
Version 26 (modified by murphpo, 16 years ago) (diff)


Installation and Setup

Tools Installation

All design on WARP occurs in the Xilinx tool suite (ISE, EDK , Chipscope, and System Generator). System Generator also requires an installation of Matlab.

Error: Failed to load processor NewsFlash
No macro or processor named 'NewsFlash' found

ISE, EDK, Chipscope

  1. Install the programs into directories without spaces (e.g. c:\Xilinx). By default, the Xilinx installers will install everything to C:\Xilinx\.
  2. Install any available service packs & IP updates for each program. This is critical- the latest service packs for ISE, EDK and Sysgen fix some bugs that break support for the OFDM reference design in earlier releases.


  1. Install into directory without spaces (e.g. c:\Matlab\)
  2. None of our reference designs require any special MATLAB toolboxes. However, we regularly use the Communications and Signal Processing toolboxes/blocksets in our research and many of our posted examples.

System Generator

  1. Only install System Generator after installing Matlab.
  2. The installer should find your existing installation of Matlab and integrate with it.

Platform Support Packages Installation

The best way to setup a local copy of our platform support files is via Subversion.

  1. Install TortoiseSVN; an alternative SVN client will work, but the instructions below are tailored for TortoiseSVN
  2. Create a folder c:\edk_user_Repository and open this folder in Windows Explorer
  3. Right-click in the empty folder, and click "SVN Checkout."
  4. Enter "" into the field for the URL of the repository.
  5. Click OK. This may take several minutes for all the files to transfer.

Hardware Setup

  • Hardware User Guides - These user guides detail the various components and configuration options associated with the WARP hardware.

