{{{#!comment [[Include(wiki:802.11/beta-note)]] }}} [[TracNav(802.11/TOC)]] = 802.11 Reference Design: Channel Estimate Viewer = This example of the Experiments Framework translates OFDM Rx events from a node log to a MATLAB-compatible format, then displays the logged channel estimates in a MATLAB GUI. This examples demonstrates how to: * Read raw log data from an HDF5 file * Process and filter the log data to construct an array of OFDM Rx events * Save the Rx events to a MATLAB-compatible HDF5 file * Load the Rx data into MATLAB * View the OFDM channel estimates in a MATLAB GUI This example requires a log file that contains OFDM Rx events. You can generate your own log file (see the [wiki:../txrx_log Tx/Rx Log Example]) or use one of our [wiki:../ sample log files]. There are two steps for this example: *'''Python''': to convert raw log data to OFDM Rx data *'''MATLAB''': to read OFDM Rx data and display channel estimates == Python == The first step is to use Python to create a MATLAB-compatible file of OFDM Rx events. This process requires a raw log file from an 802.11 Reference Design node. You can generate your own log file, or use one of our sample log files. To use a sample log file you must first download the sample data files. Please refer to [wiki:../../sample_data the sample data] page of this guide for details. The instructions below assume you are using the {{{raw_log_one_flow.hdf5}}} sample log file. 1. Open a terminal and CD to the {{{Python_Reference/examples/chan_est_viewer}}} directory in the expanded reference design archive 1. Run {{{python chan_ests_to_HDF5.py raw_log_one_flow.hdf5}}} The {{{chan_ests_to_HDF5.py}}} script runs a simple processing flow: * Reads every OFDM Rx event from the log file * Counts the number of receptions from each unique MAC address * Identifies the MAC address with the most receptions * Creates a new NumPy array containing all the OFDM Rx events from that address * Saves this NumPy array to an HDF5 file The script output will be similar to: {{{ WLAN Exp Log Example: OFDM Rx Entry Exporter Reading sample log file 'raw_log_one_flow.hdf5' ( 9.6 MB) Found 18625 receptions from ff:ff:ff:ff:00:00 Genereating HDF5 file np_rx_ofdm_entries.hdf5 }}} A new local file will be created named {{{np_rx_ofdm_entries.hdf5}}}. This is an HDF5 file suitable for import into MATLAB. == MATLAB == The second phase of this example uses the HDF5 file containing OFDM Rx events which was generated by the Python script above. We have created a simple MATLAB GUI that reads this file, shows the list of OFDM Rx events and displays the OFDM channel estimates for selected packets. To run the GUI: 1. Start MATLAB (tested with R2011b or later) 1. CD to the {{{Python_Reference/examples/chan_est_viewer}}} directory in the expanded reference design archive 1. Run the MATLAB script {{{ofdm_chan_est_viewer('np_rx_ofdm_entries.hdf5')}}} This will read the data file {{{np_rx_ofdm_entries.hdf5}}} and display a GUI: [[Image(chan_est_gui.png, width=800)]] Click on any of the OFDM Rx events in the list to plot their channel estimate magnitudes and phase: [[Image(chan_est_gui_sel.png, width=800)]]