{{{#!comment [[Include(wiki:802.11/beta-note)]] }}} [[TracNav(802.11/TOC)]] = 802.11 Reference Design Experiments Framework: Continuous Log Capture Example = This example of the Experiments Framework provides an interactive script for initializing one WARP v3 node then continuously retrieves the node's latest log data, eventually writing the data to an HDF5 file. This script is ideal for capturing a log file with Tx and Rx events recorded from Wi-Fi clients using the 802.11 Reference Design AP or STA. To use this script: * Setup wlan_exp (see [wiki:../../GettingStarted Getting Started] for details) * Configure one WARP v3 node using the 802.11 Reference Design AP bitstream or 802.11 Reference Design STA bitstream * Open the file in a text editor and change the {{{NODE_SERIAL_LIST}}} to match your serial numbers * Open a command prompt * CD to the '''Python_Reference/examples/log''' directory from the expanded 802.11 Reference design archive * Run {{{python log_capture_continuous.py}}} * After running this script you can analyze the log file using the wlan_exp log tools. Refer to the [wiki:../txrx_log_analysis txrx_log analysis examples] to get started processing your log file. The script will run until you type either 'q', 'quit' or press 'Ctrl-C' and then write the log file: {{{ Initializing experiment Resetting the network config for all nodes on subnet 10.0.0. Initializing W3-a-00006 as Node 0 Run Experiment: Use 'q' or Ctrl-C to end the experiment. NOTE: In IPython, press return to see status update. Adding current time to log for nodes on 10.0.0 Duration: 29 sec Log Size: Node 0 = 33674352 bytes Writing 33,826,672 bytes of data to log file interactive_capture.hdf5... Duration: 63 sec Log Size: Node 0 = 37045456 bytes Writing 3,273,724 bytes of data to log file interactive_capture.hdf5... Duration: 94 sec Log Size: Node 0 = 39853048 bytes Writing 2,889,528 bytes of data to log file interactive_capture.hdf5... Duration: 124 sec Log Size: Node 0 = 42016812 bytes Writing 2,080,208 bytes of data to log file interactive_capture.hdf5... Duration: 154 sec Log Size: Node 0 = 43277292 bytes Writing 1,210,660 bytes of data to log file interactive_capture.hdf5... Duration: 184 sec Log Size: Node 0 = 44526360 bytes Writing 1,252,112 bytes of data to log file interactive_capture.hdf5... Duration: 215 sec Log Size: Node 0 = 44908556 bytes Writing 382,368 bytes of data to log file interactive_capture.hdf5... Duration: 245 sec Log Size: Node 0 = 48794684 bytes Writing 3,932,016 bytes of data to log file interactive_capture.hdf5... Duration: 257 sec Log Size: Node 0 = 49611448 bytes q Ending experiment Writing 768,300 bytes of data to log file log_continuous_capture.hdf5... Final log size: 49,615,588 bytes Done. Experiment Finished. }}} NOTE: By default, the script will try to use the file name: {{{log_continuous_capture.hdf5}}}. You are free to override this behavior on the command line: {{{python log_capture_interactive.py }}}. This script will write the log file to your current directory. ---- '''Source:''' the script is included in the 802.11 Reference Design archive at '''Python_Reference/examples/log/log_capture_continuous.py'''.