
Version 4 (modified by murphpo, 18 years ago) (diff)


Frequently Asked Questions

WARP Hardware

How do I format CompactFlash cards for use with the SystemACE controller?

The SystemACE controller can only use CompactFlash cards formatted as FAT12 or FAT16 drives. Starting with XP, Windows will only format drives as FAT32 or NTFS. Instead, you can use an open-source command line tool, mkdosfs, to format cards.

  1. Download You can read more about mkdosfs and download the source from the author's site.
  2. Unzip the program, open a Windows command prompt and change to the mkdosfs directory.
  3. Mount your CompactFlash card and look for the drive letter Windows assigns it in My Computer.
  4. Run the following command, replacing "X" with the drive letter of your CompactFlash card:
       mkdosfs -v -F 16 X: