
Baseband Buffers Module Implementation

The WARPLab Reference Design implements a Baseband module that buffers incoming and outgoing samples from radio interfaces. It supports up to 4 interfaces, including both I/Q and RSSI. On WARP v3 hardware, each buffer is 215 samples long. On WARP v2 hardware, each buffer is 214 samples long.

Related Components:

Baseband Commands

Baseband commands are selected as string inputs to the wl_basebandCmd method in wl_node.m. These strings are each individual cases of the switch statement in procCmd method of wl_baseband_buffers.m.


MATLAB allows two valid forms of syntax for calling methods

  • Let N be a scalar or vector of wl_node objects
  • Let command_string be a string containing a particular command
  • Let arg be an argument for that command (optional)

Syntax 1: wl_basebandCmd(N, command_string, arg1, arg2, ..., argN)

Syntax 2: N.wl_basebandCmd(command_string, arg1, arg2, ..., argN)

These two different forms of syntax are identical and either may be used for issuing commands to WARP nodes.

Optional Buffer Selection Syntax

Some baseband commands require the selection of one or more buffers. This requirement is specified in the below documentation with Requires BUFF_SEL:. If a command requires a buffer selection, then the following syntaxes are valid:

  • Let buffer_selection be a collection of interfaces or the string 'RF_ALL'

Syntax 1: wl_interfaceCmd(N, buffer_selection, command_string, arg1, arg2, ..., argN)

Syntax 2: N.wl_interfaceCmd(buffer_selection, command_string, arg1, arg2, ..., argN)

Command List and Documentation


Transmit delay- gets or sets the number of sample periods the baseband waits between the trigger and starting the transmission

Requires BUFF_SEL: No

Arguments: none or (uint32 TX_DLY)

Returns: (uint32 TX_DLY) or none

If an argument is specified, this command enters a write mode where that argument is written to the board. If no argument is specified, the current value of TX_DLY is read from the board.


Transmit length- sets the duration of each transmit cycle, in sample periods

Requires BUFF_SEL: No

Arguments: (uint32 TX_LEN)

Returns: none

NOTE: This will error if the user tries to read tx_length from the board. the 'tx_buff_max_num_samples' command should be used to determine the capabilities of the board.


Receive length- reads or sets the duration of each receive cycle, in sample periods

Requires BUFF_SEL: No

Arguments: (uint32 RX_LEN)

Returns: none

NOTE: This will error if the user tries to read tx_length from the board. the 'tx_buff_max_num_samples' command should be used to determine the capabilities of the board.


Maximum number of TX samples

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Vector notation [RFA, RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: (uint32 MAX_TX_LEN)


Maximum number of RX samples

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Vector notation [RFA, RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: (uint32 MAX_RX_LEN)


Enable/disable continuous transmit mode

Requires BUFF_SEL: No

Arguments: (boolean CONT_TX) CONT_TX:
true enables continuous transmit mode
false disable continuous transmit mode

Returns: none

Restrictions on continuous transmit waveform length:

WARPLab 7.5.0 and higher:

0 to 2^15   --> Waveform will be transmitted for the exact number of samples
   > 2^15   --> Waveform must be a multiple of 2^14 samples for the waveform
                to be transmitted exactly.  Otherwise, waveform will be appended 
                with whatever IQ data is in the transmit buffer to align the 
                waveform to be a multiple of 2^14 samples.

NOTE: In WARPLab 7.5.x, it is an error to perform a Read IQ while in continuous transmit mode.

WARPLab 7.4.0 and prior:

0 to 2^15   --> Waveform will be transmitted for the exact number of samples
   > 2^15   --> Not supported


Enable transmit buffer for one or more interfaces. When a buffer is enabled it will drive samples into its associated interface when a trigger is received. The interface itself must also be enabled (wl_interfaceCmd(...,'tx_en')) to actually transmit the samples

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Scalar notation [RFA + RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: none


Enable receive buffer for one or more interfaces. When a buffer is enabled it will capture samples from its associated interface when a trigger is received. The interface itself must also be enabled (wl_interfaceCmd(...,'rx_en'))

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Scalar notation [RFA + RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: none


Disable the Tx and Rx buffers for one or more interfaces. When a buffer is disabled it will not output/capture samples when a trigger is received, even if the associated interface is enabled

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Scalar notation [RFA + RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: none


Read the current state of the buffer

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Vector notation [RFA, RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: Current state of the buffer: TX, RX or STANDBY


Read the transmit sample clock frequency out of the buffer core.

