
Version 14 (modified by chunter, 11 years ago) (diff)


  • TOC "WARPLab7/TOC" is empty!

WARPLab 7: Quick Start

System Requirements

WARPLab 7 Framework

  1. Download the WARPLab 7 reference design m-code from /ResearchApps/PHY/WARPLAB/WARPLab7/
    • Best to use SVN, to make updates easy: svn co
  2. Open MATLAB and change to the WARPLab7/M_Code_Reference directory
  3. Run wl_setup on the MATLAB command line
  4. Follow the prompts to configure your WARPLab environment

Hardware Setup

  • For your PC:
    1. Assign one of your NICs to the manual IP address specified in the wl_setup step above (default
    2. Connect the NIC to a 1Gb Ethernet switch
  • For WARP v3 nodes:
    1. Connect ETH_A to the 1Gb Ethernet switch your PC is connected to.
    2. Set the user DIP switch to a unique value on each node, starting at 0
    3. Configure the FPGA with the reference design. The reference bitstreams are included in the Reference_Bitstreams folder. Unzip to find download.bit and download.bin (see the SD config howto for help using the .bin file).
      1. On boot each node will display its node ID on the right hex display
      2. The bottom green LED will blink until the Ethernet link is up
      3. All four green LEDs will blink when the node is ready to accept commands from MATLAB


  1. Confirm everything is ready by running wl_initNodes(N), where N is the number of WARP v3 nodes
  2. Try one of the example scripts in M_Code_Examples

Optional: pnet Toolbox

By default, WARPLab will use built-in java routines for performing network I/O. pnet, a custom UDP mex toolbox for matlab, is also supported, but the latest version is required. If you want to use pnet, please perform the following steps:

  1. Install the updated pnet IP/UDP toolbox for MATLAB
    1. Checkout the source from /PlatformSupport/pnet (or svn co
      • The repository contains a compiled binary for Windows 7 64-bit
      • For other platforms, compile the pnet mex function
    2. Add the pnet folder to your MATLAB path. The pnet folder should contain pnet.m and th pnet.mex binary (i.e. pnet.mexw64)
    3. Verify pnet is recognized by running pnet('version'); on the MATLAB command line. The output should print the version number (currently 2.0.6d)