
Node Module Implementation

The WARPLab Reference Design implements a Node module for brokering commands and responses to other modules in a WARP node.

Related Components:

Command List

Node commands are selected as string inputs to the wl_nodeCmd method in wl_node.m. These strings are each individual cases of the switch statement in procCmd method of wl_node.m.


MATLAB allows two valid forms of syntax for calling methods

  • Let N be a scalar or vector of wl_node objects
  • Let command_string be a string containing a particular command
  • Let arg be an argument for that command (optional)

Syntax 1: wl_nodeCmd(N, command_string, arg1, arg2, ..., argN)

Syntax 2: N.wl_nodeCmd(command_string, arg1, arg2, ..., argN)

These two different forms of syntax are identical and either may be used for issuing commands to WARP nodes.

Command List and Documentation


Reads details from the WARP hardware and updates node object parameters

Arguments: none

Returns: none (access updated node parameters if needed)

Hardware support:

  • All Platforms:
    • WARPLab design version
    • Hardware version
    • Ethernet MAC Address
    • Number of Interface Groups
    • Number of Interfaces
  • WARP v3:
    • Serial number
    • Virtex-6 FPGA DNA


Reads the temperature (in Celsius) from the FPGA

Arguments: none

Returns: (double currTemp), (double minTemp), (double maxTemp) currTemp - current temperature of FPGA in degrees Celsius
minTemp - minimum recorded temperature of FPGA in degrees Celsius
maxTemp - maximum recorded temperature temperature of FPGA in degrees Celsius


Initializes the node; this must be called at least once per power cycle of the node

Arguments: none

Returns: none


Blinks the user LEDs on the WARP node, to help identify MATLAB node-to-hardware node mapping

Arguments: none

Returns: none


Resets the HW state of the node to accept a new node configuration

Arguments: none

Returns: none


Read memory addresses in the node

Arguments: (uint32 ADDRESS), (uint32 LENGTH)

Returns: Vector of uint32 values read from the node

ADDRESS: Address to start the read

LENGTH: Number of uint32 words to read from the node

NOTE: The node enforces a maximum number of words that can be transferred for a given read. This is typically on the order of 350 words.

NOTE: Please use the C code files, such as xparameters.h and other header files, to understand the addresses of various registers in the system and the meaning of the bits within those registers.


Write memory addresses in the node

Arguments: (uint32 ADDRESS), (uint32 VALUES)

Returns: none

ADDRESS: Address to start the write

VALUES: Vector of uint32 words to write to the node

NOTE: The node enforces a maximum number of words that can be transferred for a given write. This is typically on the order of 350 words.

NOTE: Please use the C code files, such as xparameters.h and other header files, to understand the addresses of various registers in the system and the meaning of the bits within those registers.


Returns the interfaces IDs that can be used as inputs to all interface commands, some baseband commands and possibly some user extension commands.

The interface IDs are returned in a structure that contains fields for individual interfaces and combinations of interfaces. When a node only supports 2 interfaces, the fields for RFC and RFD (ie the fields specific to a 4 interface node) are not present in the structure.

The fields in the structure are:

  • Scalar fields:
    • RF_A
    • RF_B
    • RF_C
    • RF_D
    • RF_FMC (NOTE: RF_FMC = RF_C + RF_D)
    • RF_ALL (NOTE: 2RF: RF_ALL = RF_A + RF_B; 4RF: RF_ALL = RF_A + RF_B + RF_C + RF_D)
  • Vector fields:

NOTE: Due to Matlab behavior, the scalar fields for RF_A, RF_B, RF_C, and RF_D can be used as vectors and therefore do not need separate vector fields in the structure


  • Get the interface ID structure (let node be a wl_node object):
    ifc_ids = wl_getInterfaceIDs(node);
    ifc_ids = node.wl_getInterfaceIDs();
  • Use the trigger input ID structure:
    • Enable RF_A for transmit:
      wl_interfaceCmd(node, ifc_ids.RF_A, 'tx_en');
    • Get 1000 samples of Read IQ data from all interfaces:
      rx_IQ = wl_basebandCmd(node, ifc_ids.RF_ALL_VEC, 'read_IQ', 0, 1000);

Arguments: none

Returns: (struct interface_ids)

  • interface_ids - Interface ID structure


Returns the trigger input IDs that can be used as inputs to trigger manager commands

The trigger input IDs are returned in a structure that contains fields for individual triggers.

The fields in the structure are:

  • Scalar fields:
    • ETH_A - Ethernet Port A
    • ETH_B - Ethernet Port B
    • ENERGY_DET - Energy detection (See 'energy_config_*' commands in the Trigger Manager documentation)
    • AGC_DONE - Automatic Gain Controller complete
    • SW_REG - Software register (ie Memory mapped registers that can be triggered by a CPU write)
    • EXT_IN_P0 - External Input Pin 0
    • EXT_IN_P1 - External Input Pin 1
    • EXT_IN_P2 - External Input Pin 2
    • EXT_IN_P3 - External Input Pin 3


  • Get the trigger input ID structure (let node be a wl_node object):
    trig_in_ids = wl_getTriggerInputIDs(node);
    trig_in_ids = node.wl_getTriggerInputIDs();
  • Use the trigger input ID structure:
    • Enable baseband and agc output triggers to be triggered on the Ethernet A input trigger:
      wl_triggerManagerCmd(nodes, 'output_config_input_selection', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND, trig_out_ids.AGC], [trig_in_ids.ETH_A]);

Arguments: none

Returns: (struct trig_input_ids)

  • trig_input_ids - Trigger Input ID structure


Returns the trigger output IDs that can be used as inputs to trigger manager commands

The trigger output IDs are returned in a structure that contains fields for individual triggers.

The fields in the structure are:

  • Scalar fields:
    • BASEBAND - Baseband buffers module
    • AGC - Automatic Gain Controller module
    • EXT_OUT_P0 - External Output Pin 0
    • EXT_OUT_P1 - External Output Pin 1
    • EXT_OUT_P2 - External Output Pin 2
    • EXT_OUT_P3 - External Output Pin 3


  • Get the trigger output ID structure (let node be a wl_node object):
    trig_out_ids = wl_getTriggerInputIDs(node);
    trig_out_ids = node.wl_getTriggerInputIDs();
  • Use the trigger input ID structure:
    • Enable baseband and agc output triggers to be triggered on the Ethernet A input trigger:
      wl_triggerManagerCmd(node, 'output_config_input_selection', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND, trig_out_ids.AGC], [trig_in_ids.ETH_A]);
    • Configure output delay for the baseband:
      wl_triggerManagerCmd(node, 'output_config_delay', [trig_out_ids.BASEBAND], 0);

Arguments: none

Returns: (struct trig_output_ids)

  • trig_output_ids - Trigger Output ID structure
Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Dec 18, 2015, 10:47:30 AM