220, 547] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "548" Ports [2, 1] Position [425, 204, 470, 246] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "549" Ports [2, 1] Position [530, 214, 575, 256] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub2" SID "550" Ports [2, 1] Position [425, 539, 470, 581] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub3" SID "551" Ports [2, 1] Position [530, 549, 575, 591] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "552" Ports [1, 1] Position [855, 236, 885, 254] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "30,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[1" "1.22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[9.22 9.22 " "11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.94" "6 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "553" Ports [1, 1] Position [860, 571, 890, 589] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "30,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[1" "1.22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[9.22 9.22 " "11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.94" "6 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "554" Ports [2, 1] Position [355, 223, 380, 247] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay2" SID "555" Ports [1, 1] Position [275, 263, 300, 287] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay3" SID "556" Ports [1, 1] Position [355, 403, 380, 427] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay4" SID "557" Ports [2, 1] Position [355, 558, 380, 582] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay5" SID "558" Ports [1, 1] Position [435, 263, 460, 287] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "559" Ports [1, 1] Position [435, 403, 460, 427] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay7" SID "1671" Ports [1, 1] Position [690, 263, 715, 287] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "560" Ports [1] Position [90, 105, 180, 135] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "561" Position [80, 551, 220, 569] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_A" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "562" Position [80, 216, 220, 234] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_A" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "563" Position [755, 341, 895, 359] ZOrder -9 BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_A1_A" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "IIR Filt" SID "564" Ports [7] Position [855, 25, 900, 135] Floating off Location [16, 296, 1205, 1199] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } List { ListType ScopeGraphics FigureColor "[0.5 0.5 0.5]" AxesColor "[0 0 0]" AxesTickColor "[1 1 1]" LineColors "[1 1 0;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]" LineStyles "-|-|-|-|-|-" LineWidths "[0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]" MarkerStyles "none|none|none|none|none|none" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.4~-0.4~-0.4~-1~-0.4~0~-0.4" YMax "0.4~0.4~0.4~1~0.4~1~0.4" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "565" Ports [2, 1] Position [275, 193, 315, 237] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "566" Ports [3, 1] Position [535, 338, 575, 382] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "16" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,3,1,white,blue,0,ba9ee9a2,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-" "1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult2" SID "567" Ports [2, 1] Position [275, 528, 315, 572] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult3" SID "568" Ports [3, 1] Position [535, 628, 575, 672] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "16" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,3,1,white,blue,0,ba9ee9a2,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-" "1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "569" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 227, 725, 263] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6bd0930c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "570" Ports [2, 1] Position [680, 562, 715, 598] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6bd0930c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "571" Ports [2, 1] Position [675, 342, 710, 378] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output" "',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "572" Ports [1, 1] Position [745, 120, 780, 130] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "573" Ports [1, 1] Position [745, 45, 780, 55] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "574" Ports [1, 1] Position [745, 60, 780, 70] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "575" Ports [1, 1] Position [745, 30, 780, 40] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "576" Ports [1, 1] Position [745, 75, 780, 85] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "577" Ports [1, 1] Position [745, 90, 780, 100] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "578" Ports [1, 1] Position [745, 105, 780, 115] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " I" SID "579" Position [925, 238, 955, 252] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " Q" SID "580" Position [925, 573, 955, 587] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " IQ Valid" SID "581" Position [855, 268, 885, 282] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -170] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -160] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [-25, 0; 0, -115] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay2" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [0, -35] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 300] DstBlock "Delay4" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -140] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [60, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 110] DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [100, 0] Branch { Points [0, -80; -100, 0] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "Delay4" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult3" SrcPort 1 Points [-25, 0; 0, -70] DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 Points [-20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 290] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub3" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 65] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reset" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay5" SrcPort 1 Points [125, 0] Branch { Points [0, -20; 20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -145] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } } Branch { Points [25, 0; 0, 100] Branch { Points [0, -100] Branch { Points [0, 315] Branch { Points [0, 75] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 3 } Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 2 } } Branch { DstBlock "Delay7" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 3 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 Points [280, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " IQ Valid" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "IIR HPF Filt1" SID "582" Ports [4, 3] Position [520, 551, 605, 679] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "IIR HPF Filt1" Location [442, 328, 2118, 1423] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "125" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Reset" SID "583" Position [190, 488, 220, 502] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "584" Position [200, 348, 230, 362] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "585" Position [200, 278, 230, 292] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "586" Position [200, 613, 230, 627] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "587" Ports [2, 1] Position [435, 284, 480, 326] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "588" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 294, 585, 336] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub2" SID "589" Ports [2, 1] Position [435, 619, 480, 661] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub3" SID "590" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 629, 585, 671] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "591" Ports [1, 1] Position [865, 316, 895, 334] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "30,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[1" "1.22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[9.22 9.22 " "11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.94" "6 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "592" Ports [1, 1] Position [870, 651, 900, 669] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "30,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[1" "1.22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[9.22 9.22 " "11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.94" "6 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "593" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 303, 390, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay2" SID "594" Ports [1, 1] Position [285, 343, 310, 367] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay3" SID "595" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 483, 390, 507] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay4" SID "596" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 638, 390, 662] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay5" SID "597" Ports [1, 1] Position [445, 343, 470, 367] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "598" Ports [1, 1] Position [445, 483, 470, 507] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay7" SID "1672" Ports [1, 1] Position [705, 343, 730, 367] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "599" Ports [1] Position [100, 185, 190, 215] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "600" Position [90, 631, 230, 649] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_B" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "601" Position [90, 296, 230, 314] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_B" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "602" Position [765, 421, 905, 439] ZOrder -9 BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_A1_B" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "IIR Filt" SID "603" Ports [7] Position [865, 105, 910, 215] Floating off Location [16, 296, 1205, 1199] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.4~-0.4~-0.4~-1~-0.4~0~-0.4" YMax "0.4~0.4~0.4~1~0.4~1~0.4" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "604" Ports [2, 1] Position [285, 273, 325, 317] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "605" Ports [3, 1] Position [545, 418, 585, 462] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "16" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,3,1,white,blue,0,ba9ee9a2,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-" "1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult2" SID "606" Ports [2, 1] Position [285, 608, 325, 652] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult3" SID "607" Ports [3, 1] Position [545, 753, 585, 797] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "16" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,3,1,white,blue,0,ba9ee9a2,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-" "1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "608" Ports [2, 1] Position [700, 307, 735, 343] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6bd0930c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "609" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 642, 725, 678] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6bd0930c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "610" Ports [2, 1] Position [685, 422, 720, 458] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output" "',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "611" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 200, 790, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "612" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 125, 790, 135] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "613" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 140, 790, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "614" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 110, 790, 120] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "615" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 155, 790, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "616" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 170, 790, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "617" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 185, 790, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " I" SID "618" Position [935, 318, 965, 332] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " Q" SID "619" Position [935, 653, 965, 667] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " IQ Valid" SID "620" Position [850, 348, 880, 362] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 Points [280, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay5" SrcPort 1 Points [125, 0] Branch { Points [25, 0; 0, 100] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -100] Branch { Points [0, 315] Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 120] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 3 } } Branch { DstBlock "Delay7" DstPort 1 } } } Branch { Points [0, -20; 20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -145] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reset" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub3" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { Points [0, 110] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 Points [-20, 0] Branch { Points [0, 335] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult3" SrcPort 1 Points [-25, 0; 0, -115] DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "Delay4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [100, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -80; -100, 0] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [60, 0] Branch { Points [0, 110] DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, -140] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay2" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Delay5" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 300] DstBlock "Delay4" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -35] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [-25, 0; 0, -115] Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -160] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -170] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " IQ Valid" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "IIR HPF Filt2" SID "621" Ports [4, 3] Position [525, 826, 610, 954] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "IIR HPF Filt2" Location [442, 328, 2118, 1423] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "125" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Reset" SID "622" Position [190, 488, 220, 502] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "623" Position [200, 348, 230, 362] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "624" Position [200, 278, 230, 292] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "625" Position [200, 613, 230, 627] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "626" Ports [2, 1] Position [435, 284, 480, 326] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "627" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 294, 585, 336] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub2" SID "628" Ports [2, 1] Position [435, 619, 480, 661] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub3" SID "629" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 629, 585, 671] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "630" Ports [1, 1] Position [865, 316, 895, 334] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "30,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[1" "1.22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[9.22 9.22 " "11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.94" "6 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "631" Ports [1, 1] Position [870, 651, 900, 669] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "30,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[1" "1.22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[9.22 9.22 " "11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.94" "6 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "632" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 303, 390, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay2" SID "633" Ports [1, 1] Position [285, 343, 310, 367] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay3" SID "634" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 483, 390, 507] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay4" SID "635" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 638, 390, 662] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay5" SID "636" Ports [1, 1] Position [445, 343, 470, 367] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "637" Ports [1, 1] Position [445, 483, 470, 507] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay7" SID "1673" Ports [1, 1] Position [705, 343, 730, 367] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "638" Ports [1] Position [100, 185, 190, 215] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "639" Position [90, 631, 230, 649] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_C" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "640" Position [90, 296, 230, 314] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_C" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "641" Position [765, 421, 905, 439] ZOrder -9 BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_A1_C" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "IIR Filt" SID "642" Ports [7] Position [865, 105, 910, 215] Floating off Location [16, 296, 1205, 1199] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.4~-0.4~-0.4~-1~-0.4~0~-0.4" YMax "0.4~0.4~0.4~1~0.4~1~0.4" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "643" Ports [2, 1] Position [285, 273, 325, 317] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "644" Ports [3, 1] Position [545, 418, 585, 462] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "16" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,3,1,white,blue,0,ba9ee9a2,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-" "1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult2" SID "645" Ports [2, 1] Position [285, 608, 325, 652] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult3" SID "646" Ports [3, 1] Position [545, 753, 585, 797] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "16" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,3,1,white,blue,0,ba9ee9a2,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-" "1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "647" Ports [2, 1] Position [700, 307, 735, 343] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6bd0930c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "648" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 642, 725, 678] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6bd0930c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "649" Ports [2, 1] Position [685, 422, 720, 458] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output" "',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "650" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 200, 790, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "651" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 125, 790, 135] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "652" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 140, 790, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "653" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 110, 790, 120] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "654" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 155, 790, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "655" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 170, 790, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "656" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 185, 790, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " I" SID "657" Position [935, 318, 965, 332] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " Q" SID "658" Position [935, 653, 965, 667] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " IQ Valid" SID "659" Position [855, 348, 885, 362] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -170] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -160] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [-25, 0; 0, -115] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay2" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [0, -35] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 300] DstBlock "Delay4" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -140] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [60, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 110] DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [100, 0] Branch { Points [0, -80; -100, 0] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "Delay4" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult3" SrcPort 1 Points [-25, 0; 0, -115] DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 Points [-20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 335] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub3" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 110] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reset" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay5" SrcPort 1 Points [125, 0] Branch { Points [0, -20; 20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -145] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } } Branch { Points [25, 0; 0, 100] Branch { Points [0, -100] Branch { Points [0, 315] Branch { Points [0, 120] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 3 } Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 2 } } Branch { DstBlock "Delay7" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 3 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 Points [280, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " IQ Valid" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "IIR HPF Filt3" SID "660" Ports [4, 3] Position [530, 1096, 615, 1224] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "IIR HPF Filt3" Location [442, 328, 2118, 1423] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "125" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Reset" SID "661" Position [190, 488, 220, 502] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "662" Position [200, 348, 230, 362] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "663" Position [200, 278, 230, 292] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "664" Position [200, 613, 230, 627] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "665" Ports [2, 1] Position [435, 284, 480, 326] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "666" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 294, 585, 336] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub2" SID "667" Ports [2, 1] Position [435, 619, 480, 661] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp" "(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub3" SID "668" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 629, 585, 671] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "45,42,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[27." "66 27.66 33.66 27.66 33.66 33.66 33.66 27.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[21.66 21.66 2" "7.66 27.66 21.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[15.66 15.66 21.66 21.66 15.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[9.66 9.66 15.66 9.66 15.66 15.66 9.66 ],[0.931" " 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bl" "ack');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "669" Ports [1, 1] Position [865, 316, 895, 334] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "30,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[1" "1.22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[9.22 9.22 " "11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.94" "6 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "670" Ports [1, 1] Position [870, 651, 900, 669] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "15" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "30,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[1" "1.22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[9.22 9.22 " "11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.94" "6 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "671" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 303, 390, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay2" SID "672" Ports [1, 1] Position [285, 343, 310, 367] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay3" SID "673" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 483, 390, 507] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay4" SID "674" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 638, 390, 662] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,2,1,white,blue,0,7c0ac154,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon" " text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay5" SID "675" Ports [1, 1] Position [445, 343, 470, 367] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "676" Ports [1, 1] Position [445, 483, 470, 507] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay7" SID "1674" Ports [1, 1] Position [705, 343, 730, 367] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15" ".33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 " "15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('bl" "ack');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "677" Ports [1] Position [100, 185, 190, 215] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "678" Position [90, 631, 230, 649] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_D" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "679" Position [90, 296, 230, 314] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_D" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "680" Position [765, 421, 905, 439] ZOrder -9 BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_A1_D" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "IIR Filt" SID "681" Ports [7] Position [865, 105, 910, 215] Floating off Location [16, 296, 1205, 1199] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.4~-0.4~-0.4~-1~-0.4~0~-0.4" YMax "0.4~0.4~0.4~1~0.4~1~0.4" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "682" Ports [2, 1] Position [285, 273, 325, 317] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "683" Ports [3, 1] Position [545, 418, 585, 462] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "16" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,3,1,white,blue,0,ba9ee9a2,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-" "1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult2" SID "684" Ports [2, 1] Position [285, 608, 325, 652] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult3" SID "685" Ports [3, 1] Position [545, 753, 585, 797] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "16" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en on latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "40,44,3,1,white,blue,0,ba9ee9a2,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 44 44 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[27.55" " 27.55 32.55 27.55 32.55 32.55 32.55 27.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[22.55 22.55 27" ".55 27.55 22.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22.55 22.55 17.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('inpu" "t',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-" "1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "686" Ports [2, 1] Position [700, 307, 735, 343] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6bd0930c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "687" Ports [2, 1] Position [690, 642, 725, 678] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6bd0930c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "688" Ports [2, 1] Position [685, 422, 720, 458] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55" " 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23" ".55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output" "',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "689" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 200, 790, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "690" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 125, 790, 135] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "691" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 140, 790, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "692" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 110, 790, 120] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "693" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 155, 790, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "694" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 170, 790, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "695" Ports [1, 1] Position [755, 185, 790, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " I" SID "696" Position [935, 318, 965, 332] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " Q" SID "697" Position [935, 653, 965, 667] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " IQ Valid" SID "698" Position [865, 348, 895, 362] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 Points [280, 0; 0, -45] DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay5" SrcPort 1 Points [125, 0] Branch { Points [25, 0; 0, 100] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -100] Branch { Points [0, 315] Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 120] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 3 } } Branch { DstBlock "Delay7" DstPort 1 } } } Branch { Points [0, -20; 20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -145] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reset" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub3" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { Points [0, 110] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 Points [-20, 0] Branch { Points [0, 335] DstBlock "Mult3" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult3" SrcPort 1 Points [-25, 0; 0, -115] DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "Delay4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [100, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -80; -100, 0] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [60, 0] Branch { Points [0, 110] DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, -140] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay2" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Delay5" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 300] DstBlock "Delay4" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -35] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [-25, 0; 0, -115] Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -160] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -170] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR Filt" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " IQ Valid" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "699" Ports [1, 1] Position [476, 260, 494, 290] BlockRotation 270 BlockMirror on ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" sg_icon_stat "18,30,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,down,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 18 18 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 18 18 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 9.44 11.44 13.44 9.44 6.55 4.55 ],[17.22 17.22 19.22 1" "7.22 19.22 19.22 19.22 17.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([6.55 9.44 7.44 4.55 6.55 ],[15.22 15.22 17.22 17.22 15.22 ],[0.93" "1 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 9.44 6.55 4.55 ],[13.22 13.22 15.22 15.22 13.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([6.55 13.44" " 11.44 9.44 7.44 4.55 6.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('not');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "700" Ports [3, 1] Position [875, 255, 895, 325] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "20,70,3,1,white,blue,3,eb98d690,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 12.44 14.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[37.22 37.22 39." "22 37.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 37.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[35.22 35.22 37.22 37.22 35.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[33.22 33.22 35.22 35.22 33.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55" " 14.44 12.44 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[31.22 31.22 33.22 31.22 33.22 33.22 31.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\n\ncolor('black');disp('" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "701" Ports [3, 1] Position [875, 335, 895, 405] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "20,70,3,1,white,blue,3,eb98d690,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 12.44 14.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[37.22 37.22 39." "22 37.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 37.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[35.22 35.22 37.22 37.22 35.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[33.22 33.22 35.22 35.22 33.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55" " 14.44 12.44 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[31.22 31.22 33.22 31.22 33.22 33.22 31.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\n\ncolor('black');disp('" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux2" SID "702" Ports [3, 1] Position [885, 515, 905, 585] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "20,70,3,1,white,blue,3,eb98d690,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 12.44 14.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[37.22 37.22 39." "22 37.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 37.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[35.22 35.22 37.22 37.22 35.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[33.22 33.22 35.22 35.22 33.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55" " 14.44 12.44 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[31.22 31.22 33.22 31.22 33.22 33.22 31.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\n\ncolor('black');disp('" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux3" SID "703" Ports [3, 1] Position [885, 595, 905, 665] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "20,70,3,1,white,blue,3,eb98d690,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 12.44 14.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[37.22 37.22 39." "22 37.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 37.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[35.22 35.22 37.22 37.22 35.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[33.22 33.22 35.22 35.22 33.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55" " 14.44 12.44 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[31.22 31.22 33.22 31.22 33.22 33.22 31.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\n\ncolor('black');disp('" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux4" SID "704" Ports [3, 1] Position [885, 790, 905, 860] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "20,70,3,1,white,blue,3,eb98d690,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 12.44 14.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[37.22 37.22 39." "22 37.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 37.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[35.22 35.22 37.22 37.22 35.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[33.22 33.22 35.22 35.22 33.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55" " 14.44 12.44 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[31.22 31.22 33.22 31.22 33.22 33.22 31.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\n\ncolor('black');disp('" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux5" SID "705" Ports [3, 1] Position [885, 870, 905, 940] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "20,70,3,1,white,blue,3,eb98d690,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 12.44 14.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[37.22 37.22 39." "22 37.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 37.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[35.22 35.22 37.22 37.22 35.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[33.22 33.22 35.22 35.22 33.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55" " 14.44 12.44 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[31.22 31.22 33.22 31.22 33.22 33.22 31.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\n\ncolor('black');disp('" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux6" SID "706" Ports [3, 1] Position [885, 1060, 905, 1130] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "20,70,3,1,white,blue,3,eb98d690,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 12.44 14.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[37.22 37.22 39." "22 37.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 37.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[35.22 35.22 37.22 37.22 35.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[33.22 33.22 35.22 35.22 33.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55" " 14.44 12.44 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[31.22 31.22 33.22 31.22 33.22 33.22 31.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\n\ncolor('black');disp('" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux7" SID "707" Ports [3, 1] Position [885, 1140, 905, 1210] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "20,70,3,1,white,blue,3,eb98d690,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 10 60 70 0 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 12.44 14.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[37.22 37.22 39." "22 37.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 37.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[35.22 35.22 37.22 37.22 35.22 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[33.22 33.22 35.22 35.22 33.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55" " 14.44 12.44 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[31.22 31.22 33.22 31.22 33.22 33.22 31.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel'" ");\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\n\ncolor('black');disp('" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "708" Ports [2, 1] Position [420, 354, 470, 381] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "50,27,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 28.66 31.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 31.66 28.66 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "709" Ports [2, 1] Position [420, 384, 470, 411] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "50,27,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 28.66 31.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 31.66 28.66 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register10" SID "710" Ports [1, 1] Position [980, 808, 1015, 842] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register11" SID "711" Ports [1, 1] Position [980, 888, 1015, 922] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register12" SID "712" Ports [1, 1] Position [980, 1078, 1015, 1112] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register13" SID "713" Ports [1, 1] Position [980, 1158, 1015, 1192] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register14" SID "714" Ports [2, 1] Position [420, 1159, 470, 1186] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "50,27,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 28.66 31.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 31.66 28.66 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register15" SID "715" Ports [2, 1] Position [420, 1189, 470, 1216] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "50,27,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 28.66 31.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 31.66 28.66 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register16" SID "1655" Ports [1, 1] Position [980, 413, 1015, 447] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "716" Ports [2, 1] Position [420, 614, 470, 641] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "50,27,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 28.66 31.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 31.66 28.66 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register3" SID "717" Ports [2, 1] Position [420, 644, 470, 671] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "50,27,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 28.66 31.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 31.66 28.66 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register4" SID "718" Ports [1, 1] Position [980, 353, 1015, 387] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register5" SID "719" Ports [1, 1] Position [980, 273, 1015, 307] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register6" SID "720" Ports [2, 1] Position [420, 889, 470, 916] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "50,27,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 28.66 31.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 31.66 28.66 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register7" SID "721" Ports [2, 1] Position [420, 919, 470, 946] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "50,27,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 27 27 0 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 28.66 31.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[16.33 16.3" "3 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[13.33 13.33 16.33 16" ".33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.325 22.66 25.66 21.325 18.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.33 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([21.325 31.66 28.66 25.66 22.66 18.325 21.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 10.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port" "_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register8" SID "722" Ports [1, 1] Position [980, 533, 1015, 567] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register9" SID "723" Ports [1, 1] Position [980, 613, 1015, 647] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "724" Ports [2, 1] Position [400, 220, 440, 260] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [644, 196, 2213, 1466] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "725" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "726" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "727" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,400,346" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11" ".22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 " "9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[4.55 11.44 9.44 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1," "'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "728" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30." "66 30.66 36.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 3" "0.66 30.66 24.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0" ".931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "729" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "730" Ports [1, 1] Position [1010, 100, 1045, 110] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "Delayed Filt I Input" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done10" SID "1646" Ports [1, 1] Position [1490, 280, 1525, 290] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "IQ Valid Out" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done11" SID "1647" Ports [1, 1] Position [1010, 140, 1045, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "IQ Valid In" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done12" SID "1648" Ports [1, 1] Position [1010, 160, 1045, 170] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "IQ Valid Out" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "731" Ports [1, 1] Position [1010, 40, 1045, 50] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "Mux Sel" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "732" Ports [1, 1] Position [1010, 80, 1045, 90] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "Filt I Output" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "733" Ports [1, 1] Position [1010, 20, 1045, 30] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "Input I" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "734" Ports [1, 1] Position [1010, 60, 1045, 70] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "Filt I Input" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "735" Ports [1, 1] Position [1010, 120, 1045, 130] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "Final I" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "1608" Ports [1, 1] Position [1460, 180, 1495, 190] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "Delayed Input" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done8" SID "1610" Ports [1, 1] Position [1460, 200, 1495, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "DCO Mux Output" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done9" SID "1613" Ports [1, 1] Position [1460, 220, 1495, 230] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, double, o" "r fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are discarded, depen" "ding on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[6.11 6.11 " "7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6.11 6.11 5.11 ],[" "0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('" "','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon tex" "t');" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "Diff" RTWStorageClass "Auto" DataLoggingNameMode "SignalName" } } Block { BlockType Outport Name " IQ Valid" SID "736" Position [690, 388, 720, 402] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " RFA I" SID "737" Position [1040, 283, 1070, 297] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " RFA Q" SID "738" Position [1040, 363, 1070, 377] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "RFB I" SID "739" Position [1040, 543, 1070, 557] Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "RFB Q" SID "740" Position [1040, 623, 1070, 637] Port "5" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "RFC I" SID "741" Position [1040, 818, 1070, 832] Port "6" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "RFC Q" SID "742" Position [1040, 898, 1070, 912] Port "7" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "RFD I" SID "743" Position [1040, 1088, 1070, 1102] Port "8" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "RFD Q" SID "744" Position [1040, 1168, 1070, 1182] Port "9" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "IIR HPF Filt" SrcPort 2 Points [150, 0; 0, 40] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "IIR HPF Filt" SrcPort 3 Points [40, 0] Branch { DstBlock " IQ Valid" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 35; 290, 0] Branch { Points [0, -265] DstBlock "done12" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register16" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "A I" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "DCO Corr" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -205] Branch { Points [0, -150] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [1045, 0; 0, 75] DstBlock "Delay8" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "A Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Corr" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "IIR HPF Filt" SrcPort 1 Points [105, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -230] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register5" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -95; 295, 0] Branch { Points [225, 0] DstBlock "done8" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 70] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } } } } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay11" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr" SrcPort 2 Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 90] DstBlock "Delay5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr" SrcPort 3 Points [40, 0] Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 90] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 15] Branch { Points [-100, 0; 0, 65] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 2 } } Branch { DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 260] Branch { DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [-95, 0; 0, 65] Branch { DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Register3" DstPort 2 } } Branch { Points [0, 275] Branch { DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 270] Branch { DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt3" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [-90, 0; 0, 65] Branch { DstBlock "Register14" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Register15" DstPort 2 } } } Branch { Points [-90, 0; 0, 65] Branch { DstBlock "Register6" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Register7" DstPort 2 } } } } } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0; 0, -10] DstBlock "Delay2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay2" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay25" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -305] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt" DstPort 4 } Line { Name "Input I" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO" DstPort 1 } Line { Name "Mux Sel" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO" DstPort 2 } Line { Name "Filt I Input" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO" DstPort 3 } Line { Name "Filt I Output" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "IIR HPF Filt1" SrcPort 2 Points [150, 0; 0, 40] DstBlock "Mux3" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "IIR HPF Filt1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux2" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr1" SrcPort 2 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, 100] DstBlock "Delay13" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr1" SrcPort 3 Points [45, 0] Branch { Points [0, 100] DstBlock "Delay14" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "Register3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 115] DstBlock "Delay26" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt1" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Register3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register8" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register9" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "B Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Corr1" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "B I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Corr1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " RFA I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFB I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFB Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " RFA Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IIR HPF Filt2" SrcPort 2 Points [150, 0; 0, 40] DstBlock "Mux5" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "IIR HPF Filt2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux4" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr2" SrcPort 2 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, 100] DstBlock "Delay19" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "Register6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr2" SrcPort 3 Points [45, 0] Branch { Points [0, 100] DstBlock "Delay20" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "Register7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr2" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0; 0, -10] DstBlock "Delay3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay3" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt2" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 115] DstBlock "Delay29" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt2" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Register7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt2" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register10" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register11" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "C Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Corr2" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "C I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Corr2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register10" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFC I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register11" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFC Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IIR HPF Filt3" SrcPort 2 Points [150, 0; 0, 40] DstBlock "Mux7" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "IIR HPF Filt3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux6" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr3" SrcPort 2 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, 105] DstBlock "Delay21" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "Register14" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr3" SrcPort 3 Points [45, 0] Branch { Points [0, 105] DstBlock "Delay22" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -20] DstBlock "Register15" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr3" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0; 0, -10] DstBlock "Delay4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay4" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt3" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 120] DstBlock "Delay32" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register14" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt3" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Register15" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IIR HPF Filt3" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register12" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register13" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Corr3" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "D I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Corr3" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register12" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFD I" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register13" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFD Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay7" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay9" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay23" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay24" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay11" SrcPort 1 Points [260, 0] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 80] Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 180] Branch { DstBlock "Mux2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 80] Branch { DstBlock "Mux3" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 195] Branch { DstBlock "Mux4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 80] Branch { DstBlock "Mux5" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 190] Branch { DstBlock "Mux6" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 80] DstBlock "Mux7" DstPort 1 } } } } } } } } Branch { Points [0, -195] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay13" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay27" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay14" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay28" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay19" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay30" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay20" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay31" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay21" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay33" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay22" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay34" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Corr1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -10] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } Line { Name "Delayed Filt I Input" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO" DstPort 5 } Line { Name "Final I" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO" DstPort 6 } Line { Name "Delayed Input" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Comp" DstPort 1 } Line { Name "DCO Mux Output" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Comp" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay8" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { Points [10, 0] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -65] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0; 0, -40] DstBlock "done9" DstPort 1 } Line { Name "Diff" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Comp" DstPort 3 } Line { Name "IQ Valid Out" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done10" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Comp" DstPort 6 } Line { Name "IQ Valid In" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done11" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO" DstPort 7 } Line { Name "IQ Valid Out" Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "done12" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO" DstPort 8 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 Points [80, 0] Branch { DstBlock "DCO Corr" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 260] Branch { DstBlock "DCO Corr1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 275] Branch { DstBlock "DCO Corr2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 270] DstBlock "DCO Corr3" DstPort 1 } } } Branch { Points [0, -205] DstBlock "done11" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay23" SrcPort 1 Points [70, 0] Branch { Points [55, 0; 0, -185] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -370] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay24" SrcPort 1 Points [135, 0; 0, -135] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay25" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0; 0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "Delay23" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Delay24" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register16" SrcPort 1 Points [145, 0; 0, -65] Branch { Points [0, -80] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [310, 0] DstBlock "done10" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay27" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay10" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay28" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay12" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay26" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0; 0, 35] Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Delay12" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay10" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay10" SrcPort 1 Points [160, 0; 0, -195] DstBlock "Mux2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay12" SrcPort 1 Points [165, 0; 0, -145] DstBlock "Mux3" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay30" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay15" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay31" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay16" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay29" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0; 0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "Delay15" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Delay16" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay15" SrcPort 1 Points [115, 0; 0, -195] DstBlock "Mux4" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay16" SrcPort 1 Points [120, 0; 0, -145] DstBlock "Mux5" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay33" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay17" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay34" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay18" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay32" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0; 0, 35] Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Delay18" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay17" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay17" SrcPort 1 Points [140, 0; 0, -200] DstBlock "Mux6" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay18" SrcPort 1 Points [145, 0; 0, -150] DstBlock "Mux7" DstPort 2 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "EDK Processor" SID "745" Ports [] Position [258, 787, 306, 835] CopyFcn "xlProcBlockCopyCallback(gcbh);xlBlockMoveCallback(gcbh);" DeleteFcn "xlDestroyGui(gcbh);" LoadFcn "xlBlockLoadCallback(gcbh);" ModelCloseFcn "xlDestroyGui(gcbh);" PreSaveFcn "xlBlockPreSaveCallback(gcbh);" PostSaveFcn "xlBlockPostSaveCallback(gcbh);" DestroyFcn "xlDestroyGui(gcbh);" OpenFcn "bh=gcbh;xlProcBlockCallbacks('populatesharedmemorylistbox',bh);xlOpenGui(bh, 'edkprocessor_gui.x" "ml', @xlProcBlockEnablement, @xlProcBlockAction);" CloseFcn "xlDestroyGui(gcbh);" MoveFcn "xlBlockMoveCallback(gcbh);" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskType "Xilinx EDK Processor Block" MaskDescription "Xilinx EDK Processor" MaskHelp "eval('');xlDoc('-book','sysgen','-topic','EDK_Processor');" MaskPromptString "Configure Processor for|XPS Project| |Available Memories| | |Bus Type|Base Address| |Loc" "k| |Dual Clocks| |Register Read-Back|Constraint File| |Inherit Device Type|Initial Program| |Enable Co-Debug wit" "h Xilinx SDK (Beta)| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | " MaskStyleString "popup(EDK pcore generation|HDL netlisting),edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,popup(AXI|PLB),edit,e" "dit,checkbox,edit,checkbox,edit,checkbox,edit,edit,checkbox,edit,edit,checkbox,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edi" "t,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit,edit" MaskVariables "mode=&1;xmp=&2;MemVisToProc=&3;AvailableMemories=&4;portInterfaceTable=&5;bus_type_sgadvanc" "ed=&6;bus_type=&7;baseaddr=&8;baseaddr_lock_sgadvanced=&9;baseaddr_lock=@10;dual_clock_sgadvanced=&11;dual_clock" "=@12;reg_readback_sgadvanced=&13;reg_readback=@14;ucf_file=&15;inheritDeviceType_sgadvanced=&16;inheritDeviceTyp" "e=@17;elf_file=&18;codebug_sgadvanced=&19;codebug=@20;clock_name=&21;internalPortList=&22;resetPolarity=&23;memx" "table=&24;procinfo=&25;memmapdirty=&26;blockname=&27;xpsintstyle=&28;has_advanced_control=@29;sggui_pos=&30;bloc" "k_type=&31;block_version=&32;sg_icon_stat=&33;sg_mask_display=&34;sg_list_contents=&35;sg_blockgui_xml=&36;" MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on," "on,on,on,on,on,on,on" MaskCallbackString "|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" MaskEnableString "on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,o" "n,on,on,on,on,on,on" MaskVisibilityString "on,on,off,on,on,off,on,on,off,on,off,on,off,on,on,off,on,on,off,on,off,off,off,off,off," "off,off,off,off,off,off,off,off,off,off,off" MaskToolTipString "on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,on," "on,on,on,on,on,on,on" MaskInitialization "try\n tmp_gcb = gcb;\n tmp_gcbh = gcbh;\n if (strcmp('SysGenIndex',get_param(bdroot(" "tmp_gcbh),'tag')) && ~isempty(regexp(bdroot(tmp_gcb), '^xbs', 'once')))\n return;\n end;\n xlMungeMaskParam" "s;\n\n block_type='edkprocessor';\n\n serialized_declarations = '{''block_type''=>''String''}';\n xledkproces" "sor_init();\n ptable_ = xlblockprep(get_param(tmp_gcb, 'MaskWSVariables'));\n try\n xlBlockMoveCallback(tmp" "_gcbh);\n catch \n clear global xl_updateicon_recursion_guard;\n end;\ncatch\n global dbgsysgen;\n if(~i" "sempty(dbgsysgen) && dbgsysgen)\n e = regexprep(lasterr, '\\n', '\\nError: ');\n disp(['Error: While runni" "ng MaskInit code on block ' tmp_gcb ': ' e]);\n error(e);\n end\nend\n" MaskSelfModifiable on MaskDisplay "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 48 48 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0" ".91 ]);\nplot([0 48 48 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([10.65 19.32 25.32 31.32 37.32 25.32 16.65 10.65 ],[30.66 3" "0.66 36.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.65 25.32 19.32 10.65 16.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66" " 30.66 24.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.65 19.32 25.32 16.65 10.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.65 37.32 31.32 25.32 19.32 10.65 16.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.93" "1 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ndisp('');" "\n\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" MaskIconFrame off MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" MaskValueString "EDK pcore generation||

||{'exposed'=>[],'portdir'=>[],'portname'=>[],'shortname'=>[]}||AXI|0x80000000||off||on||on|||off|||on|p" "lb|{}|0|{'mladdr'=>[0.00000000000000000,1.00000000000000000,2.00000000000000000,3.00000000000000000,4.0000000000" "0000000,5.00000000000000000,6.00000000000000000,7.00000000000000000,8.00000000000000000],'mlist'=>['wlan_agc/Reg" "isters/From Register9','wlan_agc/Registers/From Register8','wlan_agc/Registers/From Register7','wlan_agc/Registe" "rs/From Register6','wlan_agc/Registers/From Register5','wlan_agc/Registers/From Register4','wlan_agc/Registers/F" "rom Register3','wlan_agc/Registers/From Register2','wlan_agc/Registers/From Register1'],'mlname'=>['\\\\'TIMING_" "RESET\\\\'','\\\\'RSSI_PWR_CALIB\\\\'','\\\\'IIR_COEF_B0\\\\'','\\\\'IIR_COEF_A1\\\\'','\\\\'RESET\\\\'','\\\\'T" "IMING_AGC\\\\'','\\\\'TARGET\\\\'','\\\\'CONFIG\\\\'','\\\\'TIMING_DCO\\\\''],'mlstate'=>[0.00000000000000000,0." "00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000,0.000000000000" "00000,0.00000000000000000,0.00000000000000000]}|{}|off||default|0|-1,-1,-1,-1|edkprocessor|2.7|48,48,-1,-1,white" ",blue,0,07734,right,,[ ],[ ]|fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 48 48 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0" ".77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 48 48 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([10.65 19.32 25.32 31.32 37.32 25.32 16.65 10.65 " "],[30.66 30.66 36.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.65 25.32 19.32 10.65 16.65 ],[24.66 2" "4.66 30.66 30.66 24.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.65 19.32 25.32 16.65 10.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66" " 18.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.65 37.32 31.32 25.32 19.32 10.65 16.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12." "66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');|{'table'=>{'AvailableMemories'=>'popup()'}}|" System { Name "EDK Processor" Location [514, 91, 900, 269] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" SIDHighWatermark "276" Block { BlockType Reference Name "AXI_ARESETN" SID "745:206" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 50, 210, 70] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant" SID "745:205" Position [20, 50, 40, 70] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant1" SID "745:207" Position [20, 115, 40, 135] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant10" SID "745:225" Position [20, 730, 40, 750] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant11" SID "745:227" Position [20, 795, 40, 815] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant12" SID "745:229" Position [20, 865, 40, 885] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant13" SID "745:231" Position [20, 935, 40, 955] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant14" SID "745:233" Position [20, 1000, 40, 1020] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant15" SID "745:235" Position [20, 1070, 40, 1090] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant16" SID "745:237" Position [20, 1135, 40, 1155] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant17" SID "745:239" Position [20, 1205, 40, 1225] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant18" SID "745:241" Position [20, 1275, 40, 1295] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant19" SID "745:243" Position [20, 1340, 40, 1360] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant2" SID "745:209" Position [20, 185, 40, 205] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant20" SID "745:245" Position [20, 1410, 40, 1430] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant21" SID "745:247" Position [20, 1475, 40, 1495] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant22" SID "745:249" Position [20, 1545, 40, 1565] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant23" SID "745:251" Position [20, 1615, 40, 1635] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant24" SID "745:253" Position [20, 1680, 40, 1700] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant3" SID "745:211" Position [20, 255, 40, 275] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant4" SID "745:213" Position [20, 320, 40, 340] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant5" SID "745:215" Position [20, 390, 40, 410] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant6" SID "745:217" Position [20, 455, 40, 475] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant7" SID "745:219" Position [20, 525, 40, 545] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant8" SID "745:221" Position [20, 595, 40, 615] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant9" SID "745:223" Position [20, 660, 40, 680] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_ARADDR" SID "745:208" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 115, 210, 135] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_ARBURST" SID "745:210" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 185, 210, 205] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_ARCACHE" SID "745:212" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 255, 210, 275] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "4" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_ARID" SID "745:214" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 320, 210, 340] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_ARLEN" SID "745:216" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 390, 210, 410] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_ARLOCK" SID "745:218" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 455, 210, 475] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_ARPROT" SID "745:220" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 525, 210, 545] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_ARREADY" SID "745:256" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 115, 720, 135] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_ARSIZE" SID "745:222" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 595, 210, 615] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_ARVALID" SID "745:224" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 660, 210, 680] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_AWADDR" SID "745:226" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 730, 210, 750] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_AWBURST" SID "745:228" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 795, 210, 815] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_AWCACHE" SID "745:230" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 865, 210, 885] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "4" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_AWID" SID "745:232" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 935, 210, 955] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_AWLEN" SID "745:234" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1000, 210, 1020] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_AWLOCK" SID "745:236" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1070, 210, 1090] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_AWPROT" SID "745:238" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1135, 210, 1155] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_AWREADY" SID "745:258" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 185, 720, 205] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_AWSIZE" SID "745:240" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1205, 210, 1225] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_AWVALID" SID "745:242" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1275, 210, 1295] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_BID" SID "745:260" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 250, 720, 270] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_BREADY" SID "745:244" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1340, 210, 1360] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_BRESP" SID "745:262" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 320, 720, 340] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_BVALID" SID "745:264" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 385, 720, 405] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_RDATA" SID "745:266" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 455, 720, 475] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_RID" SID "745:268" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 525, 720, 545] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_RLAST" SID "745:270" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 590, 720, 610] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_RREADY" SID "745:246" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1410, 210, 1430] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_RRESP" SID "745:272" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 660, 720, 680] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_RVALID" SID "745:274" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 725, 720, 745] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_WDATA" SID "745:248" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1475, 210, 1495] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_WLAST" SID "745:250" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1545, 210, 1565] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_WREADY" SID "745:276" Ports [1, 1] Position [660, 795, 720, 815] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "60,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 32.44 34.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([25.55 28.44 30.44 27.55 25.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([27.55 34.44 32.44 30.44 28.44 25.55 27.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" " ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end i" "con text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_WSTRB" SID "745:252" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1615, 210, 1635] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "4" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "S_AXI_WVALID" SID "745:254" Ports [1, 1] Position [145, 1680, 210, 1700] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "xlGetNormalizedPeriod()" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "65,20,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 65 65 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 34.44 36.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[12.22 12.22 1" "4.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([29.55 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10" ".22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([27.55 30.44 32.44 29.55 27.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatc" "h([29.55 36.44 34.44 32.44 30.44 27.55 29.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'" "\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end ic" "on text');" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator" SID "745:255" Position [820, 115, 840, 135] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator1" SID "745:257" Position [820, 185, 840, 205] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator10" SID "745:275" Position [820, 795, 840, 815] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator2" SID "745:259" Position [820, 250, 840, 270] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator3" SID "745:261" Position [820, 320, 840, 340] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator4" SID "745:263" Position [820, 385, 840, 405] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator5" SID "745:265" Position [820, 455, 840, 475] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator6" SID "745:267" Position [820, 525, 840, 545] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator7" SID "745:269" Position [820, 590, 840, 610] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator8" SID "745:271" Position [820, 660, 840, 680] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Terminator Name "Terminator9" SID "745:273" Position [820, 725, 840, 745] ShowName off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To Register" SID "745:196" Ports [2, 1] Position [660, 862, 720, 918] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/To Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based To Register Block" infoedit "Register block that writes data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'TIMING_RESET'" init "0" ownership "Owned and initialized elsewhere" explicit_data_type on gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "toreg" sg_icon_stat "60,56,2,1,white,blue,0,10ab453e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.88 36.88 44.8" "8 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.88 36.88 28.88 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20." "2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(" "'','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'di" "n');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout');\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To Register1" SID "745:197" Ports [2, 1] Position [660, 967, 720, 1023] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/To Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based To Register Block" infoedit "Register block that writes data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'RSSI_PWR_CALIB'" init "0" ownership "Owned and initialized elsewhere" explicit_data_type on gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "toreg" sg_icon_stat "60,56,2,1,white,blue,0,10ab453e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.88 36.88 44.8" "8 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.88 36.88 28.88 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20." "2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(" "'','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'di" "n');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout');\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To Register2" SID "745:198" Ports [2, 1] Position [660, 1072, 720, 1128] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/To Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based To Register Block" infoedit "Register block that writes data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'IIR_COEF_B0'" init "0" ownership "Owned and initialized elsewhere" explicit_data_type on gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "toreg" sg_icon_stat "60,56,2,1,white,blue,0,10ab453e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.88 36.88 44.8" "8 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.88 36.88 28.88 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20." "2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(" "'','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'di" "n');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout');\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To Register3" SID "745:199" Ports [2, 1] Position [660, 1177, 720, 1233] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/To Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based To Register Block" infoedit "Register block that writes data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'IIR_COEF_A1'" init "0" ownership "Owned and initialized elsewhere" explicit_data_type on gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "toreg" sg_icon_stat "60,56,2,1,white,blue,0,10ab453e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.88 36.88 44.8" "8 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.88 36.88 28.88 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20." "2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(" "'','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'di" "n');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout');\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To Register4" SID "745:200" Ports [2, 1] Position [660, 1287, 720, 1343] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/To Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based To Register Block" infoedit "Register block that writes data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'RESET'" init "0" ownership "Owned and initialized elsewhere" explicit_data_type on gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "toreg" sg_icon_stat "60,56,2,1,white,blue,0,10ab453e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.88 36.88 44.8" "8 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.88 36.88 28.88 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20." "2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(" "'','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'di" "n');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout');\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To Register5" SID "745:201" Ports [2, 1] Position [660, 1392, 720, 1448] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/To Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based To Register Block" infoedit "Register block that writes data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'TIMING_AGC'" init "0" ownership "Owned and initialized elsewhere" explicit_data_type on gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "toreg" sg_icon_stat "60,56,2,1,white,blue,0,10ab453e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.88 36.88 44.8" "8 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.88 36.88 28.88 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20." "2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(" "'','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'di" "n');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout');\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To Register6" SID "745:202" Ports [2, 1] Position [660, 1497, 720, 1553] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/To Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based To Register Block" infoedit "Register block that writes data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'TARGET'" init "0" ownership "Owned and initialized elsewhere" explicit_data_type on gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "toreg" sg_icon_stat "60,56,2,1,white,blue,0,10ab453e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.88 36.88 44.8" "8 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.88 36.88 28.88 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20." "2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(" "'','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'di" "n');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout');\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To Register7" SID "745:203" Ports [2, 1] Position [660, 1602, 720, 1658] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/To Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based To Register Block" infoedit "Register block that writes data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'CONFIG'" init "0" ownership "Owned and initialized elsewhere" explicit_data_type on gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "toreg" sg_icon_stat "60,56,2,1,white,blue,0,10ab453e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.88 36.88 44.8" "8 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.88 36.88 28.88 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20." "2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(" "'','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'di" "n');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout');\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "To Register8" SID "745:204" Ports [2, 1] Position [660, 1707, 720, 1763] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/To Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based To Register Block" infoedit "Register block that writes data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'TIMING_DCO'" init "0" ownership "Owned and initialized elsewhere" explicit_data_type on gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "toreg" sg_icon_stat "60,56,2,1,white,blue,0,10ab453e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.88 36.88 44.8" "8 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.88 36.88 28.88 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20." "2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(" "'','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'di" "n');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout');\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "memmap" SID "745:195" Ports [34, 29] Position [310, 496, 560, 1524] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsEDKLib_r4/EDK Core" SourceType "Xilinx EDK Core Block" infoedit "For use with EDK Processor block." sim_method "Inactive" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" xmp "xmp" blockname "blockname" dual_clock "dual_clock" procinfo "procinfo" bus_type "bus_type" memxtable "memxtable" memmap_hdlcontent "library IEEE;\nuse IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;\nuse IEEE.numeric_std.all;\n\nentity axi_sgiface i" "s\n generic (\n -- AXI specific.\n -- TODO: need to figure out a way to pass these generics from o" "utside\n C_S_AXI_SUPPORT_BURST : integer := 0;\n -- TODO: fix the internal ID width to 8\n C" "_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH : integer := 8;\n C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH : integer := 32;\n C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDT" "H : integer := 32;\n C_S_AXI_TOTAL_ADDR_LEN : integer := 12;\n C_S_AXI_LINEAR_ADDR_LEN : intege" "r := 8;\n C_S_AXI_BANK_ADDR_LEN : integer := 2;\n C_S_AXI_AWLEN_WIDTH : integer := 8;\n " "C_S_AXI_ARLEN_WIDTH : integer := 8\n );\n port (\n -- General.\n AXI_AClk : in std_lo" "gic;\n AXI_AResetN : in std_logic;\n -- not used\n AXI_Ce : in std_logic;\n \n " " -- AXI Port.\n S_AXI_AWADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_AWID" " : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_AWLEN : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_AWLE" "N_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_AWSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);\n S_AXI_AWBURST : in std_lo" "gic_vector(1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_AWLOCK : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_AWCACHE : in std" "_logic_vector(3 downto 0);\n S_AXI_AWPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);\n S_AXI_AWVALID : in " "std_logic;\n S_AXI_AWREADY : out std_logic;\n \n S_AXI_WLAST : in std_logic;\n S_AXI" "_WDATA : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_WSTRB : in std_logic_vector((C_S_" "AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_WVALID : in std_logic;\n S_AXI_WREADY : out std_logic;\n " " \n S_AXI_BRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_BID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_" "AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_BVALID : out std_logic;\n S_AXI_BREADY : in std_logic;\n " "\n S_AXI_ARADDR : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_ARID : in std_log" "ic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_ARLEN : in std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ARLEN_WIDTH-1 downto " "0);\n S_AXI_ARSIZE : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);\n S_AXI_ARBURST : in std_logic_vector(1 down" "to 0);\n S_AXI_ARLOCK : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_ARCACHE : in std_logic_vector(3 d" "ownto 0);\n S_AXI_ARPROT : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);\n S_AXI_ARVALID : in std_logic;\n " " S_AXI_ARREADY : out std_logic;\n \n -- 'From Register'\n -- 'To Register'\n -- 'TIMI" "NG_RESET'\n sm_TIMING_RESET_dout : in std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_TIMING_RESET_din : out s" "td_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_TIMING_RESET_en : out std_logic;\n -- 'RSSI_PWR_CALIB'\n " " sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_dout : in std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_din : out std_logic_vect" "or(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_en : out std_logic;\n -- 'IIR_COEF_B0'\n sm_IIR_COEF_" "B0_dout : in std_logic_vector(18-1 downto 0);\n sm_IIR_COEF_B0_din : out std_logic_vector(18-1 downto 0);\n" " sm_IIR_COEF_B0_en : out std_logic;\n -- 'IIR_COEF_A1'\n sm_IIR_COEF_A1_dout : in std_logic_" "vector(18-1 downto 0);\n sm_IIR_COEF_A1_din : out std_logic_vector(18-1 downto 0);\n sm_IIR_COEF_A1_" "en : out std_logic;\n -- 'RESET'\n sm_RESET_dout : in std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_" "RESET_din : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_RESET_en : out std_logic;\n -- 'TIMING_AGC'\n" " sm_TIMING_AGC_dout : in std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_TIMING_AGC_din : out std_logic_vector" "(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_TIMING_AGC_en : out std_logic;\n -- 'TARGET'\n sm_TARGET_dout : in std" "_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_TARGET_din : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_TARGET_en " " : out std_logic;\n -- 'CONFIG'\n sm_CONFIG_dout : in std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_C" "ONFIG_din : out std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_CONFIG_en : out std_logic;\n -- 'TIMING_DCO'" "\n sm_TIMING_DCO_dout : in std_logic_vector(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_TIMING_DCO_din : out std_logic_vect" "or(32-1 downto 0);\n sm_TIMING_DCO_en : out std_logic;\n -- 'From FIFO'\n -- 'To FIFO'\n " " -- 'Shared Memory'\n\n S_AXI_RLAST : out std_logic;\n S_AXI_RID : out std_logic_vector(C_S_" "AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_RDATA : out std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n S_" "AXI_RRESP : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);\n S_AXI_RVALID : out std_logic;\n S_AXI_RREADY : in" " std_logic\n );\nend entity axi_sgiface;\n\narchitecture IMP of axi_sgiface is\n\n-- Internal signals for write" " channel.\nsignal S_AXI_BVALID_i : std_logic;\nsignal S_AXI_BID_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDT" "H-1 downto 0);\nsignal S_AXI_WREADY_i : std_logic;\n \n-- Internal signals for read channels.\nsignal S_AXI_" "ARLEN_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ARLEN_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal S_AXI_RLAST_i : std_logic;\nsigna" "l S_AXI_RREADY_i : std_logic;\nsignal S_AXI_RVALID_i : std_logic;\nsignal S_AXI_RDATA_i : std_lo" "gic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal S_AXI_RID_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ID_WIDTH-1 downt" "o 0);\n\n-- for read channel\nsignal read_bank_addr_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_BANK_ADDR_LEN-1 downto 0);\nsi" "gnal read_linear_addr_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_LINEAR_ADDR_LEN-1 downto 0);\n-- for write channel\nsignal wri" "te_bank_addr_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_BANK_ADDR_LEN-1 downto 0);\nsignal write_linear_addr_i : std_logic_ve" "ctor(C_S_AXI_LINEAR_ADDR_LEN-1 downto 0);\n\nsignal reg_bank_out_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 do" "wnto 0);\nsignal fifo_bank_out_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal shmem_bank_out_i " " : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n \n-- 'From Register'\n-- 'To Register'\n-- 'TIMING_RESET" "'\nsignal sm_TIMING_RESET_din_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal sm_TIMING_RESET_en_i " " : std_logic;\nsignal sm_TIMING_RESET_dout_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n-- 'RSSI_PWR_CAL" "IB'\nsignal sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_din_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_" "en_i : std_logic;\nsignal sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_dout_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n-- 'IIR_" "COEF_B0'\nsignal sm_IIR_COEF_B0_din_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal sm_IIR_COEF_B0_e" "n_i : std_logic;\nsignal sm_IIR_COEF_B0_dout_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n-- 'IIR_COEF" "_A1'\nsignal sm_IIR_COEF_A1_din_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal sm_IIR_COEF_A1_en_i " " : std_logic;\nsignal sm_IIR_COEF_A1_dout_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n-- 'RESET'\nsign" "al sm_RESET_din_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal sm_RESET_en_i : std_logic;\nsigna" "l sm_RESET_dout_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n-- 'TIMING_AGC'\nsignal sm_TIMING_AGC_din_i " " : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal sm_TIMING_AGC_en_i : std_logic;\nsignal sm_TIMING_A" "GC_dout_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n-- 'TARGET'\nsignal sm_TARGET_din_i : std_logic_ve" "ctor(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal sm_TARGET_en_i : std_logic;\nsignal sm_TARGET_dout_i : std_logic_v" "ector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n-- 'CONFIG'\nsignal sm_CONFIG_din_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-" "1 downto 0);\nsignal sm_CONFIG_en_i : std_logic;\nsignal sm_CONFIG_dout_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH" "-1 downto 0);\n-- 'TIMING_DCO'\nsignal sm_TIMING_DCO_din_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsi" "gnal sm_TIMING_DCO_en_i : std_logic;\nsignal sm_TIMING_DCO_dout_i : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downt" "o 0);\n-- 'From FIFO'\n-- 'To FIFO'\n-- 'Shared Memory'\n\ntype t_read_state is (IDLE, READ_PREP, READ_DATA);\nsign" "al read_state : t_read_state;\n\ntype t_write_state is (IDLE, WRITE_DATA, WRITE_RESPONSE);\nsignal write_state : t_" "write_state;\n\ntype t_memmap_state is (READ, WRITE);\nsignal memmap_state : t_memmap_state;\n\nconstant C_READ_PRE" "P_DELAY : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := \"11\";\n\nsignal read_prep_counter : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);\nsign" "al read_addr_counter : std_logic_vector(C_S_AXI_ARLEN_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\nsignal read_data_counter : std_logic_vect" "or(C_S_AXI_ARLEN_WIDTH-1 downto 0);\n\n-- enable of shared BRAMs\nsignal s_shram_en : std_logic;\n\nsignal write_ad" "dr_valid : std_logic;\nsignal write_ready : std_logic;\n\n-- 're' of From/To FIFOs\nsignal s_fifo_re : std_logic;\n" "-- 'we' of To FIFOs\nsignal s_fifo_we : std_logic;\n\nbegin\n\n-- enable for 'Shared Memory' blocks\n\n-- conversio" "n to match with the data bus width\n-- 'From Register'\n-- 'To Register'\n-- 'TIMING_RESET'\nsm_TIMING_RESET_din " " <= sm_TIMING_RESET_din_i(32-1 downto 0);\nsm_TIMING_RESET_en <= sm_TIMING_RESET_en_i;\ngen_sm_TIMING_RESET_d" "out_i: if (32 < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate\n sm_TIMING_RESET_dout_i(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 32) <= (others" " => '0');\nend generate gen_sm_TIMING_RESET_dout_i;\nsm_TIMING_RESET_dout_i(32-1 downto 0) <= sm_TIMING_RESET_dout;" "\n-- 'RSSI_PWR_CALIB'\nsm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_din <= sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_din_i(32-1 downto 0);\nsm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_en " " <= sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_en_i;\ngen_sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_dout_i: if (32 < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate\n sm_RSSI_PW" "R_CALIB_dout_i(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 32) <= (others => '0');\nend generate gen_sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_dout_i;\nsm_" "RSSI_PWR_CALIB_dout_i(32-1 downto 0) <= sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_dout;\n-- 'IIR_COEF_B0'\nsm_IIR_COEF_B0_din <= sm_IIR" "_COEF_B0_din_i(18-1 downto 0);\nsm_IIR_COEF_B0_en <= sm_IIR_COEF_B0_en_i;\ngen_sm_IIR_COEF_B0_dout_i: if (18 <" " C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate\n sm_IIR_COEF_B0_dout_i(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 18) <= (others => '0');\nend g" "enerate gen_sm_IIR_COEF_B0_dout_i;\nsm_IIR_COEF_B0_dout_i(18-1 downto 0) <= sm_IIR_COEF_B0_dout;\n-- 'IIR_COEF_A1'\n" "sm_IIR_COEF_A1_din <= sm_IIR_COEF_A1_din_i(18-1 downto 0);\nsm_IIR_COEF_A1_en <= sm_IIR_COEF_A1_en_i;\ngen" "_sm_IIR_COEF_A1_dout_i: if (18 < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate\n sm_IIR_COEF_A1_dout_i(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downt" "o 18) <= (others => '0');\nend generate gen_sm_IIR_COEF_A1_dout_i;\nsm_IIR_COEF_A1_dout_i(18-1 downto 0) <= sm_IIR_" "COEF_A1_dout;\n-- 'RESET'\nsm_RESET_din <= sm_RESET_din_i(32-1 downto 0);\nsm_RESET_en <= sm_RESET_en_i;\n" "gen_sm_RESET_dout_i: if (32 < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate\n sm_RESET_dout_i(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 32) <= " "(others => '0');\nend generate gen_sm_RESET_dout_i;\nsm_RESET_dout_i(32-1 downto 0) <= sm_RESET_dout;\n-- 'TIMING_A" "GC'\nsm_TIMING_AGC_din <= sm_TIMING_AGC_din_i(32-1 downto 0);\nsm_TIMING_AGC_en <= sm_TIMING_AGC_en_i;\nge" "n_sm_TIMING_AGC_dout_i: if (32 < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate\n sm_TIMING_AGC_dout_i(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto" " 32) <= (others => '0');\nend generate gen_sm_TIMING_AGC_dout_i;\nsm_TIMING_AGC_dout_i(32-1 downto 0) <= sm_TIMING_" "AGC_dout;\n-- 'TARGET'\nsm_TARGET_din <= sm_TARGET_din_i(32-1 downto 0);\nsm_TARGET_en <= sm_TARGET_en_i;\n" "gen_sm_TARGET_dout_i: if (32 < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate\n sm_TARGET_dout_i(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 32) <" "= (others => '0');\nend generate gen_sm_TARGET_dout_i;\nsm_TARGET_dout_i(32-1 downto 0) <= sm_TARGET_dout;\n-- 'CON" "FIG'\nsm_CONFIG_din <= sm_CONFIG_din_i(32-1 downto 0);\nsm_CONFIG_en <= sm_CONFIG_en_i;\ngen_sm_CONFIG_dou" "t_i: if (32 < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate\n sm_CONFIG_dout_i(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 32) <= (others => '0')" ";\nend generate gen_sm_CONFIG_dout_i;\nsm_CONFIG_dout_i(32-1 downto 0) <= sm_CONFIG_dout;\n-- 'TIMING_DCO'\nsm_TIMI" "NG_DCO_din <= sm_TIMING_DCO_din_i(32-1 downto 0);\nsm_TIMING_DCO_en <= sm_TIMING_DCO_en_i;\ngen_sm_TIMING_" "DCO_dout_i: if (32 < C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH) generate\n sm_TIMING_DCO_dout_i(C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 32) <= (oth" "ers => '0');\nend generate gen_sm_TIMING_DCO_dout_i;\nsm_TIMING_DCO_dout_i(32-1 downto 0) <= sm_TIMING_DCO_dout;\n-" "- 'From FIFO'\n-- 'To FIFO'\n-- 'Shared Memory'\n\nReadWriteSelect: process(memmap_state) is begin\n if (memmap_" "state = READ) then\n else\n end if;\nend process ReadWriteSelect;\n\n----------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------\n-- address for 'Shared Memory'\n--------------------------------------------" "---------------------------------\nSharedMemory_Addr_ResetN : process(AXI_AClk) is begin\n if (AXI_AClk'event an" "d AXI_AClk = '1') then\n if (AXI_AResetN = '0') then\n memmap_state <= READ;\n else\n " " if (S_AXI_AWVALID = '1') then\n -- write operation\n memmap_state <= WRITE;\n " " elsif (S_AXI_ARVALID = '1') then\n -- read operation\n memmap_state <= REA" "D;\n end if;\n end if;\n end if;\nend process SharedMemory_Addr_ResetN;\n\n-------------------" "----------------------------------------------------------\n-- WRITE Command Control\n-----------------------------" "------------------------------------------------\nS_AXI_BID <= S_AXI_BID_i;\nS_AXI_BVALID <= S_AXI_BVALID_i;\n" "S_AXI_WREADY <= S_AXI_WREADY_i;\n-- No error checking\nS_AXI_BRESP <= (others=>'0');\n\nPROC_AWREADY_ACK: process" "(read_state, write_state, S_AXI_ARVALID, S_AXI_AWVALID) is begin\n if (write_state = IDLE and S_AXI_AWVALID = '1" "' and read_state = IDLE) then\n S_AXI_AWREADY <= S_AXI_AWVALID;\n else\n S_AXI_AWREADY <= '0';\n " " end if;\nend process PROC_AWREADY_ACK;\n\nCmd_Decode_Write: process(AXI_AClk) is begin\n if (AXI_AClk'event an" "d AXI_AClk = '1') then\n if (AXI_AResetN = '0') then\n write_addr_valid <= '0';\n w" "rite_ready <= '0';\n s_fifo_we <= '0';\n S_AXI_BVALID_i <= '0';\n " " S_AXI_BID_i <= (others => '0');\n write_bank_addr_i <= (others => '0');\n wr" "ite_linear_addr_i <= (others => '0');\n else\n if (write_state = IDLE) then\n if (" "S_AXI_AWVALID = '1' and read_state = IDLE) then\n -- reflect awid\n S_AXI_BID" "_i <= S_AXI_AWID;\n\n -- latch bank and linear addresses\n write_bank_addr_i " " <= S_AXI_AWADDR(C_S_AXI_TOTAL_ADDR_LEN-1 downto C_S_AXI_LINEAR_ADDR_LEN+2);\n write_linear_add" "r_i <= S_AXI_AWADDR(C_S_AXI_LINEAR_ADDR_LEN+1 downto 2);\n write_addr_valid <= '1';\n " " s_fifo_we <= '1';\n\n -- write state transition\n write_state <= WRI" "TE_DATA;\n end if;\n elsif (write_state = WRITE_DATA) then\n write_ready <" "= '1';\n s_fifo_we <= '0';\n write_addr_valid <= S_AXI_WVALID;\n \n " " if (S_AXI_WVALID = '1' and write_ready = '1') then\n write_linear_addr_i <= Std_Log" "ic_Vector(unsigned(write_linear_addr_i) + 1);\n end if;\n\n if (S_AXI_WLAST = '1' and" " write_ready = '1') then\n -- start responding through B channel upon the last write data sample" "\n S_AXI_BVALID_i <= '1';\n -- write data is over\n write_" "addr_valid <= '0';\n write_ready <= '0';\n -- write state transition\n " " write_state <= WRITE_RESPONSE;\n end if;\n elsif (write_state = WRITE_RESPON" "SE) then\n\n if (S_AXI_BREADY = '1') then\n -- write respond is over\n " " S_AXI_BVALID_i <= '0';\n S_AXI_BID_i <= (others => '0');\n\n -- writ" "e state transition\n write_state <= IDLE;\n end if;\n end if;\n " " end if;\n end if;\nend process Cmd_Decode_Write;\n\nWrite_Linear_Addr_Decode : process(AXI_AClk) is \n\nbegin\n" " if (AXI_AClk'event and AXI_AClk = '1') then\n if (AXI_AResetN = '0') then\n -- 'To Register'\n" " -- TIMING_RESET din/en\n sm_TIMING_RESET_din_i <= (others => '0');\n sm_TIMING_RE" "SET_en_i <= '0';\n -- RSSI_PWR_CALIB din/en\n sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_din_i <= (others => '0');\n " " sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_en_i <= '0';\n -- IIR_COEF_B0 din/en\n sm_IIR_COEF_B0_din_i <= (o" "thers => '0');\n sm_IIR_COEF_B0_en_i <= '0';\n -- IIR_COEF_A1 din/en\n sm_IIR_COEF" "_A1_din_i <= (others => '0');\n sm_IIR_COEF_A1_en_i <= '0';\n -- RESET din/en\n sm" "_RESET_din_i <= (others => '0');\n sm_RESET_en_i <= '0';\n -- TIMING_AGC din/en\n " "sm_TIMING_AGC_din_i <= (others => '0');\n sm_TIMING_AGC_en_i <= '0';\n -- TARGET din/en\n " " sm_TARGET_din_i <= (others => '0');\n sm_TARGET_en_i <= '0';\n -- CONFIG din/en\n " " sm_CONFIG_din_i <= (others => '0');\n sm_CONFIG_en_i <= '0';\n -- TIMING_DCO din/en\n" " sm_TIMING_DCO_din_i <= (others => '0');\n sm_TIMING_DCO_en_i <= '0';\n -- 'To FIF" "O'\n -- 'Shared Memory'\n else\n -- default assignments\n\n -- 'To Register" "'\n if (unsigned(write_bank_addr_i) = 2) then\n if (unsigned(write_linear_addr_i) = 0) th" "en\n -- TIMING_RESET din/en\n sm_TIMING_RESET_din_i <= S_AXI_WDATA;\n " " sm_TIMING_RESET_en_i <= write_addr_valid;\n elsif (unsigned(write_linear_addr_i) = 1) t" "hen\n -- RSSI_PWR_CALIB din/en\n sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_din_i <= S_AXI_WDATA;\n " " sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_en_i <= write_addr_valid;\n elsif (unsigned(write_linear_addr_i)" " = 2) then\n -- IIR_COEF_B0 din/en\n sm_IIR_COEF_B0_din_i <= S_AXI_WDATA;\n " " sm_IIR_COEF_B0_en_i <= write_addr_valid;\n elsif (unsigned(write_linear_addr_i) =" " 3) then\n -- IIR_COEF_A1 din/en\n sm_IIR_COEF_A1_din_i <= S_AXI_WDATA;\n " " sm_IIR_COEF_A1_en_i <= write_addr_valid;\n elsif (unsigned(write_linear_addr_i) = 4" ") then\n -- RESET din/en\n sm_RESET_din_i <= S_AXI_WDATA;\n " " sm_RESET_en_i <= write_addr_valid;\n elsif (unsigned(write_linear_addr_i) = 5) then\n " " -- TIMING_AGC din/en\n sm_TIMING_AGC_din_i <= S_AXI_WDATA;\n sm_TIMIN" "G_AGC_en_i <= write_addr_valid;\n elsif (unsigned(write_linear_addr_i) = 6) then\n " " -- TARGET din/en\n sm_TARGET_din_i <= S_AXI_WDATA;\n sm_TARGET_en_i <= wr" "ite_addr_valid;\n elsif (unsigned(write_linear_addr_i) = 7) then\n -- CONFIG din/" "en\n sm_CONFIG_din_i <= S_AXI_WDATA;\n sm_CONFIG_en_i <= write_addr_valid;\n" " elsif (unsigned(write_linear_addr_i) = 8) then\n -- TIMING_DCO din/en\n " " sm_TIMING_DCO_din_i <= S_AXI_WDATA;\n sm_TIMING_DCO_en_i <= write_addr_valid;\n " " end if;\n end if; \n \n \n end if;\n end if;\nend process Writ" "e_Linear_Addr_Decode;\n \n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- READ Co" "ntrol\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nS_AXI_RDATA <= S_AXI_RDATA" "_i;\nS_AXI_RVALID <= S_AXI_RVALID_i;\nS_AXI_RLAST <= S_AXI_RLAST_i;\nS_AXI_RID <= S_AXI_RID_i;\n-- TODO: no " "error checking\nS_AXI_RRESP <= (others=>'0');\n\nPROC_ARREADY_ACK: process(read_state, S_AXI_ARVALID, write_state, " "S_AXI_AWVALID) is begin\n -- Note: WRITE has higher priority than READ\n if (read_state = IDLE and S_AXI_ARVA" "LID = '1' and write_state = IDLE and S_AXI_AWVALID /= '1') then\n S_AXI_ARREADY <= S_AXI_ARVALID;\n else\n" " S_AXI_ARREADY <= '0';\n end if;\nend process PROC_ARREADY_ACK;\n\nS_AXI_WREADY_i <= write_ready;\n\nProc" "ess_Sideband: process(write_state, read_state) is begin\n if (read_state = READ_PREP) then\n s_shram_en <" "= '1';\n elsif (read_state = READ_DATA) then\n s_shram_en <= S_AXI_RREADY;\n elsif (write_state = WRIT" "E_DATA) then\n s_shram_en <= S_AXI_WVALID;\n else\n s_shram_en <= '0';\n end if;\nend process P" "rocess_Sideband;\n\nCmd_Decode_Read: process(AXI_AClk) is begin\n if (AXI_AClk'event and AXI_AClk = '1') then\n " " if (AXI_AResetN = '0') then\n S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0';\n read_bank_addr_i <= (others " "=> '0');\n read_linear_addr_i <= (others => '0');\n S_AXI_ARLEN_i <= (others => '0');\n" " S_AXI_RLAST_i <= '0';\n S_AXI_RID_i <= (others => '0');\n read_stat" "e <= IDLE;\n read_prep_counter <= (others => '0');\n read_addr_counter <= (other" "s => '0');\n read_data_counter <= (others => '0');\n else\n -- default assignments\n" " s_fifo_re <= '0';\n\n if (read_state = IDLE) then\n -- Note WRITE has higher " "priority than READ\n if (S_AXI_ARVALID = '1' and write_state = IDLE and S_AXI_AWVALID /= '1') then\n" " -- extract bank and linear addresses\n read_bank_addr_i <= S_AXI_ARADDR(C" "_S_AXI_TOTAL_ADDR_LEN-1 downto C_S_AXI_LINEAR_ADDR_LEN+2);\n read_linear_addr_i <= S_AXI_ARADDR" "(C_S_AXI_LINEAR_ADDR_LEN+1 downto 2);\n s_fifo_re <= '1';\n\n -- reflect arid" "\n S_AXI_RID_i <= S_AXI_ARID;\n\n -- load read liner address and data counter" "\n read_addr_counter <= S_AXI_ARLEN;\n read_data_counter <= S_AXI_ARLEN;\n\n " " -- load read preparation counter\n read_prep_counter <= C_READ_PREP_DELAY;\n " " -- read state transition\n read_state <= READ_PREP;\n end if;\n" " elsif (read_state = READ_PREP) then\n if (unsigned(read_prep_counter) = 0) then\n " " if (unsigned(read_data_counter) = 0) then\n -- tag the last data generated by t" "he slave\n S_AXI_RLAST_i <= '1';\n end if;\n -- valid " "data appears\n S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '1';\n -- read state transition\n " " read_state <= READ_DATA;\n else\n -- decrease read preparation counter\n" " read_prep_counter <= Std_Logic_Vector(unsigned(read_prep_counter) - 1);\n end if" ";\n\n if (unsigned(read_prep_counter) /= 3 and unsigned(read_addr_counter) /= 0) then\n " " -- decrease address counter\n read_addr_counter <= Std_Logic_Vector(unsigned(read_addr_co" "unter) - 1);\n -- increase linear address (no band crossing)\n read_linear_ad" "dr_i <= Std_Logic_Vector(unsigned(read_linear_addr_i) + 1);\n end if;\n elsif (read_state" " = READ_DATA) then\n if (S_AXI_RREADY = '1') then\n if (unsigned(read_data_counte" "r) = 1) then\n -- tag the last data generated by the slave\n S_AXI_RL" "AST_i <= '1';\n end if;\n\n if (unsigned(read_data_counter) = 0) then\n " " -- arid\n S_AXI_RID_i <= (others => '0');\n -- rlas" "t\n S_AXI_RLAST_i <= '0';\n -- no more valid data\n " " S_AXI_RVALID_i <= '0';\n -- read state transition\n read_state " "<= IDLE;\n else\n -- decrease read preparation counter\n " " read_data_counter <= Std_Logic_Vector(unsigned(read_data_counter) - 1);\n\n if (unsig" "ned(read_addr_counter) /= 0) then\n -- decrease address counter\n " " read_addr_counter <= Std_Logic_Vector(unsigned(read_addr_counter) - 1);\n -- increa" "se linear address (no band crossing)\n read_linear_addr_i <= Std_Logic_Vector(unsigned(r" "ead_linear_addr_i) + 1);\n end if;\n end if;\n end if;\n " " end if;\n\n end if;\n end if;\nend process Cmd_Decode_Read;\n\nRead_Linear_Addr_Decode : proces" "s(AXI_AClk) is begin\n if (AXI_AClk'event and AXI_AClk = '1') then\n if (AXI_AResetN = '0') then\n " " reg_bank_out_i <= (others => '0');\n fifo_bank_out_i <= (others => '0');\n shmem_bank" "_out_i <= (others => '0');\n S_AXI_RDATA_i <= (others => '0');\n else\n if (unsigne" "d(read_bank_addr_i) = 2) then\n -- 'From Register'\n -- 'To Register' (with register " "readback)\n if (unsigned(read_linear_addr_i) = 0) then\n -- 'TIMING_RESET' dout\n" " reg_bank_out_i <= sm_TIMING_RESET_dout_i;\n elsif (unsigned(read_linear_addr_i) " "= 1) then\n -- 'RSSI_PWR_CALIB' dout\n reg_bank_out_i <= sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_do" "ut_i;\n elsif (unsigned(read_linear_addr_i) = 2) then\n -- 'IIR_COEF_B0' dout\n " " reg_bank_out_i <= sm_IIR_COEF_B0_dout_i;\n elsif (unsigned(read_linear_addr_i) = 3" ") then\n -- 'IIR_COEF_A1' dout\n reg_bank_out_i <= sm_IIR_COEF_A1_dout_i;\n " " elsif (unsigned(read_linear_addr_i) = 4) then\n -- 'RESET' dout\n " " reg_bank_out_i <= sm_RESET_dout_i;\n elsif (unsigned(read_linear_addr_i) = 5) then\n " " -- 'TIMING_AGC' dout\n reg_bank_out_i <= sm_TIMING_AGC_dout_i;\n elsif (un" "signed(read_linear_addr_i) = 6) then\n -- 'TARGET' dout\n reg_bank_out_i <= s" "m_TARGET_dout_i;\n elsif (unsigned(read_linear_addr_i) = 7) then\n -- 'CONFIG' do" "ut\n reg_bank_out_i <= sm_CONFIG_dout_i;\n elsif (unsigned(read_linear_addr_i) = " "8) then\n -- 'TIMING_DCO' dout\n reg_bank_out_i <= sm_TIMING_DCO_dout_i;\n " " end if;\n\n S_AXI_RDATA_i <= reg_bank_out_i;\n elsif (unsigned(read_bank_add" "r_i) = 1) then\n -- 'From FIFO'\n -- 'To FIFO'\n\n S_AXI_RDATA_i <= fi" "fo_bank_out_i;\n elsif (unsigned(read_bank_addr_i) = 0 and s_shram_en = '1') then\n -- 'S" "hared Memory'\n\n S_AXI_RDATA_i <= shmem_bank_out_i;\n end if;\n end if;\n end " "if;\nend process Read_Linear_Addr_Decode;\n\nend architecture IMP;\n" config "{'inports'=>[{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'AXI_ARESETN','wid" "th'=>0},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_ARADDR','width'=>32},{'arit" "h_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_ARBURST','width'=>2},{'arith_type'=>2.000" "00000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_ARCACHE','width'=>4},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000" ",'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_ARID','width'=>8},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.0000" "0000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_ARLEN','width'=>8},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'n" "ame'=>'S_AXI_ARLOCK','width'=>2},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_AR" "PROT','width'=>3},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_ARSIZE','width'=>" "3},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_ARVALID','width'=>0},{'arith_typ" "e'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_AWADDR','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000" "000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_AWBURST','width'=>2},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin" "_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_AWCACHE','width'=>4},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.000000" "00000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_AWID','width'=>8},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name" "'=>'S_AXI_AWLEN','width'=>8},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_AWLOCK" "','width'=>2},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_AWPROT','width'=>3},{" "'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_AWSIZE','width'=>3},{'arith_type'=>2" ".00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_AWVALID','width'=>0},{'arith_type'=>2.0000000000000" "0000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_BREADY','width'=>0},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>" "0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_RREADY','width'=>0},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.0000000000000" "0000,'name'=>'S_AXI_WDATA','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S" "_AXI_WLAST','width'=>0},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_WSTRB','wid" "th'=>4},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_WVALID','width'=>0},{'arith" "_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_TIMING_RESET_dout','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_RSSI_PWR" "_CALIB_dout','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>17,'name'=>'sm_IIR_COEF_B0_dout','width'=>18},{'arith_type'=>1" ",'bin_pt'=>17,'name'=>'sm_IIR_COEF_A1_dout','width'=>18},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_RESET_dout','widt" "h'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_TIMING_AGC_dout','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=" ">'sm_TARGET_dout','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_CONFIG_dout','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2," "'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_TIMING_DCO_dout','width'=>32}],'outports'=>[{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0." "00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_ARREADY','width'=>0},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000" "000,'name'=>'S_AXI_AWREADY','width'=>0},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S" "_AXI_BID','width'=>8},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_BRESP','width" "'=>2},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_BVALID','width'=>0},{'arith_t" "ype'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_RDATA','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2.0000000" "0000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_RID','width'=>8},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt" "'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_RLAST','width'=>0},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000" "000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_RRESP','width'=>2},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'" "S_AXI_RVALID','width'=>0},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'S_AXI_WREADY','" "width'=>0},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_TIMING_RESET_din','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2.000000000000000" "00,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'sm_TIMING_RESET_en','width'=>0.00000000000000000},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_p" "t'=>0,'name'=>'sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_din','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000" ",'name'=>'sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_en','width'=>0.00000000000000000},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>17,'name'=>'sm_IIR_COEF_B0" "_din','width'=>18},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'sm_IIR_COEF_B0_en','wi" "dth'=>0.00000000000000000},{'arith_type'=>1,'bin_pt'=>17,'name'=>'sm_IIR_COEF_A1_din','width'=>18},{'arith_type'=>2" ".00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'sm_IIR_COEF_A1_en','width'=>0.00000000000000000},{'arith_" "type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_RESET_din','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000" "000000,'name'=>'sm_RESET_en','width'=>0.00000000000000000},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_TIMING_AGC_din'" ",'width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'sm_TIMING_AGC_en','width'=>" "0.00000000000000000},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_TARGET_din','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000" "000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'sm_TARGET_en','width'=>0.00000000000000000},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'" "=>0,'name'=>'sm_CONFIG_din','width'=>32},{'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'" "sm_CONFIG_en','width'=>0.00000000000000000},{'arith_type'=>2,'bin_pt'=>0,'name'=>'sm_TIMING_DCO_din','width'=>32},{" "'arith_type'=>2.00000000000000000,'bin_pt'=>0.00000000000000000,'name'=>'sm_TIMING_DCO_en','width'=>0.0000000000000" "0000}]}" inheritDeviceType "inheritDeviceType" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "edkcore" sg_icon_stat "250,1028,34,29,white,blue,0,dd89031c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 250 250 0 0 ],[0 0 1028 1028 0 ],[0.77 0.8" "2 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 250 250 0 0 ],[0 0 1028 1028 0 ]);\npatch([47.125 97.7 132.7 167.7 202.7 132.7 82.125 47.125 ]," "[552.85 552.85 587.85 552.85 587.85 587.85 587.85 552.85 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([82.125 132.7 97.7 47.125 82.125 ],[51" "7.85 517.85 552.85 552.85 517.85 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([47.125 97.7 132.7 82.125 47.125 ],[482.85 482.85 " "517.85 517.85 482.85 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([82.125 202.7 167.7 132.7 97.7 47.125 82.125 ],[447.85 447.85 482.85 447.8" "5 482.85 482.85 447.85 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'AXI_ARESETN');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'S_AXI_A" "RADDR');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'S_AXI_ARBURST');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'S_AXI_ARCACHE" "');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',5,'S_AXI_ARID');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',6,'S_AXI_ARLEN');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('input',7,'S_AXI_ARLOCK');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',8,'S_AXI_ARPROT');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',9,'S_AXI_ARSIZE');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',10,'S_AXI_ARVALID');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',11,'S_AXI_AWADDR');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',12,'S_AXI_AWBURST');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('input',13,'S_AXI_AWCACHE');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',14,'S_AXI_AWID');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',15,'S_AXI_AWLEN');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',16,'S_AXI_AWLOCK');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",17,'S_AXI_AWPROT');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',18,'S_AXI_AWSIZE');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',19,'" "S_AXI_AWVALID');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',20,'S_AXI_BREADY');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',21,'S_AX" "I_RREADY');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',22,'S_AXI_WDATA');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',23,'S_AXI_WLAS" "T');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',24,'S_AXI_WSTRB');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',25,'S_AXI_WVALID');\n" "color('black');port_label('input',26,'sm_TIMING_RESET_dout');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',27,'sm_RSSI_PWR_CA" "LIB_dout');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',28,'sm_IIR_COEF_B0_dout');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',29,'sm" "_IIR_COEF_A1_dout');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',30,'sm_RESET_dout');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',31," "'sm_TIMING_AGC_dout');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',32,'sm_TARGET_dout');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "33,'sm_CONFIG_dout');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',34,'sm_TIMING_DCO_dout');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'S_AXI_ARREADY');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',2,'S_AXI_AWREADY');\ncolor('black');port_label('output'" ",3,'S_AXI_BID');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',4,'S_AXI_BRESP');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',5,'S_AXI" "_BVALID');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',6,'S_AXI_RDATA');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',7,'S_AXI_RID')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',8,'S_AXI_RLAST');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',9,'S_AXI_RRESP');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('output',10,'S_AXI_RVALID');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',11,'S_AXI_WREADY');\ncolor('" "black');port_label('output',12,'sm_TIMING_RESET_din');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',13,'sm_TIMING_RESET_en')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',14,'sm_RSSI_PWR_CALIB_din');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',15,'sm_RSSI_" "PWR_CALIB_en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',16,'sm_IIR_COEF_B0_din');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1" "7,'sm_IIR_COEF_B0_en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',18,'sm_IIR_COEF_A1_din');\ncolor('black');port_label('o" "utput',19,'sm_IIR_COEF_A1_en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',20,'sm_RESET_din');\ncolor('black');port_label(" "'output',21,'sm_RESET_en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',22,'sm_TIMING_AGC_din');\ncolor('black');port_label" "('output',23,'sm_TIMING_AGC_en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',24,'sm_TARGET_din');\ncolor('black');port_lab" "el('output',25,'sm_TARGET_en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',26,'sm_CONFIG_din');\ncolor('black');port_label" "('output',27,'sm_CONFIG_en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',28,'sm_TIMING_DCO_din');\ncolor('black');port_lab" "el('output',29,'sm_TIMING_DCO_en');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 13 DstBlock "To Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 12 DstBlock "To Register" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 29 DstBlock "To Register8" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 28 DstBlock "To Register8" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 23 DstBlock "To Register5" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 22 DstBlock "To Register5" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 25 DstBlock "To Register6" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 24 DstBlock "To Register6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 15 DstBlock "To Register1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 14 DstBlock "To Register1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 21 DstBlock "To Register4" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 20 DstBlock "To Register4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 17 DstBlock "To Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 16 DstBlock "To Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 19 DstBlock "To Register3" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 18 DstBlock "To Register3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 27 DstBlock "To Register7" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 26 DstBlock "To Register7" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 11 DstBlock "S_AXI_WREADY" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 10 DstBlock "S_AXI_RVALID" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 9 DstBlock "S_AXI_RRESP" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 8 DstBlock "S_AXI_RLAST" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 7 DstBlock "S_AXI_RID" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 6 DstBlock "S_AXI_RDATA" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 5 DstBlock "S_AXI_BVALID" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 4 DstBlock "S_AXI_BRESP" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 3 DstBlock "S_AXI_BID" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 2 DstBlock "S_AXI_AWREADY" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "memmap" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_ARREADY" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_WVALID" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 25 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_WSTRB" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 24 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_WLAST" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 23 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_WDATA" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 22 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_RREADY" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 21 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_BREADY" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 20 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_AWVALID" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 19 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_AWSIZE" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 18 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_AWPROT" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 17 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_AWLOCK" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 16 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_AWLEN" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 15 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_AWID" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 14 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_AWCACHE" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 13 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_AWBURST" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 12 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_AWADDR" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 11 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_ARVALID" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 10 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_ARSIZE" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 9 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_ARPROT" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 8 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_ARLOCK" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_ARLEN" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_ARID" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_ARCACHE" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_ARBURST" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_ARADDR" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AXI_ARESETN" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "To Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 26 } Line { SrcBlock "To Register8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 34 } Line { SrcBlock "To Register5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 31 } Line { SrcBlock "To Register6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 32 } Line { SrcBlock "To Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 27 } Line { SrcBlock "To Register4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 30 } Line { SrcBlock "To Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 28 } Line { SrcBlock "To Register3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 29 } Line { SrcBlock "To Register7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "memmap" DstPort 33 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_WREADY" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator10" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_RVALID" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator9" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_RRESP" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator8" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_RLAST" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator7" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_RID" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_RDATA" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator5" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_BVALID" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_BRESP" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_BID" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_AWREADY" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S_AXI_ARREADY" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Terminator" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant24" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_WVALID" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant23" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_WSTRB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant22" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_WLAST" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant21" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_WDATA" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant20" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_RREADY" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant19" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_BREADY" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant18" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_AWVALID" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant17" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_AWSIZE" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant16" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_AWPROT" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant15" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_AWLOCK" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant14" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_AWLEN" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant13" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_AWID" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant12" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_AWCACHE" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant11" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_AWBURST" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant10" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_AWADDR" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_ARVALID" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_ARSIZE" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_ARPROT" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_ARLOCK" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_ARLEN" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_ARID" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_ARCACHE" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_ARBURST" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S_AXI_ARADDR" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AXI_ARESETN" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType From Name "From" SID "746" Position [290, 46, 360, 64] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "RSSI_A" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "747" Position [640, 616, 780, 634] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_DONE" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "748" Position [640, 641, 780, 659] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_RXHP" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "749" Position [290, 121, 360, 139] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "RSSI_B" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "750" Position [290, 196, 360, 214] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "RSSI_C" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "751" Position [290, 266, 360, 284] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "RSSI_D" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From6" SID "1624" Position [640, 576, 780, 594] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_RXHP_Ctrl_Mode" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From7" SID "1642" Position [455, 751, 595, 769] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_DONE" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From8" SID "1643" Position [455, 726, 595, 744] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RUNNING" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Gain Calc A" SID "752" Ports [4, 2] Position [405, 15, 495, 65] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Gain Calc A" Location [622, 430, 1562, 627] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "753" Position [280, 383, 310, 397] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "754" Position [280, 393, 310, 407] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "755" Position [360, 403, 390, 417] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "756" Position [205, 323, 235, 337] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "BB gain" SID "757" Ports [3, 1] Position [775, 353, 865, 407] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "BB gain" Location [1154, 440, 1889, 790] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "G_RF_dB" SID "758" Position [500, 278, 530, 292] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "P_IN_RSSI" SID "759" Position [500, 253, 530, 267] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ_dBv" SID "760" Position [350, 443, 380, 457] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "761" Ports [2, 1] Position [590, 191, 615, 284] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "25,93,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[49" ".33 49.33 52.33 49.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 49.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[46.33 46.33 " "49.33 49.33 46.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[43.33 43.33 46.33 46.33 43.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[40.33 40.33 43.33 40.33 43.33 43.33 40.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('o" "utput',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "762" Ports [2, 1] Position [695, 216, 720, 309] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "25,93,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[49" ".33 49.33 52.33 49.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 49.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[46.33 46.33 " "49.33 49.33 46.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[43.33 43.33 46.33 46.33 43.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[40.33 40.33 43.33 40.33 43.33 43.33 40.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('o" "utput',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub2" SID "763" Ports [2, 1] Position [595, 396, 625, 489] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub3" SID "764" Ports [2, 1] Position [705, 421, 735, 514] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,e85d8a90,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a + b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\new" "line\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub4" SID "765" Ports [2, 1] Position [465, 434, 495, 496] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,62,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[35.44 " "35.44 39.44 35.44 39.44 39.44 39.44 35.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[31.44 31.44 35.44 3" "5.44 31.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[27.44 27.44 31.44 31.44 27.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[23.44 23.44 27.44 23.44 27.44 27.44 23.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "766" Ports [1, 1] Position [890, 250, 935, 280] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "767" Ports [1, 1] Position [890, 455, 935, 485] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "768" Position [230, 468, 400, 492] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_V_DB_ADJ" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "769" Position [960, 228, 1130, 252] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_INIT_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "770" Position [270, 203, 440, 227] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TARGET_PWR" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "771" Position [960, 203, 1130, 227] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_G_BB_SEL" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "772" Ports [4, 1] Position [1200, 199, 1235, 306] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "3" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,107,4,1,white,blue,3,58b3489d,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.2857 91.7143 107" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.2857 91.7143 107 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf" "{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "773" Ports [1, 1] Position [770, 250, 810, 280] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('blac" "k');disp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift1" SID "774" Ports [1, 1] Position [780, 455, 820, 485] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('blac" "k');disp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_BB" SID "775" Position [1260, 248, 1290, 262] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 205] DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 90; -75, 0; 0, 135] DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Shift1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 Points [160, 0; 0, -180] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "G_RF_dB" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_BB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "P_IN_RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ_dBv" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub4" DstPort 2 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Capture & Convert" SID "776" Ports [2, 1] Position [415, 298, 510, 342] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Capture & Convert" Location [735, 263, 1125, 375] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "G_RF" SID "777" Position [480, 583, 510, 597] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "778" Position [375, 478, 405, 492] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "779" Ports [2, 1] Position [830, 506, 890, 564] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "60,58,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[37.8" "8 37.88 45.88 37.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 37.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[29.88 29.88 37.8" "8 37.88 29.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[21.88 21.88 29.88 29.88 21.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[13.88 13.88 21.88 13.88 21.88 21.88 13.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1" ",'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('" " \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "780" Ports [0, 1] Position [560, 517, 615, 543] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1/15" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "12" bin_pt "12" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "55,26,0,1,white,blue,0,f0461adc,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 30.66 33.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ]" ",[16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[13.3" "3 13.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.3" "3 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 33.66 30.66 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 1" "0.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon " "text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'0.066650390625');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "781" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 658, 460, 682] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "100" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,f430d5a1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'100');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "782" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 638, 460, 662] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "85" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,1d1d5ce9,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'85');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "783" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 598, 460, 622] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "70" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,8c6adb57,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'70');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "784" Ports [1] Position [1035, 407, 1110, 433] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "785" Ports [1] Position [1035, 377, 1110, 403] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display2" SID "786" Ports [1] Position [1035, 437, 1110, 463] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "787" Position [490, 601, 650, 619] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G1" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "788" Position [205, 513, 375, 537] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Capture_RSSI" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "789" Position [490, 641, 650, 659] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G2" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "790" Position [205, 493, 375, 517] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "791" Position [490, 661, 650, 679] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G3" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "792" Ports [2, 1] Position [675, 490, 730, 545] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "11" bin_pt "4" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "55,55,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 55 55 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 55 55 0 ]);\npatch([11.425 21.54 28.54 35.54 42.54 28.54 18.425 11.425 ]" ",[34.77 34.77 41.77 34.77 41.77 41.77 41.77 34.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([18.425 28.54 21.54 11.425 18.425 ],[27.7" "7 27.77 34.77 34.77 27.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.425 21.54 28.54 18.425 11.425 ],[20.77 20.77 27.7" "7 27.77 20.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([18.425 42.54 35.54 28.54 21.54 11.425 18.425 ],[13.77 13.77 20.77 13.77 20.7" "7 20.77 13.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin i" "con text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','" "on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "793" Ports [5, 1] Position [715, 577, 750, 683] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RSSI Calc" SID "794" Ports [7] Position [1065, 185, 1110, 295] Floating off Location [233, 663, 1422, 1566] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-1~-1~0~0~0~-40~-1" YMax "1~1~0.8~0.2~80~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData7" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "795" Ports [3, 1] Position [465, 477, 525, 533] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "3" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "796" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 385, 995, 395] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "797" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 445, 995, 455] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "798" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 220, 990, 230] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "799" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 415, 995, 425] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "800" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 205, 990, 215] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "801" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 235, 990, 245] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "802" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 190, 990, 200] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done8" SID "803" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 250, 990, 260] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Rx Pwr (dBm)" SID "804" Position [990, 528, 1020, 542] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 Points [45, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -315] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -290] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [105, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -115] Branch { DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 Points [70, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -100] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0; 0, -80] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -310] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Rx Pwr (dBm)" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -85] Branch { DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -195] DstBlock "done8" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "G_RF" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 5 } Annotation { Name "Shift slope-adjusted value by gain-dependent\noffset (top-center plot on pg 16 of MAX2829 ds)" Position [674, 715] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "IQ Mag" SID "805" Ports [3, 1] Position [425, 381, 495, 419] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "IQ Mag" Location [203, 179, 2107, 1494] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "142" Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "806" Position [180, 328, 210, 342] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "807" Position [180, 398, 210, 412] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Valid" SID "808" Position [180, 278, 210, 292] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "809" Ports [2, 1] Position [445, 336, 475, 394] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "19" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,58,2,1,white,blue,0,e139daf6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[33.44 " "33.44 37.44 33.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 33.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[29.44 29.44 33.44 3" "3.44 29.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[25.44 25.44 29.44 29.44 25.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a + b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "810" Ports [1, 1] Position [360, 271, 395, 299] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "811" Position [530, 443, 700, 467] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From11" SID "812" Position [735, 443, 905, 467] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "813" Position [735, 468, 905, 492] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Capture_V_DB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "814" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 319, 395, 381] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "20" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "815" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 389, 395, 451] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "20" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "ROM" SID "816" Ports [1, 1] Position [850, 323, 905, 357] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/ROM" SourceType "Xilinx Single Port Read-Only Memory Block" depth "2^11" initVector "5*log10(linspace(2^-11, 2, 2048))" distributed_mem "Block RAM" rst off init_reg "0" en off latency "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "14" bin_pt "8" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" dbl_ovrd off optimize "Area" use_rpm on xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "sprom" sg_icon_stat "55,34,1,1,white,blue,0,bbc23d60,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([18.1 23.88 27.88 31.88 35.88 27.88 22.1 18.1 ],[21.4" "4 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.1 27.88 23.88 18.1 22.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.4" "4 21.44 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.1 23.88 27.88 22.1 18.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.1 35.88 31.88 27.88 23.88 18.1 22.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'addr');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "817" Ports [3, 1] Position [1030, 332, 1090, 388] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Reinterpret" SID "818" Ports [1, 1] Position [735, 327, 775, 353] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes signal type without altering the binary representation. You can change the signal be" "tween signed and unsigned, and relocate the binary point.

Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs n" "othing.

Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the output is fo" "rced to unsigned with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) becomes an o" "utput of 56 (111000 in binary)." force_arith_type off arith_type "Unsigned" force_bin_pt on bin_pt "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "reinterpret" sg_icon_stat "40,26,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 20.66 23.66 26.66 20.66 16.325 13.325 ]" ",[16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.325 20.66 17.66 13.325 16.325 ],[13.3" "3 13.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 20.66 16.325 13.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.3" "3 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.325 26.66 23.66 20.66 17.66 13.325 16.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 1" "0.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon " "text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinterpret');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Running Sum" SID "819" Ports [2, 1] Position [585, 312, 650, 363] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Running Sum" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "En" SID "820" Position [195, 183, 225, 197] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "821" Position [195, 123, 225, 137] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accum1" SID "822" Ports [2, 1] Position [470, 131, 520, 184] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input.
Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced to run at t" "he system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "26" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst off infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[12 23 0 22 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,367,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,53,2,1,white,blue,0,debef366,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[33.77 33.7" "7 40.77 33.77 40.77 40.77 40.77 33.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[26.77 26.77 33.77 33" ".77 26.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[19.77 19.77 26.77 26.77 19.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[12.77 12.77 19.77 12.77 19.77 19.77 12.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');\n" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "823" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 117, 410, 168] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "36" bin_pt "28" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL on hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 18 0 17 0 0 0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,51,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[32.77 32.7" "7 39.77 32.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 32.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[25.77 25.77 32.77 32" ".77 25.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[18.77 18.77 25.77 25.77 18.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[11.77 11.77 18.77 11.77 18.77 18.77 11.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf{" "a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert" SID "824" Ports [1, 1] Position [585, 145, 630, 175] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "26" bin_pt "19" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output'," "1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "825" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 145, 940, 175] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "11" bin_pt "10" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output'," "1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "826" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 178, 400, 202] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 " "18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 1" "2.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npat" "ch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','t" "exmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "827" Ports [2, 1] Position [265, 143, 300, 167] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "16" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 17 0 17 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,2,1,white,blue,0,68dbc054,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[15.33 15" ".33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 " "1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 " "0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-16}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "828" Ports [1, 1] Position [695, 142, 730, 178] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55 23.55 28." "55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 23.55 18." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input" "',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "829" Ports [1, 1] Position [790, 145, 830, 175] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,f24dc431,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{X >> 4}" "','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Sum" SID "830" Position [1035, 153, 1065, 167] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0; 15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Accum1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "En" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, -30] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Scope Name "V_DB" SID "831" Ports [7] Position [1105, 150, 1150, 260] Floating off Location [1262, 689, 2451, 1592] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "yonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.75~-0.75~0~0~0~-17.5~-1" YMax "0.75~0.75~0.35~0.125~125~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData4" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "832" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 185, 1030, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "833" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 170, 1030, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "834" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 200, 1030, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "835" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 155, 1030, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "836" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 215, 1030, 225] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "837" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 230, 1030, 240] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "838" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 245, 1030, 255] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "IQ_dBv" SID "839" Position [1180, 353, 1210, 367] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0; 0, 40] DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [110, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -175] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Running Sum" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Reinterpret" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -135] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 Points [110, 0] Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [5, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -230] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -40] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0; 0, -15; 40, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -160] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "ROM" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -105] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 Points [55, 0; 0, -100; 15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } Branch { DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From11" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0; 0, -95] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ_dBv" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reinterpret" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "ROM" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -120] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 7 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "RF Gain" SID "840" Ports [1, 2] Position [620, 301, 690, 339] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "RF Gain" Location [298, 620, 1433, 873] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Rx Pwr" SID "841" Position [65, 283, 95, 297] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Concat" SID "842" Ports [2, 1] Position [455, 276, 485, 369] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Concat" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Concatenator Block" infoedit "Concatenates two or more inputs. Output will be cast to an unsigned value with the binary poi" "nt at zero." num_inputs "2" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "concat" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,16398980,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'hi');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'lo');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\fontsize{20}\\}" "','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "843" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 334, 550, 356] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "3" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,279a71c8,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'3');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "844" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 354, 550, 376] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "2" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,fca86624,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'2');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "845" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 394, 550, 416] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "846" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 534, 840, 556] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "0" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,bf4ddd8b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'0');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant4" SID "847" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 574, 840, 596] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "15" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,1164c07c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'15');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant5" SID "848" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 594, 840, 616] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "34" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,995c443f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'34');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "849" Ports [1] Position [440, 522, 515, 548] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display2" SID "850" Ports [1] Position [440, 552, 515, 578] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display3" SID "851" Ports [1] Position [1140, 292, 1215, 318] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display4" SID "852" Ports [1] Position [1140, 262, 1215, 288] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "853" Position [125, 298, 295, 322] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RFG_THRESH_21" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "854" Position [125, 343, 295, 367] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RFG_THRESH_32" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "855" Position [490, 453, 660, 477] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Set_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "856" Position [490, 428, 660, 452] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "857" Ports [5, 1] Position [595, 312, 630, 418] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "858" Ports [5, 1] Position [910, 512, 945, 618] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RF G" SID "859" Ports [7] Position [1030, 105, 1075, 215] Floating off Location [1282, 664, 2471, 1567] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-1~-1~0~0~0~-40~-1" YMax "1~1~0.8~0.2~80~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData5" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "860" Ports [3, 1] Position [780, 357, 840, 413] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "3" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational1" SID "861" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 282, 410, 318] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 28.1 33.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[23." "55 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[18.55 18.55" " 23.55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 1" "3.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 33.1 28.1 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[" "0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational2" SID "862" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 327, 410, 363] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 28.1 33.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[23." "55 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[18.55 18.55" " 23.55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 1" "3.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 33.1 28.1 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[" "0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "863" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 530, 400, 540] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "864" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 560, 400, 570] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "865" Ports [1, 1] Position [1065, 300, 1100, 310] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "866" Ports [1, 1] Position [1065, 270, 1100, 280] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "867" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 140, 955, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "868" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 125, 955, 135] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "869" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 155, 955, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done8" SID "870" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 110, 955, 120] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done9" SID "871" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 170, 955, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF" SID "872" Position [1120, 378, 1150, 392] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF_dB" SID "873" Position [1120, 558, 1150, 572] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Rx Pwr" SrcPort 1 Points [240, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 45] DstBlock "Relational2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -175] DstBlock "done8" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 225] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Concat" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Relational2" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 210] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Concat" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Concat" SrcPort 1 Points [70, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -195] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 Points [85, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -90] Branch { DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -130] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 Points [55, 0; 0, -55] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "G_RF" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 140] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -80] Branch { DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -130] DstBlock "done9" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 Points [75, 0; 0, -60] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -245] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant3" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_RF_dB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 5 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "RSSI Avg" SID "874" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 311, 365, 349] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "RSSI Avg" Location [168, 292, 964, 583] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "875" Position [520, 203, 550, 217] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "ASR" SID "876" Ports [2, 1] Position [710, 225, 750, 260] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Addressable Shift Register" SourceType "Xilinx Addressable Shift Register Block" infoedit "Delay of configurable length. Any element in the delay line can be addressed and driven onto " "the output port.

Hardware notes: This block is implemented using SRL16s. If Virtex-4 or Spartan-3 device" " is used, multiple SRLC16s are cascaded together." infer_latency on depth "2" initVector "[0]" en off dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off Optimization "Resource" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,359" block_type "addrsr" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,35,2,1,white,blue,0,a352fb33,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 35 35 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 35 35 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[22.55" " 22.55 27.55 22.55 27.55 27.55 27.55 22.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22" ".55 22.55 17.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[7.55 7.55 12.55 7.55 12.55 12.55 7.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'addr');\ncolor('black');port_label('outpu" "t',1,'q');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator" SID "877" Ports [2, 1] Position [880, 224, 915, 266] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "16" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,2,1,white,blue,0,6949434e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "878" Ports [2, 1] Position [795, 206, 830, 259] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" use_rpm "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "283,438,356,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,53,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[31.55" " 31.55 36.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 36.55 31.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31" ".55 31.55 26.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "879" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 220, 410, 240] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "0" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,bf4ddd8b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'0');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "880" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 240, 410, 260] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "881" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 260, 410, 280] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "3" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,279a71c8,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'3');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "882" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 280, 410, 300] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "7" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,2a6960a5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'7');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "883" Ports [1, 1] Position [1170, 262, 1195, 278] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,461,334" block_type "convert" block_version "10.1.3" sg_icon_stat "25,16,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[10.2" "2 10.22 12.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 " "10.22 8.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[4.22 4.22 6.22 4.22 6.22 6.22 4.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label" "('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample1" SID "884" Ports [1, 1] Position [275, 324, 310, 366] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost i" "n hardware of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "16" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "dsamp" sg_icon_stat "35,42,1,1,white,blue,0,40e65a2b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\do" "wnarrow}16','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "885" Position [35, 205, 230, 225] ShowName off CloseFcn "tagdialog Close" GotoTag "reg_RSSI_AVG_LEN_SEL" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "886" Ports [5, 1] Position [465, 197, 495, 303] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "30,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 " "15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[57.44 57.44 61.44 57.44 61.44 61.44 61.44 57.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10." "1 ],[53.44 53.44 57.44 57.44 53.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[49.44 49.44 53." "44 53.44 49.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[45.44 45.44 49.44 45.44 49.44 49.4" "4 45.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon te" "xt');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',5,'d" "3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "887" Ports [5, 1] Position [1100, 207, 1130, 333] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "30,126,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 18 108 126 0 ],[0.7" "7 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 18 108 126 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[" "67.44 67.44 71.44 67.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 67.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[63.44 63.44 6" "7.44 67.44 63.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[59.44 59.44 63.44 63.44 59.44 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[55.44 55.44 59.44 55.44 59.44 59.44 55.44 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('bla" "ck');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RSSI Avg" SID "888" Ports [7] Position [1005, 550, 1050, 660] Floating off Location [13, 566, 1202, 1469] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "0~0~0~0~0~-1~-1" YMax "1000~2~1~4000~1000~1~1" SaveName "ScopeData2" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "889" Ports [2, 1] Position [605, 201, 645, 239] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,38,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 38 38 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 38 38 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[24.55" " 24.55 29.55 24.55 29.55 29.55 29.55 24.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[19.55 19.55 24" ".55 24.55 19.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[14.55 14.55 19.55 19.55 14.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[9.55 9.55 14.55 9.55 14.55 14.55 9.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output" "',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Reset" SID "890" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 328, 425, 362] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Reset" Location [1190, 820, 1620, 982] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Start" SID "891" Position [25, 28, 55, 42] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "892" Ports [1, 1] Position [105, 41, 135, 69] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,28,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[18.44 18.44 22.4" "4 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 18.44 14.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1" " 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "893" Ports [1, 1] Position [255, 103, 285, 137] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "9" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c2fef566,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.4" "4 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1" " 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-9}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational" SID "894" Ports [2, 1] Position [170, 25, 205, 65] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a!=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "35,40,2,1,white,blue,0,850de6e7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55 25.55 30." "55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25.55 25.55 20." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\neq b','te" "xmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "895" Ports [2, 1] Position [255, 32, 285, 83] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [160, 70, 1918, 1152] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "896" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "897" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "898" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,400,346" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 " "13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 " "11.44 9.44 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "899" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 3" "0.66 36.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 " "30.66 24.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'" "en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "900" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } } } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Rst" SID "901" Position [375, 53, 405, 67] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Relational" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 Points [-40, 0; 0, -50] DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { Points [0, 60] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Rst" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Start" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "902" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 256, 1055, 284] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift1" SID "903" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 281, 1055, 309] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,b3ac20f4,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 2}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift2" SID "904" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 306, 1055, 334] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "3" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,42eb502d,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 3}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "905" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 570, 930, 580] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "906" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 600, 930, 610] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "907" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 555, 930, 565] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "908" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 585, 930, 595] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "909" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 615, 930, 625] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "avg" SID "910" Position [1230, 263, 1260, 277] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "ASR" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "ASR" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 350] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator" SrcPort 1 Points [75, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { DstBlock "Shift1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { DstBlock "Shift2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 150; -170, 0; 0, 135] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } } } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 130] DstBlock "Down Sample1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -80; 810, 0; 0, 85] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "ASR" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "avg" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 185; -400, 0; 0, 165] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample1" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { Points [0, -135] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Branch { Labels [0, 0] DstBlock "Reset" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 230] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Reset" SrcPort 1 Points [135, 0] Branch { Points [285, 0; 0, -90] DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -115] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 245] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 4 } Line { Points [935, 635] DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 6 } Line { Points [935, 650] DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 7 } Annotation { Name "Flush recursive sum whenever sum\nlength changes. Otherwise let it run\n(overflow is impossible, a" "nd lower\nlatency here is helpful to AGC timing)" Position [393, 413] } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "911" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 293, 940, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "912" Ports [1, 1] Position [975, 293, 1010, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register3" SID "913" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 363, 940, 397] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register4" SID "914" Ports [1, 1] Position [975, 363, 1010, 397] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF" SID "915" Position [1035, 303, 1065, 317] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_BB" SID "916" Position [1035, 373, 1065, 387] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "RF Gain" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -35; -385, 0; 0, 35] DstBlock "Capture & Convert" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI Avg" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Capture & Convert" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Capture & Convert" SrcPort 1 Points [85, 0] Branch { DstBlock "RF Gain" DstPort 1 } Branch { Labels [0, 0] Points [0, 60] DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "BB gain" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RF Gain" SrcPort 2 Points [35, 0; 0, 30] DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Mag" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_RF" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_BB" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Gain Calc B" SID "917" Ports [4, 2] Position [405, 90, 495, 140] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Gain Calc B" Location [442, 328, 2118, 1423] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "918" Position [280, 383, 310, 397] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "919" Position [280, 393, 310, 407] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "920" Position [360, 403, 390, 417] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "921" Position [205, 323, 235, 337] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "BB gain" SID "922" Ports [3, 1] Position [775, 353, 865, 407] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "BB gain" Location [1154, 440, 1889, 790] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "G_RF_dB" SID "923" Position [500, 278, 530, 292] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "P_IN_RSSI" SID "924" Position [500, 253, 530, 267] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ_dBv" SID "925" Position [350, 443, 380, 457] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "926" Ports [2, 1] Position [590, 191, 615, 284] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "25,93,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[49" ".33 49.33 52.33 49.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 49.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[46.33 46.33 " "49.33 49.33 46.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[43.33 43.33 46.33 46.33 43.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[40.33 40.33 43.33 40.33 43.33 43.33 40.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('o" "utput',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "927" Ports [2, 1] Position [695, 216, 720, 309] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "25,93,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[49" ".33 49.33 52.33 49.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 49.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[46.33 46.33 " "49.33 49.33 46.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[43.33 43.33 46.33 46.33 43.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[40.33 40.33 43.33 40.33 43.33 43.33 40.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('o" "utput',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub2" SID "928" Ports [2, 1] Position [595, 396, 625, 489] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub3" SID "929" Ports [2, 1] Position [705, 421, 735, 514] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,e85d8a90,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a + b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\new" "line\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub4" SID "930" Ports [2, 1] Position [465, 434, 495, 496] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,62,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[35.44 " "35.44 39.44 35.44 39.44 39.44 39.44 35.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[31.44 31.44 35.44 3" "5.44 31.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[27.44 27.44 31.44 31.44 27.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[23.44 23.44 27.44 23.44 27.44 27.44 23.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "931" Ports [1, 1] Position [890, 250, 935, 280] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "932" Ports [1, 1] Position [890, 455, 935, 485] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "933" Position [230, 468, 400, 492] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_V_DB_ADJ" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "934" Position [960, 228, 1130, 252] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_INIT_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "935" Position [270, 203, 440, 227] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TARGET_PWR" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "936" Position [960, 203, 1130, 227] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_G_BB_SEL" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "937" Ports [4, 1] Position [1200, 199, 1235, 306] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "3" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,107,4,1,white,blue,3,58b3489d,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.2857 91.7143 107" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.2857 91.7143 107 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf" "{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "938" Ports [1, 1] Position [770, 250, 810, 280] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('blac" "k');disp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift1" SID "939" Ports [1, 1] Position [780, 455, 820, 485] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('blac" "k');disp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_BB" SID "940" Position [1260, 248, 1290, 262] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub4" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ_dBv" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "P_IN_RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_BB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "G_RF_dB" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 Points [160, 0; 0, -180] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Shift1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, 90; -75, 0; 0, 135] DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 205] DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Capture & Convert" SID "941" Ports [2, 1] Position [415, 298, 510, 342] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Capture & Convert" Location [735, 263, 1125, 375] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "G_RF" SID "942" Position [480, 583, 510, 597] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "943" Position [375, 478, 405, 492] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "944" Ports [2, 1] Position [830, 506, 890, 564] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "60,58,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[37.8" "8 37.88 45.88 37.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 37.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[29.88 29.88 37.8" "8 37.88 29.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[21.88 21.88 29.88 29.88 21.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[13.88 13.88 21.88 13.88 21.88 21.88 13.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1" ",'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('" " \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "945" Ports [0, 1] Position [560, 517, 615, 543] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1/15" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "12" bin_pt "12" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "55,26,0,1,white,blue,0,f0461adc,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 30.66 33.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ]" ",[16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[13.3" "3 13.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.3" "3 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 33.66 30.66 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 1" "0.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon " "text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'0.066650390625');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "946" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 658, 460, 682] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "100" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,f430d5a1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'100');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "947" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 638, 460, 662] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "85" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,1d1d5ce9,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'85');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "948" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 598, 460, 622] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "70" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,8c6adb57,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'70');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "949" Ports [1] Position [1035, 407, 1110, 433] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "950" Ports [1] Position [1035, 377, 1110, 403] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display2" SID "951" Ports [1] Position [1035, 437, 1110, 463] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "952" Position [490, 601, 650, 619] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G1" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "953" Position [205, 513, 375, 537] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Capture_RSSI" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "954" Position [490, 641, 650, 659] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G2" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "955" Position [205, 493, 375, 517] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "956" Position [490, 661, 650, 679] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G3" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "957" Ports [2, 1] Position [675, 490, 730, 545] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "11" bin_pt "4" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "55,55,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 55 55 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 55 55 0 ]);\npatch([11.425 21.54 28.54 35.54 42.54 28.54 18.425 11.425 ]" ",[34.77 34.77 41.77 34.77 41.77 41.77 41.77 34.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([18.425 28.54 21.54 11.425 18.425 ],[27.7" "7 27.77 34.77 34.77 27.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.425 21.54 28.54 18.425 11.425 ],[20.77 20.77 27.7" "7 27.77 20.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([18.425 42.54 35.54 28.54 21.54 11.425 18.425 ],[13.77 13.77 20.77 13.77 20.7" "7 20.77 13.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin i" "con text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','" "on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "958" Ports [5, 1] Position [715, 577, 750, 683] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RSSI Calc" SID "959" Ports [7] Position [1065, 185, 1110, 295] Floating off Location [233, 663, 1422, 1566] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-1~-1~0~0~0~-40~-1" YMax "1~1~0.8~0.2~80~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData7" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "960" Ports [3, 1] Position [465, 477, 525, 533] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "3" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "961" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 385, 995, 395] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "962" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 445, 995, 455] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "963" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 220, 990, 230] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "964" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 415, 995, 425] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "965" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 205, 990, 215] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "966" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 235, 990, 245] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "967" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 190, 990, 200] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done8" SID "968" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 250, 990, 260] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Rx Pwr (dBm)" SID "969" Position [990, 528, 1020, 542] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "G_RF" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, -85] Branch { Points [0, -195] DstBlock "done8" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Rx Pwr (dBm)" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0; 0, -80] Branch { Points [0, -310] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 Points [70, 0] Branch { Points [0, -100] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [105, 0] Branch { Points [0, -115] Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, -290] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } } Line { Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 Points [45, 0] Branch { Points [0, -315] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } } Annotation { Name "Shift slope-adjusted value by gain-dependent\noffset (top-center plot on pg 16 of MAX2829 ds)" Position [674, 715] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "IQ Mag" SID "970" Ports [3, 1] Position [425, 381, 495, 419] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "IQ Mag" Location [203, 179, 2107, 1494] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "142" Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "971" Position [180, 328, 210, 342] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "972" Position [180, 398, 210, 412] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Valid" SID "973" Position [180, 278, 210, 292] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "974" Ports [2, 1] Position [445, 336, 475, 394] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "19" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,58,2,1,white,blue,0,e139daf6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[33.44 " "33.44 37.44 33.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 33.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[29.44 29.44 33.44 3" "3.44 29.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[25.44 25.44 29.44 29.44 25.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a + b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "975" Ports [1, 1] Position [360, 271, 395, 299] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "976" Position [530, 443, 700, 467] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From11" SID "977" Position [735, 443, 905, 467] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "978" Position [735, 468, 905, 492] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Capture_V_DB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "979" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 319, 395, 381] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "20" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "980" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 389, 395, 451] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "20" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "ROM" SID "981" Ports [1, 1] Position [850, 323, 905, 357] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/ROM" SourceType "Xilinx Single Port Read-Only Memory Block" depth "2^11" initVector "5*log10(linspace(2^-11, 2, 2048))" distributed_mem "Block RAM" rst off init_reg "0" en off latency "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "14" bin_pt "8" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" dbl_ovrd off optimize "Area" use_rpm on xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "sprom" sg_icon_stat "55,34,1,1,white,blue,0,bbc23d60,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([18.1 23.88 27.88 31.88 35.88 27.88 22.1 18.1 ],[21.4" "4 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.1 27.88 23.88 18.1 22.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.4" "4 21.44 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.1 23.88 27.88 22.1 18.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.1 35.88 31.88 27.88 23.88 18.1 22.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'addr');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "982" Ports [3, 1] Position [1030, 332, 1090, 388] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Reinterpret" SID "983" Ports [1, 1] Position [735, 327, 775, 353] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes signal type without altering the binary representation. You can change the signal be" "tween signed and unsigned, and relocate the binary point.

Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs n" "othing.

Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the output is fo" "rced to unsigned with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) becomes an o" "utput of 56 (111000 in binary)." force_arith_type off arith_type "Unsigned" force_bin_pt on bin_pt "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "reinterpret" sg_icon_stat "40,26,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 20.66 23.66 26.66 20.66 16.325 13.325 ]" ",[16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.325 20.66 17.66 13.325 16.325 ],[13.3" "3 13.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 20.66 16.325 13.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.3" "3 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.325 26.66 23.66 20.66 17.66 13.325 16.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 1" "0.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon " "text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinterpret');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Running Sum" SID "984" Ports [2, 1] Position [585, 312, 650, 363] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Running Sum" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "En" SID "985" Position [195, 183, 225, 197] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "986" Position [195, 123, 225, 137] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accum1" SID "987" Ports [2, 1] Position [470, 131, 520, 184] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input.
Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced to run at t" "he system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "26" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst off infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[12 23 0 22 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,367,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,53,2,1,white,blue,0,debef366,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[33.77 33.7" "7 40.77 33.77 40.77 40.77 40.77 33.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[26.77 26.77 33.77 33" ".77 26.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[19.77 19.77 26.77 26.77 19.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[12.77 12.77 19.77 12.77 19.77 19.77 12.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');\n" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "988" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 117, 410, 168] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "36" bin_pt "28" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL on hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 18 0 17 0 0 0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,51,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[32.77 32.7" "7 39.77 32.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 32.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[25.77 25.77 32.77 32" ".77 25.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[18.77 18.77 25.77 25.77 18.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[11.77 11.77 18.77 11.77 18.77 18.77 11.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf{" "a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert" SID "989" Ports [1, 1] Position [585, 145, 630, 175] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "26" bin_pt "19" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output'," "1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "990" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 145, 940, 175] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "11" bin_pt "10" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output'," "1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "991" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 178, 400, 202] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 " "18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 1" "2.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npat" "ch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','t" "exmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "992" Ports [2, 1] Position [265, 143, 300, 167] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "16" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 17 0 17 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,2,1,white,blue,0,68dbc054,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[15.33 15" ".33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 " "1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 " "0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-16}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "993" Ports [1, 1] Position [695, 142, 730, 178] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55 23.55 28." "55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 23.55 18." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input" "',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "994" Ports [1, 1] Position [790, 145, 830, 175] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,f24dc431,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{X >> 4}" "','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Sum" SID "995" Position [1035, 153, 1065, 167] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "En" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -30] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Accum1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0; 15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } } } Block { BlockType Scope Name "V_DB" SID "996" Ports [7] Position [1105, 150, 1150, 260] Floating off Location [1262, 689, 2451, 1592] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "yonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.75~-0.75~0~0~0~-17.5~-1" YMax "0.75~0.75~0.35~0.125~125~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData4" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "997" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 185, 1030, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "998" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 170, 1030, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "999" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 200, 1030, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1000" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 155, 1030, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1001" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 215, 1030, 225] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1002" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 230, 1030, 240] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "1003" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 245, 1030, 255] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "IQ_dBv" SID "1004" Position [1180, 353, 1210, 367] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reinterpret" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -120] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "ROM" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ_dBv" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From11" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0; 0, -95] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 Points [55, 0; 0, -100; 15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "ROM" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0] Branch { Points [0, -105] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0; 0, -15; 40, 0] Branch { Points [0, -160] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -40] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 Points [110, 0] Branch { Points [5, 0] Branch { Points [0, -230] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Running Sum" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { Points [0, -135] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Reinterpret" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [110, 0] Branch { Points [0, -175] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0; 0, 40] DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "RF Gain" SID "1005" Ports [1, 2] Position [620, 301, 690, 339] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "RF Gain" Location [298, 620, 1433, 873] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Rx Pwr" SID "1006" Position [65, 283, 95, 297] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Concat" SID "1007" Ports [2, 1] Position [455, 276, 485, 369] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Concat" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Concatenator Block" infoedit "Concatenates two or more inputs. Output will be cast to an unsigned value with the binary poi" "nt at zero." num_inputs "2" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "concat" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,16398980,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'hi');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'lo');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\fontsize{20}\\}" "','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "1008" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 334, 550, 356] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "3" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,279a71c8,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'3');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1009" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 354, 550, 376] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "2" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,fca86624,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'2');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "1010" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 394, 550, 416] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "1011" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 534, 840, 556] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "0" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,bf4ddd8b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'0');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant4" SID "1012" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 574, 840, 596] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "15" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,1164c07c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'15');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant5" SID "1013" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 594, 840, 616] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "34" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,995c443f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'34');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "1014" Ports [1] Position [440, 522, 515, 548] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display2" SID "1015" Ports [1] Position [440, 552, 515, 578] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display3" SID "1016" Ports [1] Position [1140, 292, 1215, 318] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display4" SID "1017" Ports [1] Position [1140, 262, 1215, 288] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1018" Position [125, 298, 295, 322] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RFG_THRESH_21" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "1019" Position [125, 343, 295, 367] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RFG_THRESH_32" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "1020" Position [490, 453, 660, 477] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Set_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "1021" Position [490, 428, 660, 452] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "1022" Ports [5, 1] Position [595, 312, 630, 418] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "1023" Ports [5, 1] Position [910, 512, 945, 618] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RF G" SID "1024" Ports [7] Position [1030, 105, 1075, 215] Floating off Location [1282, 664, 2471, 1567] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-1~-1~0~0~0~-40~-1" YMax "1~1~0.8~0.2~80~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData5" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1025" Ports [3, 1] Position [780, 357, 840, 413] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "3" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational1" SID "1026" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 282, 410, 318] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 28.1 33.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[23." "55 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[18.55 18.55" " 23.55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 1" "3.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 33.1 28.1 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[" "0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational2" SID "1027" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 327, 410, 363] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 28.1 33.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[23." "55 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[18.55 18.55" " 23.55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 1" "3.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 33.1 28.1 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[" "0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "1028" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 530, 400, 540] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "1029" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 560, 400, 570] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "1030" Ports [1, 1] Position [1065, 300, 1100, 310] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1031" Ports [1, 1] Position [1065, 270, 1100, 280] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1032" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 140, 955, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1033" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 125, 955, 135] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "1034" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 155, 955, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done8" SID "1035" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 110, 955, 120] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done9" SID "1036" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 170, 955, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF" SID "1037" Position [1120, 378, 1150, 392] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF_dB" SID "1038" Position [1120, 558, 1150, 572] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_RF_dB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant3" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 Points [75, 0; 0, -60] Branch { Points [0, -245] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [0, -80] Branch { Points [0, -130] DstBlock "done9" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, 140] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "G_RF" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 Points [55, 0; 0, -55] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 Points [85, 0] Branch { Points [0, -90] Branch { Points [0, -130] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } Branch { DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Concat" SrcPort 1 Points [70, 0] Branch { Points [0, -195] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Concat" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 210] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Relational2" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Concat" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, 225] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Rx Pwr" SrcPort 1 Points [240, 0] Branch { Points [0, -175] DstBlock "done8" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 45] DstBlock "Relational2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 1 } } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "RSSI Avg" SID "1039" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 311, 365, 349] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "RSSI Avg" Location [168, 292, 964, 583] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "1040" Position [520, 203, 550, 217] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "ASR" SID "1041" Ports [2, 1] Position [710, 225, 750, 260] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Addressable Shift Register" SourceType "Xilinx Addressable Shift Register Block" infoedit "Delay of configurable length. Any element in the delay line can be addressed and driven onto " "the output port.

Hardware notes: This block is implemented using SRL16s. If Virtex-4 or Spartan-3 device" " is used, multiple SRLC16s are cascaded together." infer_latency on depth "2" initVector "[0]" en off dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off Optimization "Resource" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,359" block_type "addrsr" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,35,2,1,white,blue,0,a352fb33,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 35 35 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 35 35 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[22.55" " 22.55 27.55 22.55 27.55 27.55 27.55 22.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22" ".55 22.55 17.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[7.55 7.55 12.55 7.55 12.55 12.55 7.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'addr');\ncolor('black');port_label('outpu" "t',1,'q');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator" SID "1042" Ports [2, 1] Position [880, 224, 915, 266] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "16" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,2,1,white,blue,0,6949434e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "1043" Ports [2, 1] Position [795, 206, 830, 259] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" use_rpm "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "283,438,356,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,53,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[31.55" " 31.55 36.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 36.55 31.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31" ".55 31.55 26.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "1044" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 220, 410, 240] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "0" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,bf4ddd8b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'0');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1045" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 240, 410, 260] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "1046" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 260, 410, 280] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "3" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,279a71c8,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'3');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "1047" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 280, 410, 300] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "7" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,2a6960a5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'7');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "1048" Ports [1, 1] Position [1170, 262, 1195, 278] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,461,334" block_type "convert" block_version "10.1.3" sg_icon_stat "25,16,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[10.2" "2 10.22 12.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 " "10.22 8.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[4.22 4.22 6.22 4.22 6.22 6.22 4.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label" "('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample1" SID "1049" Ports [1, 1] Position [275, 324, 310, 366] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost i" "n hardware of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "16" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "dsamp" sg_icon_stat "35,42,1,1,white,blue,0,40e65a2b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\do" "wnarrow}16','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1050" Position [35, 205, 230, 225] ShowName off CloseFcn "tagdialog Close" GotoTag "reg_RSSI_AVG_LEN_SEL" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "1051" Ports [5, 1] Position [465, 197, 495, 303] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "30,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 " "15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[57.44 57.44 61.44 57.44 61.44 61.44 61.44 57.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10." "1 ],[53.44 53.44 57.44 57.44 53.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[49.44 49.44 53." "44 53.44 49.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[45.44 45.44 49.44 45.44 49.44 49.4" "4 45.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon te" "xt');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',5,'d" "3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "1052" Ports [5, 1] Position [1100, 207, 1130, 333] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "30,126,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 18 108 126 0 ],[0.7" "7 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 18 108 126 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[" "67.44 67.44 71.44 67.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 67.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[63.44 63.44 6" "7.44 67.44 63.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[59.44 59.44 63.44 63.44 59.44 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[55.44 55.44 59.44 55.44 59.44 59.44 55.44 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('bla" "ck');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RSSI Avg" SID "1053" Ports [7] Position [1005, 550, 1050, 660] Floating off Location [13, 566, 1202, 1469] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "0~0~0~0~0~-1~-1" YMax "1000~2~1~4000~1000~1~1" SaveName "ScopeData2" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1054" Ports [2, 1] Position [605, 201, 645, 239] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,38,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 38 38 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 38 38 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[24.55" " 24.55 29.55 24.55 29.55 29.55 29.55 24.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[19.55 19.55 24" ".55 24.55 19.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[14.55 14.55 19.55 19.55 14.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[9.55 9.55 14.55 9.55 14.55 14.55 9.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output" "',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Reset" SID "1055" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 328, 425, 362] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Reset" Location [1190, 820, 1620, 982] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Start" SID "1056" Position [25, 28, 55, 42] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "1057" Ports [1, 1] Position [105, 41, 135, 69] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,28,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[18.44 18.44 22.4" "4 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 18.44 14.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1" " 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "1058" Ports [1, 1] Position [255, 103, 285, 137] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "9" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c2fef566,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.4" "4 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1" " 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-9}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational" SID "1059" Ports [2, 1] Position [170, 25, 205, 65] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a!=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "35,40,2,1,white,blue,0,850de6e7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55 25.55 30." "55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25.55 25.55 20." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\neq b','te" "xmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "1060" Ports [2, 1] Position [255, 32, 285, 83] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [160, 70, 1918, 1152] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "1061" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "1062" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1063" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,400,346" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 " "13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 " "11.44 9.44 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1064" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 3" "0.66 36.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 " "30.66 24.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'" "en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "1065" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Rst" SID "1066" Position [375, 53, 405, 67] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Start" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Rst" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 60] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 Points [-40, 0; 0, -50] DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "1067" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 256, 1055, 284] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift1" SID "1068" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 281, 1055, 309] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,b3ac20f4,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 2}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift2" SID "1069" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 306, 1055, 334] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "3" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,42eb502d,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 3}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "1070" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 570, 930, 580] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "1071" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 600, 930, 610] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1072" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 555, 930, 565] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1073" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 585, 930, 595] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1074" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 615, 930, 625] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "avg" SID "1075" Position [1230, 263, 1260, 277] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { Points [935, 650] DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 7 } Line { Points [935, 635] DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reset" SrcPort 1 Points [135, 0] Branch { Points [0, 245] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -115] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [285, 0; 0, -90] DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample1" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { Points [0, 230] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Labels [0, 0] DstBlock "Reset" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -135] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, 185; -400, 0; 0, 165] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "avg" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "ASR" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -80; 810, 0; 0, 85] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 130] DstBlock "Down Sample1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator" SrcPort 1 Points [75, 0] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { Points [0, 150; -170, 0; 0, 135] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Shift2" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Shift1" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { Points [0, 350] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "ASR" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "ASR" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Annotation { Name "Flush recursive sum whenever sum\nlength changes. Otherwise let it run\n(overflow is impossible, a" "nd lower\nlatency here is helpful to AGC timing)" Position [393, 413] } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "1076" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 293, 940, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1077" Ports [1, 1] Position [975, 293, 1010, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register3" SID "1078" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 363, 940, 397] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register4" SID "1079" Ports [1, 1] Position [975, 363, 1010, 397] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF" SID "1080" Position [1035, 303, 1065, 317] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_BB" SID "1081" Position [1035, 373, 1065, 387] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Register4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_BB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_RF" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Mag" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "RF Gain" SrcPort 2 Points [35, 0; 0, 30] DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "BB gain" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Capture & Convert" SrcPort 1 Points [85, 0] Branch { Labels [0, 0] Points [0, 60] DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "RF Gain" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI Avg" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Capture & Convert" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RF Gain" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { Points [0, -35; -385, 0; 0, 35] DstBlock "Capture & Convert" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Gain Calc C" SID "1082" Ports [4, 2] Position [405, 165, 495, 215] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Gain Calc C" Location [442, 328, 2118, 1423] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "1083" Position [280, 383, 310, 397] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "1084" Position [280, 393, 310, 407] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "1085" Position [360, 403, 390, 417] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "1086" Position [205, 323, 235, 337] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "BB gain" SID "1087" Ports [3, 1] Position [775, 353, 865, 407] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "BB gain" Location [1154, 440, 1889, 790] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "G_RF_dB" SID "1088" Position [500, 278, 530, 292] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "P_IN_RSSI" SID "1089" Position [500, 253, 530, 267] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ_dBv" SID "1090" Position [350, 443, 380, 457] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "1091" Ports [2, 1] Position [590, 191, 615, 284] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "25,93,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[49" ".33 49.33 52.33 49.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 49.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[46.33 46.33 " "49.33 49.33 46.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[43.33 43.33 46.33 46.33 43.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[40.33 40.33 43.33 40.33 43.33 43.33 40.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('o" "utput',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "1092" Ports [2, 1] Position [695, 216, 720, 309] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "25,93,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[49" ".33 49.33 52.33 49.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 49.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[46.33 46.33 " "49.33 49.33 46.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[43.33 43.33 46.33 46.33 43.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[40.33 40.33 43.33 40.33 43.33 43.33 40.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('o" "utput',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub2" SID "1093" Ports [2, 1] Position [595, 396, 625, 489] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub3" SID "1094" Ports [2, 1] Position [705, 421, 735, 514] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,e85d8a90,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a + b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\new" "line\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub4" SID "1095" Ports [2, 1] Position [465, 434, 495, 496] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,62,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[35.44 " "35.44 39.44 35.44 39.44 39.44 39.44 35.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[31.44 31.44 35.44 3" "5.44 31.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[27.44 27.44 31.44 31.44 27.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[23.44 23.44 27.44 23.44 27.44 27.44 23.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "1096" Ports [1, 1] Position [890, 250, 935, 280] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "1097" Ports [1, 1] Position [890, 455, 935, 485] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1098" Position [230, 468, 400, 492] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_V_DB_ADJ" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "1099" Position [960, 228, 1130, 252] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_INIT_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "1100" Position [270, 203, 440, 227] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TARGET_PWR" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "1101" Position [960, 203, 1130, 227] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_G_BB_SEL" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "1102" Ports [4, 1] Position [1200, 199, 1235, 306] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "3" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,107,4,1,white,blue,3,58b3489d,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.2857 91.7143 107" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.2857 91.7143 107 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf" "{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "1103" Ports [1, 1] Position [770, 250, 810, 280] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('blac" "k');disp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift1" SID "1104" Ports [1, 1] Position [780, 455, 820, 485] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('blac" "k');disp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_BB" SID "1105" Position [1260, 248, 1290, 262] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 205] DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 90; -75, 0; 0, 135] DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Shift1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 Points [160, 0; 0, -180] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "G_RF_dB" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_BB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "P_IN_RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ_dBv" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub4" DstPort 2 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Capture & Convert" SID "1106" Ports [2, 1] Position [415, 298, 510, 342] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Capture & Convert" Location [735, 263, 1125, 375] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "G_RF" SID "1107" Position [480, 583, 510, 597] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "1108" Position [375, 478, 405, 492] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "1109" Ports [2, 1] Position [830, 506, 890, 564] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "60,58,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[37.8" "8 37.88 45.88 37.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 37.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[29.88 29.88 37.8" "8 37.88 29.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[21.88 21.88 29.88 29.88 21.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[13.88 13.88 21.88 13.88 21.88 21.88 13.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1" ",'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('" " \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "1110" Ports [0, 1] Position [560, 517, 615, 543] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1/15" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "12" bin_pt "12" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "55,26,0,1,white,blue,0,f0461adc,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 30.66 33.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ]" ",[16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[13.3" "3 13.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.3" "3 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 33.66 30.66 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 1" "0.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon " "text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'0.066650390625');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1111" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 658, 460, 682] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "100" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,f430d5a1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'100');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "1112" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 638, 460, 662] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "85" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,1d1d5ce9,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'85');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "1113" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 598, 460, 622] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "70" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,8c6adb57,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'70');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "1114" Ports [1] Position [1035, 407, 1110, 433] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "1115" Ports [1] Position [1035, 377, 1110, 403] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display2" SID "1116" Ports [1] Position [1035, 437, 1110, 463] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1117" Position [490, 601, 650, 619] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G1" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "1118" Position [205, 513, 375, 537] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Capture_RSSI" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "1119" Position [490, 641, 650, 659] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G2" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "1120" Position [205, 493, 375, 517] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "1121" Position [490, 661, 650, 679] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G3" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "1122" Ports [2, 1] Position [675, 490, 730, 545] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "11" bin_pt "4" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "55,55,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 55 55 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 55 55 0 ]);\npatch([11.425 21.54 28.54 35.54 42.54 28.54 18.425 11.425 ]" ",[34.77 34.77 41.77 34.77 41.77 41.77 41.77 34.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([18.425 28.54 21.54 11.425 18.425 ],[27.7" "7 27.77 34.77 34.77 27.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.425 21.54 28.54 18.425 11.425 ],[20.77 20.77 27.7" "7 27.77 20.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([18.425 42.54 35.54 28.54 21.54 11.425 18.425 ],[13.77 13.77 20.77 13.77 20.7" "7 20.77 13.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin i" "con text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','" "on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "1123" Ports [5, 1] Position [715, 577, 750, 683] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RSSI Calc" SID "1124" Ports [7] Position [1065, 185, 1110, 295] Floating off Location [233, 663, 1422, 1566] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-1~-1~0~0~0~-40~-1" YMax "1~1~0.8~0.2~80~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData7" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1125" Ports [3, 1] Position [465, 477, 525, 533] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "3" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "1126" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 385, 995, 395] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "1127" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 445, 995, 455] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "1128" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 220, 990, 230] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1129" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 415, 995, 425] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1130" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 205, 990, 215] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1131" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 235, 990, 245] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "1132" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 190, 990, 200] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done8" SID "1133" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 250, 990, 260] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Rx Pwr (dBm)" SID "1134" Position [990, 528, 1020, 542] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 Points [45, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -315] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -290] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [105, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -115] Branch { DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 Points [70, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -100] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0; 0, -80] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -310] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Rx Pwr (dBm)" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -85] Branch { DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -195] DstBlock "done8" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "G_RF" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 5 } Annotation { Name "Shift slope-adjusted value by gain-dependent\noffset (top-center plot on pg 16 of MAX2829 ds)" Position [674, 715] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "IQ Mag" SID "1135" Ports [3, 1] Position [425, 381, 495, 419] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "IQ Mag" Location [203, 179, 2107, 1494] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "142" Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "1136" Position [180, 328, 210, 342] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "1137" Position [180, 398, 210, 412] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Valid" SID "1138" Position [180, 278, 210, 292] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "1139" Ports [2, 1] Position [445, 336, 475, 394] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "19" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,58,2,1,white,blue,0,e139daf6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[33.44 " "33.44 37.44 33.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 33.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[29.44 29.44 33.44 3" "3.44 29.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[25.44 25.44 29.44 29.44 25.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a + b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "1140" Ports [1, 1] Position [360, 271, 395, 299] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1141" Position [530, 443, 700, 467] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From11" SID "1142" Position [735, 443, 905, 467] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "1143" Position [735, 468, 905, 492] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Capture_V_DB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "1144" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 319, 395, 381] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "20" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "1145" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 389, 395, 451] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "20" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "ROM" SID "1146" Ports [1, 1] Position [850, 323, 905, 357] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/ROM" SourceType "Xilinx Single Port Read-Only Memory Block" depth "2^11" initVector "5*log10(linspace(2^-11, 2, 2048))" distributed_mem "Block RAM" rst off init_reg "0" en off latency "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "14" bin_pt "8" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" dbl_ovrd off optimize "Area" use_rpm on xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "sprom" sg_icon_stat "55,34,1,1,white,blue,0,bbc23d60,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([18.1 23.88 27.88 31.88 35.88 27.88 22.1 18.1 ],[21.4" "4 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.1 27.88 23.88 18.1 22.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.4" "4 21.44 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.1 23.88 27.88 22.1 18.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.1 35.88 31.88 27.88 23.88 18.1 22.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'addr');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1147" Ports [3, 1] Position [1030, 332, 1090, 388] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Reinterpret" SID "1148" Ports [1, 1] Position [735, 327, 775, 353] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes signal type without altering the binary representation. You can change the signal be" "tween signed and unsigned, and relocate the binary point.

Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs n" "othing.

Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the output is fo" "rced to unsigned with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) becomes an o" "utput of 56 (111000 in binary)." force_arith_type off arith_type "Unsigned" force_bin_pt on bin_pt "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "reinterpret" sg_icon_stat "40,26,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 20.66 23.66 26.66 20.66 16.325 13.325 ]" ",[16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.325 20.66 17.66 13.325 16.325 ],[13.3" "3 13.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 20.66 16.325 13.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.3" "3 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.325 26.66 23.66 20.66 17.66 13.325 16.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 1" "0.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon " "text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinterpret');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Running Sum" SID "1149" Ports [2, 1] Position [585, 312, 650, 363] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Running Sum" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "En" SID "1150" Position [195, 183, 225, 197] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "1151" Position [195, 123, 225, 137] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accum1" SID "1152" Ports [2, 1] Position [470, 131, 520, 184] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input.
Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced to run at t" "he system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "26" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst off infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[12 23 0 22 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,367,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,53,2,1,white,blue,0,debef366,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[33.77 33.7" "7 40.77 33.77 40.77 40.77 40.77 33.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[26.77 26.77 33.77 33" ".77 26.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[19.77 19.77 26.77 26.77 19.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[12.77 12.77 19.77 12.77 19.77 19.77 12.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');\n" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "1153" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 117, 410, 168] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "36" bin_pt "28" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL on hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 18 0 17 0 0 0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,51,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[32.77 32.7" "7 39.77 32.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 32.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[25.77 25.77 32.77 32" ".77 25.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[18.77 18.77 25.77 25.77 18.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[11.77 11.77 18.77 11.77 18.77 18.77 11.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf{" "a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert" SID "1154" Ports [1, 1] Position [585, 145, 630, 175] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "26" bin_pt "19" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output'," "1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "1155" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 145, 940, 175] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "11" bin_pt "10" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output'," "1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "1156" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 178, 400, 202] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 " "18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 1" "2.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npat" "ch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','t" "exmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "1157" Ports [2, 1] Position [265, 143, 300, 167] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "16" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 17 0 17 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,2,1,white,blue,0,68dbc054,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[15.33 15" ".33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 " "1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 " "0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-16}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1158" Ports [1, 1] Position [695, 142, 730, 178] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55 23.55 28." "55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 23.55 18." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input" "',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "1159" Ports [1, 1] Position [790, 145, 830, 175] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,f24dc431,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{X >> 4}" "','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Sum" SID "1160" Position [1035, 153, 1065, 167] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0; 15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Accum1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "En" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, -30] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Scope Name "V_DB" SID "1161" Ports [7] Position [1105, 150, 1150, 260] Floating off Location [1262, 689, 2451, 1592] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "yonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.75~-0.75~0~0~0~-17.5~-1" YMax "0.75~0.75~0.35~0.125~125~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData4" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "1162" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 185, 1030, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "1163" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 170, 1030, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "1164" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 200, 1030, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1165" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 155, 1030, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1166" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 215, 1030, 225] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1167" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 230, 1030, 240] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "1168" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 245, 1030, 255] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "IQ_dBv" SID "1169" Position [1180, 353, 1210, 367] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0; 0, 40] DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [110, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -175] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Running Sum" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Reinterpret" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -135] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 Points [110, 0] Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [5, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -230] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -40] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0; 0, -15; 40, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -160] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "ROM" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -105] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 Points [55, 0; 0, -100; 15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } Branch { DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From11" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0; 0, -95] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ_dBv" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reinterpret" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "ROM" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -120] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 7 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "RF Gain" SID "1170" Ports [1, 2] Position [620, 301, 690, 339] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "RF Gain" Location [298, 620, 1433, 873] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Rx Pwr" SID "1171" Position [65, 283, 95, 297] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Concat" SID "1172" Ports [2, 1] Position [455, 276, 485, 369] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Concat" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Concatenator Block" infoedit "Concatenates two or more inputs. Output will be cast to an unsigned value with the binary poi" "nt at zero." num_inputs "2" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "concat" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,16398980,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'hi');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'lo');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\fontsize{20}\\}" "','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "1173" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 334, 550, 356] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "3" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,279a71c8,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'3');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1174" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 354, 550, 376] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "2" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,fca86624,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'2');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "1175" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 394, 550, 416] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "1176" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 534, 840, 556] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "0" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,bf4ddd8b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'0');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant4" SID "1177" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 574, 840, 596] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "15" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,1164c07c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'15');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant5" SID "1178" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 594, 840, 616] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "34" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,995c443f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'34');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "1179" Ports [1] Position [440, 522, 515, 548] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display2" SID "1180" Ports [1] Position [440, 552, 515, 578] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display3" SID "1181" Ports [1] Position [1140, 292, 1215, 318] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display4" SID "1182" Ports [1] Position [1140, 262, 1215, 288] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1183" Position [125, 298, 295, 322] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RFG_THRESH_21" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "1184" Position [125, 343, 295, 367] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RFG_THRESH_32" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "1185" Position [490, 453, 660, 477] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Set_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "1186" Position [490, 428, 660, 452] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "1187" Ports [5, 1] Position [595, 312, 630, 418] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "1188" Ports [5, 1] Position [910, 512, 945, 618] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RF G" SID "1189" Ports [7] Position [1030, 105, 1075, 215] Floating off Location [1282, 664, 2471, 1567] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-1~-1~0~0~0~-40~-1" YMax "1~1~0.8~0.2~80~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData5" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1190" Ports [3, 1] Position [780, 357, 840, 413] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "3" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational1" SID "1191" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 282, 410, 318] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 28.1 33.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[23." "55 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[18.55 18.55" " 23.55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 1" "3.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 33.1 28.1 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[" "0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational2" SID "1192" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 327, 410, 363] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 28.1 33.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[23." "55 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[18.55 18.55" " 23.55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 1" "3.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 33.1 28.1 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[" "0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "1193" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 530, 400, 540] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "1194" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 560, 400, 570] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "1195" Ports [1, 1] Position [1065, 300, 1100, 310] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1196" Ports [1, 1] Position [1065, 270, 1100, 280] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1197" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 140, 955, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1198" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 125, 955, 135] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "1199" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 155, 955, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done8" SID "1200" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 110, 955, 120] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done9" SID "1201" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 170, 955, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF" SID "1202" Position [1120, 378, 1150, 392] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF_dB" SID "1203" Position [1120, 558, 1150, 572] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Rx Pwr" SrcPort 1 Points [240, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 45] DstBlock "Relational2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -175] DstBlock "done8" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 225] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Concat" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Relational2" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 210] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Concat" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Concat" SrcPort 1 Points [70, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -195] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 Points [85, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -90] Branch { DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -130] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 Points [55, 0; 0, -55] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "G_RF" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 140] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -80] Branch { DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -130] DstBlock "done9" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 Points [75, 0; 0, -60] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } Branch { Points [0, -245] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant3" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_RF_dB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 5 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "RSSI Avg" SID "1204" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 311, 365, 349] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "RSSI Avg" Location [168, 292, 964, 583] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "1205" Position [520, 203, 550, 217] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "ASR" SID "1206" Ports [2, 1] Position [710, 225, 750, 260] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Addressable Shift Register" SourceType "Xilinx Addressable Shift Register Block" infoedit "Delay of configurable length. Any element in the delay line can be addressed and driven onto " "the output port.

Hardware notes: This block is implemented using SRL16s. If Virtex-4 or Spartan-3 device" " is used, multiple SRLC16s are cascaded together." infer_latency on depth "2" initVector "[0]" en off dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off Optimization "Resource" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,359" block_type "addrsr" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,35,2,1,white,blue,0,a352fb33,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 35 35 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 35 35 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[22.55" " 22.55 27.55 22.55 27.55 27.55 27.55 22.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22" ".55 22.55 17.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[7.55 7.55 12.55 7.55 12.55 12.55 7.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'addr');\ncolor('black');port_label('outpu" "t',1,'q');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator" SID "1207" Ports [2, 1] Position [880, 224, 915, 266] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "16" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,2,1,white,blue,0,6949434e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "1208" Ports [2, 1] Position [795, 206, 830, 259] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" use_rpm "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "283,438,356,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,53,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[31.55" " 31.55 36.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 36.55 31.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31" ".55 31.55 26.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "1209" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 220, 410, 240] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "0" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,bf4ddd8b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'0');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1210" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 240, 410, 260] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "1211" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 260, 410, 280] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "3" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,279a71c8,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'3');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "1212" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 280, 410, 300] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "7" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,2a6960a5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'7');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "1213" Ports [1, 1] Position [1170, 262, 1195, 278] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,461,334" block_type "convert" block_version "10.1.3" sg_icon_stat "25,16,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[10.2" "2 10.22 12.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 " "10.22 8.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[4.22 4.22 6.22 4.22 6.22 6.22 4.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label" "('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample1" SID "1214" Ports [1, 1] Position [275, 324, 310, 366] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost i" "n hardware of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "16" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "dsamp" sg_icon_stat "35,42,1,1,white,blue,0,40e65a2b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\do" "wnarrow}16','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1215" Position [35, 205, 230, 225] ShowName off CloseFcn "tagdialog Close" GotoTag "reg_RSSI_AVG_LEN_SEL" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "1216" Ports [5, 1] Position [465, 197, 495, 303] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "30,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 " "15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[57.44 57.44 61.44 57.44 61.44 61.44 61.44 57.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10." "1 ],[53.44 53.44 57.44 57.44 53.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[49.44 49.44 53." "44 53.44 49.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[45.44 45.44 49.44 45.44 49.44 49.4" "4 45.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon te" "xt');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',5,'d" "3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "1217" Ports [5, 1] Position [1100, 207, 1130, 333] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "30,126,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 18 108 126 0 ],[0.7" "7 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 18 108 126 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[" "67.44 67.44 71.44 67.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 67.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[63.44 63.44 6" "7.44 67.44 63.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[59.44 59.44 63.44 63.44 59.44 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[55.44 55.44 59.44 55.44 59.44 59.44 55.44 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('bla" "ck');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RSSI Avg" SID "1218" Ports [7] Position [1005, 550, 1050, 660] Floating off Location [13, 566, 1202, 1469] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "0~0~0~0~0~-1~-1" YMax "1000~2~1~4000~1000~1~1" SaveName "ScopeData2" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1219" Ports [2, 1] Position [605, 201, 645, 239] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,38,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 38 38 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 38 38 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[24.55" " 24.55 29.55 24.55 29.55 29.55 29.55 24.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[19.55 19.55 24" ".55 24.55 19.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[14.55 14.55 19.55 19.55 14.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[9.55 9.55 14.55 9.55 14.55 14.55 9.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output" "',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Reset" SID "1220" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 328, 425, 362] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Reset" Location [1190, 820, 1620, 982] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Start" SID "1221" Position [25, 28, 55, 42] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "1222" Ports [1, 1] Position [105, 41, 135, 69] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,28,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[18.44 18.44 22.4" "4 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 18.44 14.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1" " 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "1223" Ports [1, 1] Position [255, 103, 285, 137] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "9" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c2fef566,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.4" "4 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1" " 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-9}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational" SID "1224" Ports [2, 1] Position [170, 25, 205, 65] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a!=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "35,40,2,1,white,blue,0,850de6e7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55 25.55 30." "55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25.55 25.55 20." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\neq b','te" "xmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "1225" Ports [2, 1] Position [255, 32, 285, 83] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [160, 70, 1918, 1152] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "1226" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "1227" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1228" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,400,346" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 " "13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 " "11.44 9.44 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1229" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 3" "0.66 36.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 " "30.66 24.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'" "en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "1230" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } } } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Rst" SID "1231" Position [375, 53, 405, 67] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Relational" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 Points [-40, 0; 0, -50] DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { Points [0, 60] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Rst" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Start" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "1232" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 256, 1055, 284] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift1" SID "1233" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 281, 1055, 309] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,b3ac20f4,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 2}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift2" SID "1234" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 306, 1055, 334] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "3" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,42eb502d,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 3}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "1235" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 570, 930, 580] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "1236" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 600, 930, 610] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1237" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 555, 930, 565] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1238" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 585, 930, 595] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1239" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 615, 930, 625] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "avg" SID "1240" Position [1230, 263, 1260, 277] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "ASR" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "ASR" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 350] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator" SrcPort 1 Points [75, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { DstBlock "Shift1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { DstBlock "Shift2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 150; -170, 0; 0, 135] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } } } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 130] DstBlock "Down Sample1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -80; 810, 0; 0, 85] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "ASR" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "avg" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 185; -400, 0; 0, 165] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample1" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { Points [0, -135] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Branch { Labels [0, 0] DstBlock "Reset" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 230] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Reset" SrcPort 1 Points [135, 0] Branch { Points [285, 0; 0, -90] DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -115] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, 245] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 4 } Line { Points [935, 635] DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 6 } Line { Points [935, 650] DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 7 } Annotation { Name "Flush recursive sum whenever sum\nlength changes. Otherwise let it run\n(overflow is impossible, a" "nd lower\nlatency here is helpful to AGC timing)" Position [393, 413] } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "1241" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 293, 940, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1242" Ports [1, 1] Position [975, 293, 1010, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register3" SID "1243" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 363, 940, 397] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register4" SID "1244" Ports [1, 1] Position [975, 363, 1010, 397] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF" SID "1245" Position [1035, 303, 1065, 317] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_BB" SID "1246" Position [1035, 373, 1065, 387] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "RF Gain" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -35; -385, 0; 0, 35] DstBlock "Capture & Convert" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI Avg" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Capture & Convert" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Capture & Convert" SrcPort 1 Points [85, 0] Branch { DstBlock "RF Gain" DstPort 1 } Branch { Labels [0, 0] Points [0, 60] DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "BB gain" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RF Gain" SrcPort 2 Points [35, 0; 0, 30] DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Mag" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_RF" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_BB" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Gain Calc D" SID "1247" Ports [4, 2] Position [405, 235, 495, 285] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Gain Calc D" Location [442, 328, 2118, 1423] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "1248" Position [280, 383, 310, 397] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "1249" Position [280, 393, 310, 407] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "1250" Position [360, 403, 390, 417] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "1251" Position [205, 323, 235, 337] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "BB gain" SID "1252" Ports [3, 1] Position [775, 353, 865, 407] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "BB gain" Location [1154, 440, 1889, 790] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "G_RF_dB" SID "1253" Position [500, 278, 530, 292] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "P_IN_RSSI" SID "1254" Position [500, 253, 530, 267] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ_dBv" SID "1255" Position [350, 443, 380, 457] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "1256" Ports [2, 1] Position [590, 191, 615, 284] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "25,93,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[49" ".33 49.33 52.33 49.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 49.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[46.33 46.33 " "49.33 49.33 46.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[43.33 43.33 46.33 46.33 43.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[40.33 40.33 43.33 40.33 43.33 43.33 40.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('o" "utput',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "1257" Ports [2, 1] Position [695, 216, 720, 309] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "25,93,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[49" ".33 49.33 52.33 49.33 52.33 52.33 52.33 49.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[46.33 46.33 " "49.33 49.33 46.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[43.33 43.33 46.33 46.33 43.3" "3 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[40.33 40.33 43.33 40.33 43.33 43.33 40.33 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncol" "or('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('o" "utput',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black'" ");disp(' \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub2" SID "1258" Ports [2, 1] Position [595, 396, 625, 489] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub3" SID "1259" Ports [2, 1] Position [705, 421, 735, 514] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,e85d8a90,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a + b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\new" "line\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub4" SID "1260" Ports [2, 1] Position [465, 434, 495, 496] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,62,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[35.44 " "35.44 39.44 35.44 39.44 39.44 39.44 35.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[31.44 31.44 35.44 3" "5.44 31.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[27.44 27.44 31.44 31.44 27.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[23.44 23.44 27.44 23.44 27.44 27.44 23.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "1261" Ports [1, 1] Position [890, 250, 935, 280] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "1262" Ports [1, 1] Position [890, 455, 935, 485] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "5" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1263" Position [230, 468, 400, 492] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_V_DB_ADJ" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "1264" Position [960, 228, 1130, 252] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_INIT_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "1265" Position [270, 203, 440, 227] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TARGET_PWR" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "1266" Position [960, 203, 1130, 227] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_G_BB_SEL" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "1267" Ports [4, 1] Position [1200, 199, 1235, 306] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "3" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,107,4,1,white,blue,3,58b3489d,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.2857 91.7143 107" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.2857 91.7143 107 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf" "{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "1268" Ports [1, 1] Position [770, 250, 810, 280] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('blac" "k');disp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift1" SID "1269" Ports [1, 1] Position [780, 455, 820, 485] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.4" "4 19.44 23.44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.4" "4 19.44 15.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('blac" "k');disp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_BB" SID "1270" Position [1260, 248, 1290, 262] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub4" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ_dBv" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "P_IN_RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_BB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "G_RF_dB" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 Points [160, 0; 0, -180] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Shift1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, 90; -75, 0; 0, 135] DstBlock "AddSub3" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 205] DstBlock "AddSub2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Capture & Convert" SID "1271" Ports [2, 1] Position [415, 298, 510, 342] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Capture & Convert" Location [735, 263, 1125, 375] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "G_RF" SID "1272" Position [480, 583, 510, 597] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "1273" Position [375, 478, 405, 492] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "1274" Ports [2, 1] Position [830, 506, 890, 564] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "8" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "60,58,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[37.8" "8 37.88 45.88 37.88 45.88 45.88 45.88 37.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[29.88 29.88 37.8" "8 37.88 29.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[21.88 21.88 29.88 29.88 21.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[13.88 13.88 21.88 13.88 21.88 21.88 13.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1" ",'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('" " \\newline\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "1275" Ports [0, 1] Position [560, 517, 615, 543] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1/15" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "12" bin_pt "12" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "55,26,0,1,white,blue,0,f0461adc,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 30.66 33.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ]" ",[16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[13.3" "3 13.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([20.325 24.66 27.66 23.325 20.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.3" "3 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([23.325 33.66 30.66 27.66 24.66 20.325 23.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 1" "0.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon " "text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'0.066650390625');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1276" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 658, 460, 682] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "100" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,f430d5a1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'100');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "1277" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 638, 460, 662] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "85" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,1d1d5ce9,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'85');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "1278" Ports [0, 1] Position [425, 598, 460, 622] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "70" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "7" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "35,24,0,1,white,blue,0,8c6adb57,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ]" ",[15.33 15.33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.3" "3 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 " "12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6" ".33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text')" ";\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'70');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "1279" Ports [1] Position [1035, 407, 1110, 433] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "1280" Ports [1] Position [1035, 377, 1110, 403] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display2" SID "1281" Ports [1] Position [1035, 437, 1110, 463] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1282" Position [490, 601, 650, 619] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G1" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "1283" Position [205, 513, 375, 537] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Capture_RSSI" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "1284" Position [490, 641, 650, 659] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G2" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "1285" Position [205, 493, 375, 517] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From5" SID "1286" Position [490, 661, 650, 679] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G3" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "1287" Ports [2, 1] Position [675, 490, 730, 545] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "11" bin_pt "4" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "55,55,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 55 55 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 55 55 0 ]);\npatch([11.425 21.54 28.54 35.54 42.54 28.54 18.425 11.425 ]" ",[34.77 34.77 41.77 34.77 41.77 41.77 41.77 34.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([18.425 28.54 21.54 11.425 18.425 ],[27.7" "7 27.77 34.77 34.77 27.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.425 21.54 28.54 18.425 11.425 ],[20.77 20.77 27.7" "7 27.77 20.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([18.425 42.54 35.54 28.54 21.54 11.425 18.425 ],[13.77 13.77 20.77 13.77 20.7" "7 20.77 13.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin i" "con text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','" "on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "1288" Ports [5, 1] Position [715, 577, 750, 683] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RSSI Calc" SID "1289" Ports [7] Position [1065, 185, 1110, 295] Floating off Location [233, 663, 1422, 1566] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-1~-1~0~0~0~-40~-1" YMax "1~1~0.8~0.2~80~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData7" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1290" Ports [3, 1] Position [465, 477, 525, 533] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "3" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "1291" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 385, 995, 395] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "1292" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 445, 995, 455] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "1293" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 220, 990, 230] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1294" Ports [1, 1] Position [960, 415, 995, 425] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1295" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 205, 990, 215] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1296" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 235, 990, 245] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "1297" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 190, 990, 200] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done8" SID "1298" Ports [1, 1] Position [955, 250, 990, 260] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Rx Pwr (dBm)" SID "1299" Position [990, 528, 1020, 542] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Calc" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "G_RF" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, -85] Branch { Points [0, -195] DstBlock "done8" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Rx Pwr (dBm)" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0; 0, -80] Branch { Points [0, -310] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 Points [70, 0] Branch { Points [0, -100] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [105, 0] Branch { Points [0, -115] Branch { Points [0, -165] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, -290] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } } Line { Labels [0, 0] SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 Points [45, 0] Branch { Points [0, -315] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } } Annotation { Name "Shift slope-adjusted value by gain-dependent\noffset (top-center plot on pg 16 of MAX2829 ds)" Position [674, 715] } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "IQ Mag" SID "1300" Ports [3, 1] Position [425, 381, 495, 419] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "IQ Mag" Location [203, 179, 2107, 1494] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "142" Block { BlockType Inport Name "I" SID "1301" Position [180, 328, 210, 342] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Q" SID "1302" Position [180, 398, 210, 412] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "Valid" SID "1303" Position [180, 278, 210, 292] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "1304" Ports [2, 1] Position [445, 336, 475, 394] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Addition" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "19" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "addsub" sg_icon_stat "30,58,2,1,white,blue,0,e139daf6,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 58 58 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[33.44 " "33.44 37.44 33.44 37.44 37.44 37.44 33.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[29.44 29.44 33.44 3" "3.44 29.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[25.44 25.44 29.44 29.44 25.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "{a + b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "1305" Ports [1, 1] Position [360, 271, 395, 299] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flo" "p." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1306" Position [530, 443, 700, 467] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From11" SID "1307" Position [735, 443, 905, 467] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "1308" Position [735, 468, 905, 492] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Capture_V_DB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult" SID "1309" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 319, 395, 381] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "20" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mult1" SID "1310" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 389, 395, 451] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mult" SourceType "Xilinx Multiplier Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: To check for the optimum internal pipeline stages of the dedicated multiplier " "you must select 'Test for optimum pipelining'.

Optimization Goal: For implementation into device fabric " "(LUTs), the Speed or Area optimization will take effect only if it's supported by IP for the particular device " "family. Otherwise, the results will be identical regardless of the selection." precision "User Defined" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "20" bin_pt "20" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off opt "Speed" use_embedded on optimum_pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" pipeline "on" use_rpm "on" placement_style "Triangular" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mult" sg_icon_stat "35,62,2,1,white,blue,0,82c891c1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 62 62 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[36.55" " 36.55 41.55 36.55 41.55 41.55 41.55 36.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[31.55 31.55 36" ".55 36.55 31.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bfa \\times b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black" "');disp(' \\n ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "ROM" SID "1311" Ports [1, 1] Position [850, 323, 905, 357] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/ROM" SourceType "Xilinx Single Port Read-Only Memory Block" depth "2^11" initVector "5*log10(linspace(2^-11, 2, 2048))" distributed_mem "Block RAM" rst off init_reg "0" en off latency "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "14" bin_pt "8" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" dbl_ovrd off optimize "Area" use_rpm on xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "sprom" sg_icon_stat "55,34,1,1,white,blue,0,bbc23d60,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 55 55 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([18.1 23.88 27.88 31.88 35.88 27.88 22.1 18.1 ],[21.4" "4 21.44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.1 27.88 23.88 18.1 22.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.4" "4 21.44 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([18.1 23.88 27.88 22.1 18.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([22.1 35.88 31.88 27.88 23.88 18.1 22.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946" " 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'addr');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon t" "ext');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1312" Ports [3, 1] Position [1030, 332, 1090, 388] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Reinterpret" SID "1313" Ports [1, 1] Position [735, 327, 775, 353] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes signal type without altering the binary representation. You can change the signal be" "tween signed and unsigned, and relocate the binary point.

Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs n" "othing.

Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the output is fo" "rced to unsigned with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) becomes an o" "utput of 56 (111000 in binary)." force_arith_type off arith_type "Unsigned" force_bin_pt on bin_pt "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "reinterpret" sg_icon_stat "40,26,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 26 26 0 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 20.66 23.66 26.66 20.66 16.325 13.325 ]" ",[16.33 16.33 19.33 16.33 19.33 19.33 19.33 16.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.325 20.66 17.66 13.325 16.325 ],[13.3" "3 13.33 16.33 16.33 13.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 20.66 16.325 13.325 ],[10.33 10.33 13.3" "3 13.33 10.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.325 26.66 23.66 20.66 17.66 13.325 16.325 ],[7.33 7.33 10.33 7.33 10.33 1" "0.33 7.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon " "text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinterpret');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Running Sum" SID "1314" Ports [2, 1] Position [585, 312, 650, 363] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Running Sum" Location [227, 108, 1983, 1242] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "En" SID "1315" Position [195, 183, 225, 197] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "1316" Position [195, 123, 225, 137] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accum1" SID "1317" Ports [2, 1] Position [470, 131, 520, 184] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input.
Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced to run at t" "he system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "26" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst off infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en on latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[12 23 0 22 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,367,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,53,2,1,white,blue,0,debef366,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[33.77 33.7" "7 40.77 33.77 40.77 40.77 40.77 33.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[26.77 26.77 33.77 33" ".77 26.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[19.77 19.77 26.77 26.77 19.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[12.77 12.77 19.77 12.77 19.77 19.77 12.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf" "+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');\n" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub1" SID "1318" Ports [2, 1] Position [360, 117, 410, 168] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "1" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "36" bin_pt "28" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL on hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 18 0 17 0 0 0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "50,51,2,1,white,blue,0,8a00a986,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 50 50 0 0 ],[0 0 51 51 0 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 33.54 40.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[32.77 32.7" "7 39.77 32.77 39.77 39.77 39.77 32.77 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([16.425 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[25.77 25.77 32.77 32" ".77 25.77 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([9.425 19.54 26.54 16.425 9.425 ],[18.77 18.77 25.77 25.77 18.77 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([16.425 40.54 33.54 26.54 19.54 9.425 16.425 ],[11.77 11.77 18.77 11.77 18.77 18.77 11.77 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bf{" "a - b}','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline" "\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert" SID "1319" Ports [1, 1] Position [585, 145, 630, 175] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "26" bin_pt "19" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Flag as error" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output'," "1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "1320" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 145, 940, 175] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "11" bin_pt "10" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "45,30,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 26.88 30.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.1 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([13.1 18.88 22.88 17.1 13.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[17.1 30.88 26.88 22.88 18.88 13.1 17.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output'," "1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "1321" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 178, 400, 202] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[7 14 0 14 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 " "18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 1" "2.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npat" "ch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','t" "exmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay6" SID "1322" Ports [2, 1] Position [265, 143, 300, 167] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en on latency "16" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[9 17 0 17 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,2,1,white,blue,0,68dbc054,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[15.33 15" ".33 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33" " 15.33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 " "1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 " "0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',2,'en');\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-16}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1323" Ports [1, 1] Position [695, 142, 730, 178] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,36,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[23.55 23.55 28." "55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[18.55 18.55 23.55 23.55 18." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 13.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input" "',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "1324" Ports [1, 1] Position [790, 145, 830, 175] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "40,30,1,1,white,blue,0,f24dc431,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23" ".44 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[15.1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf" "('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{X >> 4}" "','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Sum" SID "1325" Position [1035, 153, 1065, 167] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "En" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -30] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Accum1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [0, 0; 15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accum1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub1" DstPort 2 } } } Block { BlockType Scope Name "V_DB" SID "1326" Ports [7] Position [1105, 150, 1150, 260] Floating off Location [1262, 689, 2451, 1592] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "yonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-0.75~-0.75~0~0~0~-17.5~-1" YMax "0.75~0.75~0.35~0.125~125~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData4" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "1327" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 185, 1030, 195] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "1328" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 170, 1030, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "1329" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 200, 1030, 210] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1330" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 155, 1030, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1331" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 215, 1030, 225] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1332" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 230, 1030, 240] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "1333" Ports [1, 1] Position [995, 245, 1030, 255] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "IQ_dBv" SID "1334" Position [1180, 353, 1210, 367] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "V_DB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reinterpret" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -120] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "ROM" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ_dBv" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From11" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0; 0, -95] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 Points [55, 0; 0, -100; 15, 0] Branch { DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "ROM" SrcPort 1 Points [40, 0] Branch { Points [0, -105] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0; 0, -15; 40, 0] Branch { Points [0, -160] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mult1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0; 0, -40] DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mult" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 Points [110, 0] Branch { Points [5, 0] Branch { Points [0, -230] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Running Sum" SrcPort 1 Points [50, 0] Branch { Points [0, -135] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Reinterpret" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 Points [110, 0] Branch { Points [0, -175] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 30] DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "Mult" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0; 0, 40] DstBlock "Running Sum" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "RF Gain" SID "1335" Ports [1, 2] Position [620, 301, 690, 339] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "RF Gain" Location [298, 620, 1433, 873] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Rx Pwr" SID "1336" Position [65, 283, 95, 297] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Concat" SID "1337" Ports [2, 1] Position [455, 276, 485, 369] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Concat" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Concatenator Block" infoedit "Concatenates two or more inputs. Output will be cast to an unsigned value with the binary poi" "nt at zero." num_inputs "2" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "concat" sg_icon_stat "30,93,2,1,white,blue,0,16398980,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 93 93 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[50.44 " "50.44 54.44 50.44 54.44 54.44 54.44 50.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[46.44 46.44 50.44 5" "0.44 46.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[42.44 42.44 46.44 46.44 42.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[38.44 38.44 42.44 38.44 42.44 42.44 38.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0" ".973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');po" "rt_label('input',1,'hi');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'lo');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\fontsize{20}\\}" "','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "1338" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 334, 550, 356] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "3" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,279a71c8,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'3');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1339" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 354, 550, 376] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "2" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,fca86624,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'2');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "1340" Ports [0, 1] Position [525, 394, 550, 416] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "1341" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 534, 840, 556] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "0" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,bf4ddd8b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'0');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant4" SID "1342" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 574, 840, 596] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "15" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,1164c07c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'15');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant5" SID "1343" Ports [0, 1] Position [815, 594, 840, 616] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "34" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "6" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,22,0,1,white,blue,0,995c443f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 22 22 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[14" ".33 14.33 17.33 14.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 14.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[11.33 11.33 " "14.33 14.33 11.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[8.33 8.33 11.33 11.33 8.33 ]" ",[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[5.33 5.33 8.33 5.33 8.33 8.33 5.33 ],[0.931 0.9" "46 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('output',1,'34');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "1344" Ports [1] Position [440, 522, 515, 548] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display2" SID "1345" Ports [1] Position [440, 552, 515, 578] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display3" SID "1346" Ports [1] Position [1140, 292, 1215, 318] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display4" SID "1347" Ports [1] Position [1140, 262, 1215, 288] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1348" Position [125, 298, 295, 322] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RFG_THRESH_21" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From2" SID "1349" Position [125, 343, 295, 367] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RFG_THRESH_32" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From3" SID "1350" Position [490, 453, 660, 477] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_CTRL_Set_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType From Name "From4" SID "1351" Position [490, 428, 660, 452] ZOrder -9 ShowName off GotoTag "AGC_DONE_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "1352" Ports [5, 1] Position [595, 312, 630, 418] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "1353" Ports [5, 1] Position [910, 512, 945, 618] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18" ".1 10.875 5.875 ],[58.55 58.55 63.55 58.55 63.55 63.55 63.55 58.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 " "10.875 ],[53.55 53.55 58.55 58.55 53.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[48.55 " "48.55 53.55 53.55 48.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[43.55 43.55 48.55 43.55" " 48.55 48.55 43.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: be" "gin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('" "input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RF G" SID "1354" Ports [7] Position [1030, 105, 1075, 215] Floating off Location [1282, 664, 2471, 1567] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "-1~-1~0~0~0~-40~-1" YMax "1~1~0.8~0.2~80~0~1" SaveName "ScopeData5" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1355" Ports [3, 1] Position [780, 357, 840, 413] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "3" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "60,56,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 60 60 0 0 ],[0 0 56 56 0 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 39.76 47.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[36.8" "8 36.88 44.88 36.88 44.88 44.88 44.88 36.88 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[28.88 28.88 36.8" "8 36.88 28.88 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([12.2 23.76 31.76 20.2 12.2 ],[20.88 20.88 28.88 28.88 20.88 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([20.2 47.76 39.76 31.76 23.76 12.2 20.2 ],[12.88 12.88 20.88 12.88 20.88 20.88 12.88 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "3,'en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational1" SID "1356" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 282, 410, 318] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 28.1 33.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[23." "55 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[18.55 18.55" " 23.55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 1" "3.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 33.1 28.1 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[" "0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational2" SID "1357" Ports [2, 1] Position [365, 327, 410, 363] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a>=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "45,36,2,1,white,blue,0,6218dc92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 36 36 0 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 28.1 33.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[23." "55 23.55 28.55 23.55 28.55 28.55 28.55 23.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[18.55 18.55" " 23.55 23.55 18.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 23.1 15.875 10.875 ],[13.55 13.55 18.55 18.55 1" "3.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.875 33.1 28.1 23.1 18.1 10.875 15.875 ],[8.55 8.55 13.55 8.55 13.55 13.55 8.55 ],[" "0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolo" "r('black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bfa \\geq b','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done1" SID "1358" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 530, 400, 540] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "1359" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 560, 400, 570] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "1360" Ports [1, 1] Position [1065, 300, 1100, 310] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1361" Ports [1, 1] Position [1065, 270, 1100, 280] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1362" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 140, 955, 150] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1363" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 125, 955, 135] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done7" SID "1364" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 155, 955, 165] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done8" SID "1365" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 110, 955, 120] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done9" SID "1366" Ports [1, 1] Position [920, 170, 955, 180] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF" SID "1367" Position [1120, 378, 1150, 392] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF_dB" SID "1368" Position [1120, 558, 1150, 572] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "done9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RF G" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "done1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_RF_dB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant3" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 Points [75, 0; 0, -60] Branch { Points [0, -245] DstBlock "done7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [0, -80] Branch { Points [0, -130] DstBlock "done9" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } } Branch { Points [0, 140] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "G_RF" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 Points [55, 0; 0, -55] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 Points [85, 0] Branch { Points [0, -90] Branch { Points [0, -130] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } Branch { DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Concat" SrcPort 1 Points [70, 0] Branch { Points [0, -195] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Concat" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 210] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Relational2" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Relational1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Concat" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, 225] DstBlock "done1" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Rx Pwr" SrcPort 1 Points [240, 0] Branch { Points [0, -175] DstBlock "done8" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 45] DstBlock "Relational2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Relational1" DstPort 1 } } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "RSSI Avg" SID "1369" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 311, 365, 349] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "RSSI Avg" Location [168, 292, 964, 583] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "RSSI" SID "1370" Position [520, 203, 550, 217] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "ASR" SID "1371" Ports [2, 1] Position [710, 225, 750, 260] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Addressable Shift Register" SourceType "Xilinx Addressable Shift Register Block" infoedit "Delay of configurable length. Any element in the delay line can be addressed and driven onto " "the output port.