Requires BUFF_SEL: No

Arguments: none

Returns: (uint32 Fs_Tx) Fs_Tx: Tx sample frequency of buffer core in Hz


Read the receive sample clock frequency out of the buffer core.

Requires BUFF_SEL: No

Arguments: none

Returns: (uint32 Fs_Rx) Fs_Rx: Rx sample frequency of buffer core in Hz


Read the receive RSSI sample clock frequency out of the buffer core.

Requires BUFF_SEL: No

Arguments: none

Returns: (uint32 Fs_RxRSSI) Fs_RxRSSI: Rx RSSI sample frequency of buffer core in Hz


Write I/Q samples to the specified buffers. The dimensions of the buffer selection and samples matrix must agree. The same samples can be written to multiple buffers by combining buffer IDs

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (combined BUFF_SEL values ok)

Arguments: (complex double TX_SAMPS, int OFFSET) TX_SAMPS: matrix of complex samples. The number of columns must match the length of BUFF_SEL OFFSET: buffer index of first sample to write (optional; defaults to 0)


TxLength = 2^14;
Ts = 1/(wl_basebandCmd(node0,'tx_buff_clk_freq'));
t  = ![0:Ts:(TxLength-1)*Ts].';                      % column vector
X  = exp(t*1i*2*pi*3e6);                             % 3MHz sinusoid
Y  = exp(t*1i*2*pi*5e6);                             % 5MHz sinusoid

% Write X to RFA
wl_basebandCmd(node, RFA, 'write_IQ', X);

% Write X to RFA and RFB
wl_basebandCmd(node, (RFA + RFB), 'write_IQ', X);

% Write X to RFA, Y to RFB
wl_basebandCmd(node, ![RFA RFB], 'write_IQ', ![X Y]);


Write IQ checksum - gets the current Write IQ checksum from the node.

Requires BUFF_SEL: No

Arguments: none

Returns: (uint32 WRITE_IQ_CHECKSUM)


Read I/Q samples from the specified buffers. The elements of the buffer selection must be scalers which identify a single buffer. To read multiple buffers in one call, pass a vector of individual buffer IDs

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (combined BUFF_SEL values not allowed)

Arguments: (int OFFSET, int NUM_SAMPS) OFFSET: buffer index of first sample to read (optional; defaults to 0)
NUM_SAMPS: number of complex samples to read (optional; defaults to length(OFFSET:rxIQLen-1))[[BR]]


% Read full buffer for RFA
%     NOTE:  size(X) will be ![rxIQLen, 1]
X = wl_basebandCmd(node, RFA, 'read_IQ');

% Read partial buffer for RFA (samples 1000:4999)
%     NOTE:  size(X) will be ![5000, 1]
X = wl_basebandCmd(node, RFA, 'read_IQ', 1000, 5000);

% Read full buffers for RFA and RFB
%     NOTE:  size(X) will be ![rxIQLen, 2]
X = wl_basebandCmd(node, ![RFA RFB], 'read_IQ');


Read RSSI samples from the specified buffers. The elements of the buffer selection must be scalers which identify a single buffer. To read multiple buffers in one call, pass a vector of individual buffer IDs.

