Changes between Version 46 and Version 47 of 802.11/wlan_exp/app_notes/dcf_with_multiple_flows

Apr 22, 2014, 8:06:53 AM (10 years ago)



  • 802.11/wlan_exp/app_notes/dcf_with_multiple_flows

    v46 v47  
    105105The DCF backoff procedure divides each waiting period into discrete slots. Nodes wait an integral number of slots before transmitting. The slot duration is 9 usec.
    107 When carrier sensing is working correctly, we expect that collisions will occur when two nodes select the same backoff slot count and initiate their transmissions in the same slot. When carrier sensing is disabled, nodes will still collide when they choose the same slot count. But other nodes, which larger backoff slot values, will fail to sense the collision and will initiate their own transmission in a future slot.
     107When carrier sensing is working correctly, we expect that collisions will occur when two nodes select the same backoff slot count and initiate their transmissions in the same slot. When carrier sensing is disabled, nodes will still collide when they choose the same slot count. But other nodes, with larger backoff slot values, will fail to sense the collision and will initiate their own transmission in a future slot.
    109109We can test these expectations by analyzing the timestamps of PHY Tx events in the node logs. The absolute time difference between nodes is first resolved by identifying log entries of a common event, such as beacon transmissions and receptions. Once the time drift between nodes is corrected, the Tx timestamps can be extract and analyzed for overlapping Tx events. When overlapping Tx events are located, the timestamps of the Tx events are compared to compute the difference in Tx start times. We expect this difference to be small when carrier sensing allows nodes to defer to ongoing collisions.