Hardware notes: This block is implemented using SRL16s. If Virtex-4 or Spartan-3 device" " is used, multiple SRLC16s are cascaded together." infer_latency on depth "2" initVector "[0]" en off dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off Optimization "Resource" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" use_rpm "off" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,359" block_type "addrsr" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,35,2,1,white,blue,0,a352fb33,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 35 35 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 35 35 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[22.55" " 22.55 27.55 22.55 27.55 27.55 27.55 22.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[17.55 17.55 22" ".55 22.55 17.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[12.55 12.55 17.55 17.55 12.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[7.55 7.55 12.55 7.55 12.55 12.55 7.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'addr');\ncolor('black');port_label('outpu" "t',1,'q');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Accumulator" SID "1372" Ports [2, 1] Position [880, 224, 915, 266] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Accumulator" SourceType "Xilinx Accumulator Block" infoedit "Adder or subtracter-based accumulator. Output type and binary point position match the input" ".

Hardware notes: When \"Reinitialize with input 'b' on reset\" is selected, the accumulator is forced t" "o run at the system rate even if the input 'b' is running at a slower rate." operation "Add" n_bits "16" overflow "Flag as error" scale "1" rst on infoeditControl "reset for floating point data type must be asserted for a minimum of 2 cycles" hasbypass off en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off msb_inp "100" msb "100" lsb "-100" use_behavioral_HDL on implementation "Fabric" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,356,457" block_type "accum" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,42,2,1,white,blue,0,6949434e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('ou" "tput',1,'\\bf+=b','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "AddSub" SID "1373" Ports [2, 1] Position [795, 206, 830, 259] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/AddSub" SourceType "Xilinx Adder/Subtracter Block" mode "Subtraction" use_carryin off use_carryout off en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off use_behavioral_HDL off hw_selection "Fabric" pipelined off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" use_rpm "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "283,438,356,344" block_type "addsub" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,53,2,1,white,blue,0,32e1f85f,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[31.55" " 31.55 36.55 31.55 36.55 36.55 36.55 31.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31" ".55 31.55 26.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('input',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('outp" "ut',1,'\\bf{a - b}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant" SID "1374" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 220, 410, 240] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "0" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,bf4ddd8b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'0');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1375" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 240, 410, 260] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "2" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant2" SID "1376" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 260, 410, 280] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "3" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,279a71c8,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'3');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant3" SID "1377" Ports [0, 1] Position [385, 280, 410, 300] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "7" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "3" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" sg_icon_stat "25,20,0,1,white,blue,0,2a6960a5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.2" "2 12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.2" "2 12.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 " "1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_l" "abel('output',1,'7');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "1378" Ports [1, 1] Position [1170, 262, 1195, 278] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do" " not." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Saturate" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,461,334" block_type "convert" block_version "10.1.3" sg_icon_stat "25,16,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 16 16 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[10.2" "2 10.22 12.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 " "10.22 8.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);" "\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[4.22 4.22 6.22 4.22 6.22 6.22 4.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label" "('output',1,'cast');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample1" SID "1379" Ports [1, 1] Position [275, 324, 310, 366] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost i" "n hardware of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "16" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "dsamp" sg_icon_stat "35,42,1,1,white,blue,0,40e65a2b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55" " 26.55 31.55 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26" ".55 26.55 21.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\nco" "lor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\newline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\do" "wnarrow}16','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType From Name "From1" SID "1380" Position [35, 205, 230, 225] ShowName off CloseFcn "tagdialog Close" GotoTag "reg_RSSI_AVG_LEN_SEL" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "1381" Ports [5, 1] Position [465, 197, 495, 303] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "30,106,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106" " 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 15.1429 90.8571 106 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 " "15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[57.44 57.44 61.44 57.44 61.44 61.44 61.44 57.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10." "1 ],[53.44 53.44 57.44 57.44 53.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[49.44 49.44 53." "44 53.44 49.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[45.44 45.44 49.44 45.44 49.44 49.4" "4 45.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon te" "xt');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');" "port_label('input',3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',5,'d" "3');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux1" SID "1382" Ports [5, 1] Position [1100, 207, 1130, 333] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "4" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "30,126,5,1,white,blue,3,d6c79293,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 18 108 126 0 ],[0.7" "7 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 18 108 126 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[" "67.44 67.44 71.44 67.44 71.44 71.44 71.44 67.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[63.44 63.44 6" "7.44 67.44 63.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[59.44 59.44 63.44 63.44 59.44 ],[" "1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[55.44 55.44 59.44 55.44 59.44 59.44 55.44 ],[0.931 0" ".946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('blac" "k');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",3,'d1');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',4,'d2');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',5,'d3');\n\ncolor('bla" "ck');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "RSSI Avg" SID "1383" Ports [7] Position [1005, 550, 1050, 660] Floating off Location [13, 566, 1202, 1469] Open off NumInputPorts "7" ZoomMode "xonly" List { ListType AxesTitles axes1 "%" axes2 "%" axes3 "%" axes4 "%" axes5 "%" axes6 "%" axes7 "%" } TimeRange "10000" YMin "0~0~0~0~0~-1~-1" YMax "1000~2~1~4000~1000~1~1" SaveName "ScopeData2" DataFormat "StructureWithTime" LimitDataPoints off SampleTime "0" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1384" Ports [2, 1] Position [605, 201, 645, 239] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,38,2,1,white,blue,0,140cc11c,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 38 38 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 38 38 0 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 26.1 31.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[24.55" " 24.55 29.55 24.55 29.55 29.55 29.55 24.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[19.55 19.55 24" ".55 24.55 19.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.875 16.1 21.1 13.875 8.875 ],[14.55 14.55 19.55 19.55 14.55 " "],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.875 31.1 26.1 21.1 16.1 8.875 13.875 ],[9.55 9.55 14.55 9.55 14.55 14.55 9.55 ],[0.931 " "0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('bla" "ck');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('output" "',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Reset" SID "1385" Ports [1, 1] Position [375, 328, 425, 362] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Reset" Location [1190, 820, 1620, 982] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "Start" SID "1386" Position [25, 28, 55, 42] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "1387" Ports [1, 1] Position [105, 41, 135, 69] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,28,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[18.44 18.44 22.4" "4 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 18.44 14.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1" " 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay1" SID "1388" Ports [1, 1] Position [255, 103, 285, 137] BlockMirror on NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "9" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" sg_icon_stat "30,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c2fef566,left,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 19.88 23.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.4" "4 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([6.1 11.88 15.88 10.1 6.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.1" " 23.88 19.88 15.88 11.88 6.1 10.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','C" "OMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-9}','texmode'," "'on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Relational" SID "1389" Ports [2, 1] Position [170, 25, 205, 65] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Relational" SourceType "Xilinx Arithmetic Relational Operator Block" mode "a!=b" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "relational" sg_icon_stat "35,40,2,1,white,blue,0,850de6e7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.9" "1 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55 25.55 30." "55 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25.55 25.55 20." "55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'a');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'b');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\bfa \\neq b','te" "xmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "1390" Ports [2, 1] Position [255, 32, 285, 83] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [160, 70, 1918, 1152] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "1391" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "1392" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1393" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,400,346" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 " "13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 " "11.44 9.44 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1394" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82" " 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 3" "0.66 36.66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 " "30.66 24.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1" " 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'" "en');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "1395" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Rst" SID "1396" Position [375, 53, 405, 67] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Start" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 20] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Rst" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 60] DstBlock "Delay1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Delay1" SrcPort 1 Points [-40, 0; 0, -50] DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Relational" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Relational" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift" SID "1397" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 256, 1055, 284] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "1" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,77cd8d92,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift1" SID "1398" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 281, 1055, 309] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,b3ac20f4,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 2}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Shift2" SID "1399" Ports [1, 1] Position [1020, 306, 1055, 334] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Shift" SourceType "Xilinx Binary Shift Operator Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing if full output precision is used." shift_dir "Right" shift_bits "3" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "shift" sg_icon_stat "35,28,1,1,white,blue,0,42eb502d,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ],[0.77 0" ".82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 28 28 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[18.44 " "18.44 22.44 18.44 22.44 22.44 22.44 18.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[14.44 14.44 18.44 1" "8.44 14.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[10.44 10.44 14.44 14.44 10.44 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[6.44 6.44 10.44 6.44 10.44 10.44 6.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');di" "sp('\\bf{X >> 3}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done2" SID "1400" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 570, 930, 580] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done3" SID "1401" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 600, 930, 610] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done4" SID "1402" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 555, 930, 565] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done5" SID "1403" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 585, 930, 595] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "done6" SID "1404" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 615, 930, 625] NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed point inputs into ouputs of type Simulink integer, d" "ouble, or fixed point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level output ports or are disc" "arded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 1 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,10,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ],[0.88 0" ".88 0.88 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 10 10 0 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 18.22 19.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ]" ",[6.11 6.11 7.11 6.11 7.11 7.11 7.11 6.11 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[5.11 5.11 6." "11 6.11 5.11 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([14.775 16.22 17.22 15.775 14.775 ],[4.11 4.11 5.11 5.11 4.11 ],[1" " 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.775 19.22 18.22 17.22 16.22 14.775 15.775 ],[3.11 3.11 4.11 3.11 4.11 4.11 3.11 ],[0.964 0." "964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black" "');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "avg" SID "1405" Position [1230, 263, 1260, 277] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { Points [935, 650] DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 7 } Line { Points [935, 635] DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "done3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "done5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "done6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "done2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "done4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reset" SrcPort 1 Points [135, 0] Branch { Points [0, 245] DstBlock "done5" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -115] DstBlock "Register" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [285, 0; 0, -90] DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample1" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { Points [0, 230] DstBlock "done2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Labels [0, 0] DstBlock "Reset" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, -135] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, 185; -400, 0; 0, 165] DstBlock "done6" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "avg" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Mux1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Shift" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "ASR" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, -80; 810, 0; 0, 85] DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 130] DstBlock "Down Sample1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Accumulator" SrcPort 1 Points [75, 0] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { Points [0, 150; -170, 0; 0, 135] DstBlock "done3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Shift2" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Shift1" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Shift" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Mux1" DstPort 2 } } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { Points [0, 350] DstBlock "done4" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] Branch { DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 15] DstBlock "ASR" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "AddSub" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Accumulator" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "ASR" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AddSub" DstPort 2 } Annotation { Name "Flush recursive sum whenever sum\nlength changes. Otherwise let it run\n(overflow is impossible, a" "nd lower\nlatency here is helpful to AGC timing)" Position [393, 413] } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "1406" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 293, 940, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1407" Ports [1, 1] Position [975, 293, 1010, 327] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register3" SID "1408" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 363, 940, 397] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register4" SID "1409" Ports [1, 1] Position [975, 363, 1010, 397] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21.44 25.44 " "21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.44 17.44 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 25." "88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMEN" "T: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');\ncolor(" "'black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon " "text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_RF" SID "1410" Position [1035, 303, 1065, 317] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "G_BB" SID "1411" Position [1035, 373, 1065, 387] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Register4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_BB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "G_RF" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Mag" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Mag" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "RF Gain" SrcPort 2 Points [35, 0; 0, 30] DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "BB gain" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Capture & Convert" SrcPort 1 Points [85, 0] Branch { Labels [0, 0] Points [0, 60] DstBlock "BB gain" DstPort 2 } Branch { DstBlock "RF Gain" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI Avg" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Capture & Convert" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RSSI Avg" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RF Gain" SrcPort 1 Points [65, 0] Branch { Points [0, -35; -385, 0; 0, 35] DstBlock "Capture & Convert" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } } } } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto1" SID "1412" Position [145, 546, 220, 564] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "RSSI_A" TagVisibility "local" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto2" SID "1413" Position [145, 571, 220, 589] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "RSSI_B" TagVisibility "local" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto3" SID "1414" Position [145, 596, 220, 614] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "RSSI_C" TagVisibility "local" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto4" SID "1415" Position [145, 621, 220, 639] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "RSSI_D" TagVisibility "local" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "IQ Outputs" SID "1416" Ports [9] Position [515, 351, 560, 509] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "IQ Outputs" Location [1177, 759, 1367, 1062] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "IQ Valid" SID "1417" Position [345, 248, 375, 262] NamePlacement "alternate" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "A I" SID "1418" Position [345, 313, 375, 327] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "A Q" SID "1419" Position [345, 328, 375, 342] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "B I" SID "1420" Position [345, 383, 375, 397] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "B Q" SID "1421" Position [345, 398, 375, 412] Port "5" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "C I" SID "1422" Position [345, 483, 375, 497] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "6" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "C Q" SID "1423" Position [345, 498, 375, 512] Port "7" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D I" SID "1424" Position [345, 578, 375, 592] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "8" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "D Q" SID "1425" Position [345, 593, 375, 607] Port "9" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "IQ_Valid_Out" SID "1426" Ports [1, 1] Position [485, 248, 515, 262] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFA_RX_I_OUT" SID "1427" Ports [1, 1] Position [485, 313, 515, 327] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFA_RX_Q_OUT" SID "1428" Ports [1, 1] Position [485, 328, 515, 342] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFB_RX_I_OUT" SID "1429" Ports [1, 1] Position [485, 383, 515, 397] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFB_RX_Q_OUT" SID "1430" Ports [1, 1] Position [485, 398, 515, 412] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFC_RX_I_OUT" SID "1431" Ports [1, 1] Position [485, 483, 515, 497] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFC_RX_Q_OUT" SID "1432" Ports [1, 1] Position [485, 498, 515, 512] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFD_RX_I_OUT" SID "1433" Ports [1, 1] Position [485, 578, 515, 592] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFD_RX_Q_OUT" SID "1434" Ports [1, 1] Position [485, 593, 515, 607] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Line { SrcBlock "A I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFA_RX_I_OUT" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "A Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFA_RX_Q_OUT" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "IQ Valid" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ_Valid_Out" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "B I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFB_RX_I_OUT" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "B Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFB_RX_Q_OUT" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "C I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFC_RX_I_OUT" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "C Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFC_RX_Q_OUT" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D I" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFD_RX_I_OUT" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "D Q" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFD_RX_Q_OUT" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "1435" Ports [1, 1] Position [915, 631, 940, 649] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 " "11.22 13.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11." "22 9.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npa" "tch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfpri" "ntf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('not');\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Mux" SID "1620" Ports [3, 1] Position [980, 593, 1015, 687] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Mux" SourceType "Xilinx Bus Multiplexer Block" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "16" bin_pt "14" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "mux" sg_icon_stat "35,94,3,1,white,blue,3,eb98d690,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 13.4286 80.5714 94 0" " ],[0.77 0.82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 13.4286 80.5714 94 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 1" "0.875 5.875 ],[52.55 52.55 57.55 52.55 57.55 57.55 57.55 52.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.87" "5 ],[47.55 47.55 52.55 52.55 47.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[42.55 42.55 " "47.55 47.55 42.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[37.55 37.55 42.55 37.55 42.55 " "42.55 37.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon" " text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'sel');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'d0');\ncolor('black'" ");port_label('input',3,'d1');\n\ncolor('black');disp('\\bf{}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon te" "xt');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Posedge3" SID "1636" Ports [1, 1] Position [665, 723, 720, 747] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Posedge3" Location [88, 301, 2330, 1301] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "D" SID "1637" Position [200, 253, 230, 267] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Delay" SID "1638" Ports [1, 1] Position [425, 153, 460, 177] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Delay" SourceType "Xilinx Delay Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: A delay line is a chain, each link of which is an SRL16 followed by a flip-flop. If re" "gister retiming is enabled, the delay line is a chain of flip-flops." rst off infoeditControl "Selection of Reset will increase slice count due to use of real FFs and instead of SRLs" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off reg_retiming off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "delay" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "35,24,1,1,white,blue,0,07b98262,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 20.66 23.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[15.33 15.3" "3 18.33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([13.325 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15" ".33 12.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([10.325 14.66 17.66 13.325 10.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 " "]);\npatch([13.325 23.66 20.66 17.66 14.66 10.325 13.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973" " ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('" "z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Inverter" SID "1639" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 156, 515, 174] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Inverter" SourceType "Xilinx Inverter Block" infoedit "Bitwise logical negation (one's complement) operator." en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0 0 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "inv" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,267846e5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.2" "2 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 " "14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: en" "d icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('not');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: " "end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Logical1" SID "1640" Ports [2, 1] Position [540, 151, 585, 204] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Logical" SourceType "Xilinx Logical Block Block" logical_function "AND" inputs "2" en off latency "0" precision "Full" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "8" bin_pt "2" align_bp on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 0 0 1 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "logical" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,53,2,1,white,blue,0,83a4b621,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 53 53 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[32.66 32.66 38." "66 32.66 38.66 38.66 38.66 32.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[26.66 26.66 32.66 32.66 26.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[20.66 20.66 26.66 26.66 20.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[14.66 14.66 20.66 14.66 20.66 20.66 14.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('and');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "1641" Position [610, 173, 640, 187] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "D" SrcPort 1 Points [150, 0; 0, -70] Branch { DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 2 } Branch { Points [0, -25] DstBlock "Delay" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Logical1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Logical1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Delay" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Name "Rising Edge Detection" Position [500, 112] } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFA_AGC_G_BB" SID "1436" Ports [1, 1] Position [605, 48, 635, 62] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFA_AGC_G_RF" SID "1437" Ports [1, 1] Position [605, 23, 635, 37] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFA_AGC_RXHP" SID "1438" Ports [1, 1] Position [1300, 633, 1330, 647] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFB_AGC_G_BB" SID "1439" Ports [1, 1] Position [605, 123, 635, 137] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFB_AGC_G_RF" SID "1440" Ports [1, 1] Position [605, 98, 635, 112] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFB_AGC_RXHP" SID "1441" Ports [1, 1] Position [1300, 668, 1330, 682] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFC_AGC_G_BB" SID "1442" Ports [1, 1] Position [605, 198, 635, 212] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFC_AGC_G_RF" SID "1443" Ports [1, 1] Position [605, 173, 635, 187] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFC_AGC_RXHP" SID "1444" Ports [1, 1] Position [1300, 703, 1330, 717] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFD_AGC_G_BB" SID "1445" Ports [1, 1] Position [605, 268, 635, 282] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFD_AGC_G_RF" SID "1446" Ports [1, 1] Position [605, 243, 635, 257] NamePlacement "alternate" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFD_AGC_RXHP" SID "1447" Ports [1, 1] Position [1300, 743, 1330, 757] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of ty" "pe Simulink integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top" " level output ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port on timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,cc31b7ac,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0." "93 0.65 ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.2" "2 9.22 11.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9." "22 7.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.55 19.44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,' ');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt}\\bf Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','CO" "MMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "RSSI Src" SID "1448" Ports [0, 4] Position [35, 546, 95, 639] NamePlacement "alternate" MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "RSSI Src" Location [442, 328, 2118, 1423] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Sum Name "Add" SID "1449" Ports [2, 1] Position [200, 97, 230, 128] ZOrder -2 InputSameDT off OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Band-Limited\nWhite Noise" SID "1450" Ports [0, 1] Position [85, 180, 115, 210] ZOrder -2 LibraryVersion "1.256" SourceBlock "simulink/Sources/Band-Limited\nWhite Noise" SourceType "Band-Limited White Noise." Cov "200" Ts "1" seed "abs(ceil(1000*randn))" VectorParams1D on } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant" SID "1451" Position [85, 90, 115, 120] ZOrder -5 Value "750" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample" SID "1452" Ports [1, 1] Position [550, 94, 585, 136] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost in hardwa" "re of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "16" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "dsamp" sg_icon_stat "35,42,1,1,white,blue,0,40e65a2b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55" " 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfpr" "intf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\n" "ewline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\downarrow}16','texmode','on');\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample1" SID "1453" Ports [1, 1] Position [550, 204, 585, 246] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost in hardwa" "re of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "16" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "dsamp" sg_icon_stat "35,42,1,1,white,blue,0,40e65a2b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55" " 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfpr" "intf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\n" "ewline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\downarrow}16','texmode','on');\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample2" SID "1454" Ports [1, 1] Position [550, 314, 585, 356] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost in hardwa" "re of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "16" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "dsamp" sg_icon_stat "35,42,1,1,white,blue,0,40e65a2b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55" " 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfpr" "intf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\n" "ewline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\downarrow}16','texmode','on');\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Down Sample3" SID "1455" Ports [1, 1] Position [550, 389, 585, 431] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Down Sample" SourceType "Xilinx Down Sampler Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: Sample and Latency controls determine the hardware implementation. The cost in hardwa" "re of different implementations varies considerably; press Help for details." sample_ratio "16" sample_phase "Last Value of Frame (most efficient)" en off latency "1" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "dsamp" sg_icon_stat "35,42,1,1,white,blue,0,40e65a2b,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 42 42 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[26.55 26.55 31.55" " 26.55 31.55 31.55 31.55 26.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[21.55 21.55 26.55 26.55 21.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[16.55 16.55 21.55 21.55 16.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[11.55 11.55 16.55 11.55 16.55 16.55 11.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfpr" "intf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}\\n" "ewline ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');disp(' \\newline{\\fontsize{14pt}\\bf\\downarrow}16','texmode','on');\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFA_RSSI" SID "1456" Ports [1, 1] Position [300, 108, 340, 122] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFB_RSSI" SID "1457" Ports [1, 1] Position [300, 218, 340, 232] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFC_RSSI" SID "1458" Ports [1, 1] Position [300, 328, 340, 342] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "RFD_RSSI" SID "1459" Ports [1, 1] Position [300, 403, 340, 417] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway In" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway In Block" infoedit "Gateway in block. Converts inputs of type Simulink integer, single, double and fixed-point to Xilinx" " fixed-point or floating-point data type.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level input p" "orts." gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "10" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" quantization "Round (unbiased: +/- Inf)" overflow "Saturate" period "1" dbl_ovrd off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsADC off ADCChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" inherit_from_input off hdl_port "on" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayin" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,yellow,1,00d3666e,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.95 0.93 0.65" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "985 0.979 0.895 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.985 0.979 0.895 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'\\fontsize{" "11pt}\\bf In ','texmode','on');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,' ');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register" SID "1460" Ports [1, 1] Position [440, 95, 475, 135] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,40,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55 25.55 30.55" " 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25.55 25.55 20.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfpr" "intf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "1461" Ports [1, 1] Position [440, 205, 475, 245] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,40,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55 25.55 30.55" " 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25.55 25.55 20.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfpr" "intf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1462" Ports [1, 1] Position [440, 315, 475, 355] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,40,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55 25.55 30.55" " 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25.55 25.55 20.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfpr" "intf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register3" SID "1463" Ports [1, 1] Position [440, 390, 475, 430] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,40,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 40 40 0 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 23.1 28.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[25.55 25.55 30.55" " 25.55 30.55 30.55 30.55 25.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([10.875 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[20.55 20.55 25.55 25.55 20.55 " "],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.875 13.1 18.1 10.875 5.875 ],[15.55 15.55 20.55 20.55 15.55 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[10.875 28.1 23.1 18.1 13.1 5.875 10.875 ],[10.55 10.55 15.55 10.55 15.55 15.55 10.55 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfpr" "intf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'," "1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COM" "MENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " RFA_RSSI" SID "1464" Position [640, 108, 670, 122] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " RFB_RSSI" SID "1465" Position [640, 218, 670, 232] Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " RFC_RSSI" SID "1466" Position [640, 328, 670, 342] Port "3" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Outport Name " RFD_RSSI" SID "1467" Position [640, 403, 670, 417] Port "4" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "RFA_RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Down Sample" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " RFA_RSSI" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Add" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { DstBlock "RFA_RSSI" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 110] Branch { DstBlock "RFB_RSSI" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 110] Branch { DstBlock "RFC_RSSI" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 75] DstBlock "RFD_RSSI" DstPort 1 } } } } Line { SrcBlock "Constant" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Add" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Band-Limited\nWhite Noise" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0; 0, -75] DstBlock "Add" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "RFB_RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Down Sample1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " RFB_RSSI" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RFC_RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RFD_RSSI" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Down Sample2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Down Sample3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " RFD_RSSI" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Down Sample2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock " RFC_RSSI" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "1468" Ports [1, 1] Position [1135, 658, 1170, 692] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register10" SID "1469" Ports [1, 1] Position [1205, 478, 1240, 512] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register11" SID "1470" Ports [1, 1] Position [1135, 478, 1170, 512] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register12" SID "1471" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 25, 255, 45] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register13" SID "1472" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 100, 255, 120] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register14" SID "1473" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 90, 255, 110] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register15" SID "1474" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 165, 255, 185] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register16" SID "1475" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 175, 255, 195] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register17" SID "1476" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 235, 255, 255] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register18" SID "1477" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 245, 255, 265] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register19" SID "1478" Ports [1, 1] Position [275, 360, 300, 380] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1479" Ports [1, 1] Position [1205, 658, 1240, 692] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register20" SID "1480" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 375, 255, 395] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register21" SID "1481" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 390, 255, 410] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register22" SID "1482" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 405, 255, 425] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register23" SID "1483" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 420, 255, 440] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register24" SID "1484" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 435, 255, 455] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register25" SID "1485" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 450, 255, 470] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register26" SID "1486" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 465, 255, 485] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register27" SID "1487" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 480, 255, 500] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register28" SID "1488" Ports [1, 1] Position [250, 320, 270, 345] BlockRotation 270 ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "20,25,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,up,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 0 25 25 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 20 20 0 0 ],[0 0 25 25 0 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 12.44 14.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[14.22 1" "4.22 16.22 14.22 16.22 16.22 16.22 14.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[12.22 12.22 14.22 14." "22 12.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.55 8.44 10.44 7.55 5.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 12.22 10.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([7.55 14.44 12.44 10.44 8.44 5.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ])" ";\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label" "('input',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfpr" "intf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register29" SID "1625" Ports [1, 1] Position [815, 568, 850, 602] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register3" SID "1489" Ports [1, 1] Position [1135, 693, 1170, 727] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register4" SID "1490" Ports [1, 1] Position [1205, 693, 1240, 727] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register5" SID "1491" Ports [1, 1] Position [1135, 733, 1170, 767] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register6" SID "1492" Ports [1, 1] Position [1205, 733, 1240, 767] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register7" SID "1493" Ports [1, 1] Position [230, 15, 255, 35] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,20,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 20 20 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[12.22 " "12.22 14.22 12.22 14.22 14.22 14.22 12.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[10.22 10.22 12.22 1" "2.22 10.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[8.22 8.22 10.22 10.22 8.22 ],[1 1 1 ])" ";\npatch([9.55 16.44 14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[6.22 6.22 8.22 6.22 8.22 8.22 6.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register8" SID "1494" Ports [1, 1] Position [1135, 623, 1170, 657] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register9" SID "1495" Ports [1, 1] Position [1205, 623, 1240, 657] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "35,34,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ],[0.77 0." "82 0.91 ]);\nplot([0 35 35 0 0 ],[0 0 34 34 0 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 21.88 25.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[21.44 21" ".44 25.44 21.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 21.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.1 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[17.44 17.44 21.44 21.4" "4 17.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.1 13.88 17.88 12.1 8.1 ],[13.44 13.44 17.44 17.44 13.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\n" "patch([12.1 25.88 21.88 17.88 13.88 8.1 12.1 ],[9.44 9.44 13.44 9.44 13.44 13.44 9.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\n" "fprintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('i" "nput',1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprint" "f('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "Registers" SID "1496" Ports [] Position [169, 788, 218, 837] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "Registers" Location [609, 364, 2328, 1306] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "106" Block { BlockType Display Name "Display" SID "1497" Ports [1] Position [445, 843, 585, 867] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Format "long" Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display1" SID "1498" Ports [1] Position [330, 1083, 470, 1107] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Format "long" Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display2" SID "1499" Ports [1] Position [445, 748, 585, 772] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Format "long" Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display3" SID "1500" Ports [1] Position [445, 513, 585, 537] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Format "long" Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display4" SID "1501" Ports [1] Position [445, 548, 585, 572] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Format "long" Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Display Name "Display5" SID "1502" Ports [1] Position [445, 578, 585, 602] ZOrder -1 ShowName off Format "long" Decimation "1" Lockdown off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "From Register1" SID "1503" Ports [0, 1] Position [60, 245, 100, 275] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/From Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based From Register Block" infoedit "Register block that reads data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'TIMING_DCO'" init "REG_AGC_Timing_DCO" period "1" ownership "Locally owned and initialized" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "fromreg" sg_icon_stat "40,30,0,1,white,blue,0,b27a07ff,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23.4" "4 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "From Register2" SID "1504" Ports [0, 1] Position [60, 335, 100, 365] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/From Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based From Register Block" infoedit "Register block that reads data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'CONFIG'" init "REG_AGC_Config" period "1" ownership "Locally owned and initialized" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "fromreg" sg_icon_stat "40,30,0,1,white,blue,0,b27a07ff,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23.4" "4 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "From Register3" SID "1505" Ports [0, 1] Position [65, 775, 105, 805] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/From Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based From Register Block" infoedit "Register block that reads data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'TARGET'" init "REG_AGC_Target" period "1" ownership "Locally owned and initialized" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "fromreg" sg_icon_stat "40,30,0,1,white,blue,0,b27a07ff,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23.4" "4 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "From Register4" SID "1506" Ports [0, 1] Position [60, 25, 100, 55] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/From Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based From Register Block" infoedit "Register block that reads data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'TIMING_AGC'" init "REG_AGC_Timing_AGC" period "1" ownership "Locally owned and initialized" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "fromreg" sg_icon_stat "40,30,0,1,white,blue,0,b27a07ff,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23.4" "4 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "From Register5" SID "1507" Ports [0, 1] Position [670, 25, 710, 55] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/From Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based From Register Block" infoedit "Register block that reads data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'RESET'" init "0" period "1" ownership "Locally owned and initialized" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "fromreg" sg_icon_stat "40,30,0,1,white,blue,0,b27a07ff,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23.4" "4 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "From Register6" SID "1508" Ports [0, 1] Position [65, 870, 105, 900] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/From Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based From Register Block" infoedit "Register block that reads data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'IIR_COEF_A1'" init "REG_AGC_IIR_Coef_A1" period "1" ownership "Locally owned and initialized" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "fromreg" sg_icon_stat "40,30,0,1,white,blue,0,b27a07ff,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23.4" "4 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "From Register7" SID "1509" Ports [0, 1] Position [65, 1115, 105, 1145] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/From Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based From Register Block" infoedit "Register block that reads data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'IIR_COEF_B0'" init "REG_AGC_IIR_Coef_B0" period "1" ownership "Locally owned and initialized" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "18" bin_pt "17" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "fromreg" sg_icon_stat "40,30,0,1,white,blue,0,b27a07ff,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23.4" "4 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "From Register8" SID "1510" Ports [0, 1] Position [670, 100, 710, 130] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/From Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based From Register Block" infoedit "Register block that reads data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'RSSI_PWR_CALIB'" init "REG_AGC_RSSI_RX_PWR_CALIB" period "1" ownership "Locally owned and initialized" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "fromreg" sg_icon_stat "40,30,0,1,white,blue,0,b27a07ff,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23.4" "4 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "From Register9" SID "1511" Ports [0, 1] Position [685, 245, 725, 275] AttributesFormatString "<< % >>" LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/From Register" SourceType "Xilinx Shared Memory Based From Register Block" infoedit "Register block that reads data to a shared memory register. Delay of one sample period." shared_memory_name "'TIMING_RESET'" init "REG_AGC_Timing_Reset" period "1" ownership "Locally owned and initialized" gui_display_data_type "Fixed-point" arith_type "Unsigned" n_bits "32" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "fromreg" sg_icon_stat "40,30,0,1,white,blue,0,b27a07ff,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 30 30 0 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 24.88 28.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[19.44 19.44 23.4" "4 19.44 23.44 23.44 23.44 19.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15.1 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[15.44 15.44 19.44 19.44 15.44 ]," "[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([11.1 16.88 20.88 15.1 11.1 ],[11.44 11.44 15.44 15.44 11.44 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([15." "1 28.88 24.88 20.88 16.88 11.1 15.1 ],[7.44 7.44 11.44 7.44 11.44 11.44 7.44 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','" "COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'dout'" ");\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Gateway Out" SID "1512" Ports [1, 1] Position [380, 848, 410, 862] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Gateway Out1" SID "1513" Ports [1, 1] Position [265, 1088, 295, 1102] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Gateway Out2" SID "1514" Ports [1, 1] Position [380, 753, 410, 767] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Gateway Out3" SID "1515" Ports [1, 1] Position [380, 518, 410, 532] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Gateway Out4" SID "1516" Ports [1, 1] Position [380, 553, 410, 567] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Gateway Out5" SID "1517" Ports [1, 1] Position [380, 583, 410, 597] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Gateway Out" SourceType "Xilinx Gateway Out Block" infoedit "Gateway out block. Converts Xilinx fixed-point or floating-point type inputs into ouputs of type Simu" "link integer, single, double, or fixed-point.