See 'read_iq' for arguments/returns


For the given buffers, get the number of times the TX state machine has run

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Vector notation [RFA, RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: [uint32 BUFFER_COUNTER]


For the given buffers, get the number of times the RX state machine has run

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Vector notation [RFA, RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: [uint32 BUFFER_COUNTER]


For the given buffers, reset the counter that records the number of times the TX state machine has run

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Vector notation [RFA, RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: [uint32 BUFFER_COUNTER]


For the given buffers, reset the counter that records the number of times the RX state machine has run

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Vector notation [RFA, RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: [uint32 BUFFER_COUNTER]


Read AGC state from the specified buffers. The elements of the buffer selection must be scalers which identify a single buffer. To read multiple buffers in one call, pass a vector of individual buffer IDs

Requires BUFF_SEL: Yes (Vector notation [RFA, RFB])

Arguments: none

Returns: agc_state -- column vector per buffer BUFF_SEL agc_state(1): RF gain chosen by AGC
agc_state(2): BB gain chosen by AGC
agc_state(3): RSSI observed by AGC at time of lock


Read or write AGC threshold.


Set the AGC target

Requires BUFF_SEL: No. Values apply to all RF paths

Arguments: (int32 target) target: target receive power (in dBm)
default value: -16

Returns: none

This command is the best way to tweak AGC behavior to apply more or less gain. For example, a target of -5dBm will apply more gain thatn a target of -10dBm, so the waveform will be larger at the inputs of the I and Q ADCs.


Enable/disable DC offset correction

Requires BUFF_SEL: No

Arguments: (boolean DCO) DCO:
true enables DC offset correction
false disable DC offset correction

Returns: none


Sample index where AGC finished

Requires BUFF_SEL: No. Values apply to all RF paths


Returns: (uint32) sample_index


Resets the AGC to its default state

Requires BUFF_SEL: No. Values apply to all RF paths

Arguments: none

Returns: none


Get / Set whether the AGC will reset on per RX or hold gains across RX

Arguments: 'true' or 'false'; none on read

Returns: none on write; 'true' or 'false'


Set the configuration of the AGC

This function will set the following AGC configuration fields:

  • RSSI averaging length
  • Voltage DB Adjust
  • Initial BB Gain

Requires BUFF_SEL: No


  • RSSI Averaging length (Integer value in [0, 3])
  • Voltage DB Adjust (Integer value in [0, 63])
  • Initial BB Gain (RX) (Integer value in [0, 31])

Returns : None


Set the Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) High Pass Filter (HPF) coefficients

This function will set the following IIR HPF coefficients:

  • A1
  • B0

NOTE: By default the reference design uses a filter with a 3 dB cutoff at 20 kHz with 40 MHz sampling. This results in coefficients:

  • A1 = -0.996863331833438
  • B0 = 0.99843166591671906

Requires BUFF_SEL: No


  • A1 coefficient (Value in [-1, 1]; range represented by Fix_18_17)
  • B0 coefficient (Value in [0, 2]; range represented by UFix_18_17)

Returns : None


Set the RF gain thresholds

This function will set the following fields:

  • 3 -> 2 RF gain threshold
  • 2 -> 1 RF gain threshold

After the AGC has converted RSSI to power (dBm), this will select the the thresholds used to set the RF (LNA) gain in the MAX2829.

Requires BUFF_SEL: No


  • 3 -> 2 RF gain threshold (Integer value in [-128, 127])
  • 2 -> 1 RF gain threshold (Integer value in [-128, 127])

Returns : None


Set the AGC timing

This function will set the following fields:

  • Sample to take first RSSI capture
  • Sample to take second RSSI capture
  • Sample to take the Voltage DB capture
  • Sample to complete the AGC

Requires BUFF_SEL: No


  • Capture RSSI 1 (Integer value in [0, 255])
  • Capture RSSI 2 (Integer value in [0, 255])
  • Capture Voltage DB (Integer value in [0, 255])
  • AGC Done (Integer value in [0, 255])

Returns : None


Set the AGC DC Offset (DCO) timing

This function will set the following fields:

  • Sample to start the DCO
  • Sample to start the IIR HPF

Requires BUFF_SEL: No


  • Start DCO (Integer value in [0, 255])
  • Start IIR HPF (Integer value in [0, 255])

Returns : None

Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Dec 18, 2015, 11:11:24 AM