Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Exercises/XPSIntro

Mar 20, 2007, 1:02:16 PM (17 years ago)



  • Exercises/XPSIntro

    v3 v4  
     3Xilinx Platform Studio is a software application that allows users to construct FPGA-based hardware systems from a variety of intellectual property (IP) cores.  It permits the integration of hardware (compiled into the FPGA fabric) with software (running on embedded processors within the FPGA) to deliver true system-on-a-chip functionality.  In this exercise, you will use Xilinx Platform Studio to develop an integrated application that will then be downloaded to the WARP FPGA board.
     5Hardware devices required for this exercise are
     7   - A Windows PC running all required software (see below), and
     8   - A WARP FPGA board (version 1.2).
     10Software applications required for this exercise are
     12   - Xilinx ISE 8.2.X,
     13   - Xilinx Platform Studio 8.2.X,
     14   - a terminal emulator application, e.g. Tera Term Pro or equivalent.
     16Supporting files required for this exercise are
     18   - A current copy of Rice University's EDK User Repository.
     20It is assumed that the user has connected all required cables between the WARP board and the Windows PC, and that basic USB and serial communication links has been established between the two devices.  Once the USB communication link has been verified using IMPACT, the IMPACT application should be closed.  Refer to the appropriate exercises for help in properly configuring hardware and establishing a basic communication link.