Hardware notes: In hardware these blocks become top level out" "put ports or are discarded, depending on how they are configured." inherit_from_input off hdl_port off timing_constraint "None" locs_specified off LOCs "{}" UseAsDAC off DACChannel "'1'" xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "gatewayout" sg_icon_stat "30,14,1,1,white,grey,1,632ec840,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.88 0.88 0.88" " ]);\nplot([0 30 30 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 17.44 19.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "964 0.964 0.964 ]);\npatch([10.55 13.44 15.44 12.55 10.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([12.55 19" ".44 17.44 15.44 13.44 10.55 12.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.964 0.964 0.964 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,' ');\ncolor" "('black');port_label('output',1,'\\fontsize{11pt} Out ','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto1" SID "1518" Position [970, 28, 1140, 52] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RESET" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto10" SID "1519" Position [365, 28, 530, 52] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_CAPT_RSSI_1" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto11" SID "1520" Position [365, 248, 530, 272] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_START_DCO" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto12" SID "1521" Position [365, 875, 570, 895] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_A1_A" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto13" SID "1522" Position [605, 1160, 810, 1180] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto14" SID "1523" Position [365, 283, 530, 307] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_EN_IIR" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto15" SID "1524" Position [365, 143, 530, 167] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_DONE" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto16" SID "1525" Position [975, 103, 1140, 127] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G3" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto17" SID "1526" Position [975, 138, 1140, 162] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G2" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto18" SID "1527" Position [975, 173, 1140, 197] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RSSI_CALIB_G1" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto19" SID "1528" Position [990, 248, 1155, 272] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_RESET_RXHP" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto2" SID "1529" Position [480, 408, 645, 432] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_RSSI_AVG_LEN_SEL" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto20" SID "1530" Position [990, 323, 1155, 347] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_RESET_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto21" SID "1531" Position [990, 283, 1155, 307] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_RESET_G_RF" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto22" SID "1532" Position [365, 1120, 570, 1140] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_A" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto23" SID "1533" Position [365, 1145, 570, 1165] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_B" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto24" SID "1534" Position [365, 1170, 570, 1190] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_C" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto25" SID "1535" Position [365, 1195, 570, 1215] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_B0_D" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto26" SID "1536" Position [655, 875, 860, 895] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_A1" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto27" SID "1537" Position [365, 900, 570, 920] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_A1_B" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto28" SID "1538" Position [365, 925, 570, 945] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_A1_C" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto29" SID "1539" Position [365, 950, 570, 970] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_IIR_COEF_A1_D" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto3" SID "1540" Position [365, 63, 530, 87] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_CAPT_RSSI_2" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto30" SID "1623" Position [475, 628, 645, 652] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_RXHP_Ctrl_Mode" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto4" SID "1541" Position [475, 443, 645, 467] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_V_DB_ADJ" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto5" SID "1542" Position [365, 98, 530, 122] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TIMING_CAPT_V_DB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto6" SID "1543" Position [475, 338, 645, 362] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RFG_THRESH_32" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto7" SID "1544" Position [475, 373, 645, 397] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_RFG_THRESH_21" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto8" SID "1545" Position [475, 483, 645, 507] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_INIT_G_BB" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Goto Name "Goto9" SID "1546" Position [475, 778, 645, 802] ZOrder -10 ShowName off GotoTag "reg_AGC_TARGET_PWR" TagVisibility "global" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register1" SID "1547" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 138, 920, 162] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register10" SID "1548" Ports [1, 1] Position [280, 283, 305, 307] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register11" SID "1549" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 338, 390, 362] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register12" SID "1550" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 373, 390, 397] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register13" SID "1551" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 408, 390, 432] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register14" SID "1552" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 443, 390, 467] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register15" SID "1553" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 483, 390, 507] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register16" SID "1554" Ports [1, 1] Position [365, 778, 390, 802] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register17" SID "1555" Ports [1, 1] Position [200, 873, 225, 897] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register18" SID "1556" Ports [1, 1] Position [200, 1118, 225, 1142] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register19" SID "1557" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 283, 930, 307] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1558" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 173, 920, 197] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register20" SID "1559" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 248, 930, 272] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register21" SID "1560" Ports [1, 1] Position [905, 323, 930, 347] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register22" SID "1561" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 1118, 320, 1142] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register23" SID "1562" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 1143, 320, 1167] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register24" SID "1563" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 1168, 320, 1192] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register25" SID "1564" Ports [1, 1] Position [295, 1193, 320, 1217] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register26" SID "1565" Ports [1, 1] Position [310, 873, 335, 897] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register27" SID "1566" Ports [1, 1] Position [310, 898, 335, 922] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register28" SID "1567" Ports [1, 1] Position [310, 923, 335, 947] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register29" SID "1568" Ports [1, 1] Position [310, 948, 335, 972] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register3" SID "1569" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 103, 920, 127] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register30" SID "1622" Ports [1, 1] Position [370, 628, 395, 652] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register4" SID "1570" Ports [1, 1] Position [895, 28, 920, 52] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register5" SID "1571" Ports [1, 1] Position [280, 28, 305, 52] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register6" SID "1572" Ports [1, 1] Position [280, 63, 305, 87] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register7" SID "1573" Ports [1, 1] Position [280, 98, 305, 122] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register8" SID "1574" Ports [1, 1] Position [280, 143, 305, 167] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register9" SID "1575" Ports [1, 1] Position [280, 248, 305, 272] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst off en off dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "register" sg_icon_stat "25,24,1,1,white,blue,0,c80657c5,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 24 24 0 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 15.66 18.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[15.33 15.33 18" ".33 15.33 18.33 18.33 18.33 15.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([8.325 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[12.33 12.33 15.33 15.33 12.3" "3 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([5.325 9.66 12.66 8.325 5.325 ],[9.33 9.33 12.33 12.33 9.33 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([" "8.325 18.66 15.66 12.66 9.66 5.325 8.325 ],[6.33 6.33 9.33 6.33 9.33 9.33 6.33 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''" ",'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',1,'d');" "\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: e" "nd icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Reinterpret" SID "1576" Ports [1, 1] Position [270, 781, 310, 799] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes signal type without altering the binary representation. You can change the signal between si" "gned and unsigned, and relocate the binary point.

Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing.
<" "br>Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the output is forced to unsigned" " with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) becomes an output of 56 (111000 " "in binary)." force_arith_type on arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" force_bin_pt off bin_pt "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "reinterpret" sg_icon_stat "40,18,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[11.22 11.22 1" "3.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17" ".55 24.44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''," "'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinterpret');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Reinterpret1" SID "1577" Ports [1, 1] Position [265, 446, 305, 464] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes signal type without altering the binary representation. You can change the signal between si" "gned and unsigned, and relocate the binary point.

Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing.
<" "br>Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the output is forced to unsigned" " with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) becomes an output of 56 (111000 " "in binary)." force_arith_type on arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" force_bin_pt off bin_pt "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "reinterpret" sg_icon_stat "40,18,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[11.22 11.22 1" "3.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17" ".55 24.44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''," "'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinterpret');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Reinterpret2" SID "1578" Ports [1, 1] Position [265, 376, 305, 394] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes signal type without altering the binary representation. You can change the signal between si" "gned and unsigned, and relocate the binary point.

Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing.
<" "br>Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the output is forced to unsigned" " with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) becomes an output of 56 (111000 " "in binary)." force_arith_type on arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" force_bin_pt off bin_pt "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "reinterpret" sg_icon_stat "40,18,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[11.22 11.22 1" "3.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17" ".55 24.44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''," "'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinterpret');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Reinterpret3" SID "1579" Ports [1, 1] Position [265, 341, 305, 359] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Reinterpret" SourceType "Xilinx Type Reinterpreter Block" infoedit "Changes signal type without altering the binary representation. You can change the signal between si" "gned and unsigned, and relocate the binary point.

Hardware notes: In hardware this block costs nothing.
<" "br>Example: Suppose the input is 6 bits wide, signed, with 2 fractional bits, and the output is forced to unsigned" " with 0 fractional bits. Then an input of -2.0 (1110.00 in binary 2's complement) becomes an output of 56 (111000 " "in binary)." force_arith_type on arith_type "Signed (2's comp)" force_bin_pt off bin_pt "0" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "reinterpret" sg_icon_stat "40,18,1,1,white,blue,0,6b04d0b0,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[11.22 11.22 1" "3.22 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17" ".55 24.44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf(''," "'COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\n\ncolor('black');disp('reinterpret');\nf" "printf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b0" SID "1580" Ports [1, 1] Position [765, 33, 805, 47] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "1" boolean_output on mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "0" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[15:8]" SID "1581" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 68, 205, 82] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "8" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[15:8]1" SID "1582" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 288, 205, 302] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "8" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[15:8]2" SID "1583" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 378, 205, 392] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "8" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[15:8]3" SID "1584" Ports [1, 1] Position [775, 143, 815, 157] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "8" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[15:8]4" SID "1585" Ports [1, 1] Position [790, 288, 830, 302] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "8" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[17:16]" SID "1586" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 413, 205, 427] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "2" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "16" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[23:16]" SID "1587" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 103, 205, 117] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "16" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[23:16]1" SID "1588" Ports [1, 1] Position [775, 178, 815, 192] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "16" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[23:16]2" SID "1589" Ports [1, 1] Position [790, 328, 830, 342] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "16" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[23:18]" SID "1590" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 448, 205, 462] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "6" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "18" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[28:24]" SID "1591" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 488, 205, 502] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "5" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "24" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[29]" SID "1621" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 633, 205, 647] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "1" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "29" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[31:24]" SID "1592" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 148, 205, 162] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "24" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[5:0]" SID "1593" Ports [1, 1] Position [160, 783, 200, 797] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "6" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "0" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[7:0] " SID "1594" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 33, 205, 47] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "0" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[7:0] 1" SID "1595" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 253, 205, 267] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "0" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[7:0] 2" SID "1596" Ports [1, 1] Position [165, 343, 205, 357] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "0" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[7:0] 3" SID "1597" Ports [1, 1] Position [775, 108, 815, 122] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "0" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "b[7:0] 4" SID "1598" Ports [1, 1] Position [790, 253, 830, 267] LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Slice" SourceType "Xilinx Bit Slice Extractor Block" infoedit "Extracts a given range of bits from each input sample and presents it at the output. The output type " "is ordinarily unsigned with binary point at zero, but can be Boolean when the slice is one bit wide.

Hardwar" "e notes: In hardware this block costs nothing." nbits "8" boolean_output off mode "Lower Bit Location + Width" bit1 "0" base1 "MSB of Input" bit0 "0" base0 "LSB of Input" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,449,398" block_type "slice" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "40,14,1,1,white,blue,0,1fd851a7,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 40 40 0 0 ],[0 0 14 14 0 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 22.44 24.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11." "22 9.22 11.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([15.55 18.44 20.44 17.55 15.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([17.55 24" ".44 22.44 20.44 18.44 15.55 17.55 ],[3.22 3.22 5.22 3.22 5.22 5.22 3.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMME" "NT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'[a:b]');" "\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Line { SrcBlock "From Register4" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { DstBlock "b[7:0] " DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "b[15:8]" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "b[23:16]" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 45] DstBlock "b[31:24]" DstPort 1 } } } } Line { SrcBlock "b[7:0] " SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register5" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[15:8]" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[23:16]" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register7" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From Register1" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { DstBlock "b[7:0] 1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 35] DstBlock "b[15:8]1" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "b[7:0] 1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register9" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[15:8]1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register10" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From Register2" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "b[15:8]2" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "b[17:16]" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "b[23:18]" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 40] Branch { DstBlock "b[28:24]" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 145] DstBlock "b[29]" DstPort 1 } } } } } Branch { DstBlock "b[7:0] 2" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "b[7:0] 2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Reinterpret3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[15:8]2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Reinterpret2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[17:16]" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register13" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[23:18]" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Reinterpret1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[28:24]" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register15" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From Register3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "b[5:0]" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[5:0]" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Reinterpret" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Reinterpret" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, -30] DstBlock "Gateway Out2" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register16" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Reinterpret1" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] Branch { Points [0, 135] DstBlock "Gateway Out5" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register14" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Reinterpret2" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, 175] DstBlock "Gateway Out4" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register12" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Reinterpret3" SrcPort 1 Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [0, 175] DstBlock "Gateway Out3" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register11" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "From Register5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "b0" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b0" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From Register6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register17" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From Register7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register18" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gateway Out" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gateway Out1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gateway Out2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gateway Out3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gateway Out4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gateway Out5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Display5" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[31:24]" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register8" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From Register8" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "b[15:8]3" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 35] DstBlock "b[23:16]1" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "b[7:0] 3" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "b[7:0] 3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[15:8]3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[23:16]1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto16" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto17" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto18" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto10" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto5" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto15" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto11" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register10" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto14" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register11" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register12" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto7" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register13" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register14" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register15" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto8" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register16" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto9" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register17" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { Points [0, -30] DstBlock "Gateway Out" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { DstBlock "Register28" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 25] DstBlock "Register29" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Register27" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Register26" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "Register18" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { Points [0, -35] DstBlock "Gateway Out1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [25, 0] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { Points [0, 25] Branch { DstBlock "Register24" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 25] DstBlock "Register25" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Register23" DstPort 1 } } Branch { DstBlock "Register22" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "From Register9" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { DstBlock "b[7:0] 4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "b[15:8]4" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 40] DstBlock "b[23:16]2" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "b[7:0] 4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register20" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[15:8]4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register19" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register20" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto19" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register19" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto21" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[23:16]2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register21" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register21" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto20" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register22" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto22" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register23" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto23" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register24" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto24" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register25" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto25" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register26" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto12" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register27" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto27" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register28" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto28" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register29" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto29" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "b[29]" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register30" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register30" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto30" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch" SID "1599" Ports [2, 1] Position [810, 613, 855, 662] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch" Location [644, 196, 2213, 1466] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "1600" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "1601" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1602" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.22 11" ".22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 11.44 9.44 7.4" "4 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon grap" "hics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: " "end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "1603" Ports [1, 1] Position [210, 86, 235, 104] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.2" "2 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 " "14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: en" "d icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "1604" Ports [1, 1] Position [210, 101, 235, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.2" "2 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 " "14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: en" "d icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1605" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 30.66 36." "66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 30.66 24.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'en');\ncolor('black');p" "ort_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "1606" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } } } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "S-R Latch1" SID "1628" Ports [2, 1] Position [810, 723, 855, 772] MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off RTWSystemCode "Auto" FunctionWithSeparateData off Opaque off RequestExecContextInheritance off MaskHideContents off MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" System { Name "S-R Latch1" Location [644, 196, 2213, 1466] Open off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "100" Block { BlockType Inport Name "S" SID "1629" Position [140, 103, 170, 117] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "R" SID "1630" Position [140, 88, 170, 102] NamePlacement "alternate" Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Constant1" SID "1631" Ports [0, 1] Position [195, 71, 210, 89] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Constant" SourceType "Xilinx Constant Block Block" const "1" gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" preci_type "Single" exp_width "8" frac_width "24" explicit_period off period "1" dsp48_infoedit "The use of this block for DSP48 instructions is deprecated. Please use the Opmode block." equ "P=C" opselect "C" inp2 "PCIN>>17" opr "+" inp1 "P" carry "CIN" dbl_ovrd off has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "constant" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "15,18,0,1,white,blue,0,1c72b5be,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 15 15 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 9.44 11.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.22 11" ".22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 7.44 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0.931 0." "946 0.973 ]);\npatch([2.55 5.44 7.44 4.55 2.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([4.55 11.44 9.44 7.4" "4 5.44 2.55 4.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon grap" "hics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'1');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: " "end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert1" SID "1632" Ports [1, 1] Position [210, 86, 235, 104] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.2" "2 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 " "14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: en" "d icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Convert2" SID "1633" Ports [1, 1] Position [210, 101, 235, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Convert" SourceType "Xilinx Type Converter Block" infoedit "Hardware notes: rounding and saturating require hardware resources; truncating and wrapping do not." gui_display_data_type "Boolean" arith_type "Boolean" n_bits "1" bin_pt "0" float_type "Single" exp_bits "8" fraction_bits "24" quantization "Truncate" overflow "Wrap" en off latency "0" dbl_ovrd off pipeline off xl_use_area off xl_area "[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "-1,-1,-1,-1" block_type "convert" sg_icon_stat "25,18,1,1,white,blue,0,edca21da,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 25 25 0 0 ],[0 0 18 18 0 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 14.44 16.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[11.22 11.22 13.2" "2 11.22 13.22 13.22 13.22 11.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[9.22 9.22 11.22 11.22 9.22 ],[0." "931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([7.55 10.44 12.44 9.55 7.55 ],[7.22 7.22 9.22 9.22 7.22 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([9.55 16.44 " "14.44 12.44 10.44 7.55 9.55 ],[5.22 5.22 7.22 5.22 7.22 7.22 5.22 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfprintf('','COMMENT: en" "d icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\n\ncolor('black');port_label('output',1,'cast');\nfprin" "tf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Reference Name "Register2" SID "1634" Ports [3, 1] Position [255, 71, 300, 119] ShowName off LibraryVersion "1.2" SourceBlock "xbsIndex_r4/Register" SourceType "Xilinx Register Block" init "0" rst on en on dbl_ovrd off xl_use_area off xl_area "[1 1 0 0 0 0 0]" has_advanced_control "0" sggui_pos "20,20,348,193" block_type "register" block_version "VER_STRING_GOES_HERE" sg_icon_stat "45,48,3,1,white,blue,0,30546de1,right,,[ ],[ ]" sg_mask_display "fprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon graphics');\npatch([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ],[0.77 0.82 0.91" " ]);\nplot([0 45 45 0 0 ],[0 0 48 48 0 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 29.32 35.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[30.66 30.66 36." "66 30.66 36.66 36.66 36.66 30.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch([14.65 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[24.66 24.66 30.66 30.66 24.66" " ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\npatch([8.65 17.32 23.32 14.65 8.65 ],[18.66 18.66 24.66 24.66 18.66 ],[1 1 1 ]);\npatch(" "[14.65 35.32 29.32 23.32 17.32 8.65 14.65 ],[12.66 12.66 18.66 12.66 18.66 18.66 12.66 ],[0.931 0.946 0.973 ]);\nfp" "rintf('','COMMENT: end icon graphics');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: begin icon text');\ncolor('black');port_label('input'" ",1,'d');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',2,'rst');\ncolor('black');port_label('input',3,'en');\ncolor('black');p" "ort_label('output',1,'q');\ncolor('black');disp('z^{-1}','texmode','on');\nfprintf('','COMMENT: end icon text');" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Q" SID "1635" Position [325, 88, 355, 102] IconDisplay "Port number" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate "none" MaskPortRotate "default" MaskIconUnits "autoscale" } Line { SrcBlock "S" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Q" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "R" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Convert1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Constant1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Convert2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 3 } } } Line { SrcBlock "AGC_RUN" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Ctrl" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Gain Calc A" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFA_AGC_G_RF" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gain Calc A" SrcPort 2 DstBlock "RFA_AGC_G_BB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Auto-Corr Pkt Det" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AGC_RUN" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0] Branch { Points [0, -145] DstBlock "Register11" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Inverter" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register9" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register9" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFA_AGC_RXHP" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Mux" SrcPort 1 Points [85, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register8" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "Register1" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 35] Branch { DstBlock "Register3" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 40] DstBlock "Register5" DstPort 1 } } } } Line { SrcBlock "Register10" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "AGC_DONE" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register11" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register10" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gain Calc B" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFB_AGC_G_RF" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gain Calc B" SrcPort 2 DstBlock "RFB_AGC_G_BB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFB_AGC_RXHP" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "ADC Inputs" SrcPort 1 Points [155, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register19" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register28" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "ADC Inputs" SrcPort 2 Points [45, 0] Branch { Points [0, -360] DstBlock "Register7" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register20" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "ADC Inputs" SrcPort 3 Points [50, 0] Branch { Points [0, -365] DstBlock "Register12" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register21" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "ADC Inputs" SrcPort 4 Points [65, 0] Branch { Points [0, -315] DstBlock "Register14" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register22" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "ADC Inputs" SrcPort 5 Points [70, 0] Branch { Points [0, -320] DstBlock "Register13" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register23" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "ADC Inputs" SrcPort 6 Points [85, 0] Branch { Points [0, -270] DstBlock "Register15" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register24" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "ADC Inputs" SrcPort 7 Points [90, 0] Branch { Points [0, -275] DstBlock "Register16" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register25" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "ADC Inputs" SrcPort 8 Points [105, 0] Branch { Points [0, -230] DstBlock "Register17" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register26" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "ADC Inputs" SrcPort 9 Points [110, 0] Branch { DstBlock "Register18" DstPort 1 } Branch { DstBlock "Register27" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Gain Calc C" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFC_AGC_G_RF" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gain Calc C" SrcPort 2 DstBlock "RFC_AGC_G_BB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gain Calc D" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFD_AGC_G_RF" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Gain Calc D" SrcPort 2 DstBlock "RFD_AGC_G_BB" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI Src" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Goto1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI Src" SrcPort 2 DstBlock "Goto2" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc A" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "From3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc B" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "From4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc C" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "From5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc D" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Register3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register4" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFC_AGC_RXHP" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register5" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register6" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "RFD_AGC_RXHP" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI Src" SrcPort 3 DstBlock "Goto3" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "RSSI Src" SrcPort 4 DstBlock "Goto4" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Correction" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "IQ Outputs" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Correction" SrcPort 2 DstBlock "IQ Outputs" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Correction" SrcPort 3 DstBlock "IQ Outputs" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Correction" SrcPort 4 DstBlock "IQ Outputs" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Correction" SrcPort 5 DstBlock "IQ Outputs" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Correction" SrcPort 6 DstBlock "IQ Outputs" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Correction" SrcPort 7 DstBlock "IQ Outputs" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Correction" SrcPort 8 DstBlock "IQ Outputs" DstPort 8 } Line { SrcBlock "DCO Correction" SrcPort 9 DstBlock "IQ Outputs" DstPort 9 } Line { SrcBlock "Register7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc A" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register12" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc A" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register13" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc B" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register14" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc B" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register15" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc C" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register16" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc C" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register17" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc D" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register18" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain Calc D" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register20" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Correction" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "Register21" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Correction" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "Register22" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Correction" DstPort 4 } Line { SrcBlock "Register23" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Correction" DstPort 5 } Line { SrcBlock "Register24" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Correction" DstPort 6 } Line { SrcBlock "Register25" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Correction" DstPort 7 } Line { SrcBlock "Register26" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Correction" DstPort 8 } Line { SrcBlock "Register27" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "DCO Correction" DstPort 9 } Line { SrcBlock "Register19" SrcPort 1 Points [5, 0] Branch { DstBlock "DCO Correction" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [0, 310] DstBlock "Ctrl" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Register28" SrcPort 1 Points [0, -50] Branch { Points [0, -70] Branch { Points [0, -75] Branch { Points [0, -75] DstBlock "Gain Calc A" DstPort 3 } Branch { DstBlock "Gain Calc B" DstPort 3 } } Branch { DstBlock "Gain Calc C" DstPort 3 } } Branch { DstBlock "Gain Calc D" DstPort 3 } } Line { SrcBlock "Inverter" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "From6" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Register29" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Register29" SrcPort 1 Points [20, 0; 0, 25] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Posedge3" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "From7" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-R Latch1" DstPort 2 } Line { SrcBlock "S-R Latch1" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0; 0, -80] DstBlock "Mux" DstPort 3 } Line { SrcBlock "From8" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Posedge3" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Name "Copyright 2017 Mango Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.\n\nDistributed under the Mango Refer" "ence Design License:\n" Position [247, 901] DropShadow on } Annotation { Name "Alternate RXHP control:\n-Set RXHP=1 immediately when AGC FSM is started\n-Set RXHP=0 when AGC gain" "s are locked\n-Leave RXHP=0 after end of packet" Position [549, 800] HorizontalAlignment "left" } } } MatData { NumRecords 1 DataRecord { Tag DataTag0 Data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